So we're at 14 days of flower and as of now there is an amazing difference. Bright shiny roots and plants that went from 8" or less to 16" or more in 2 weeks. I even broke out the jewelers loop and did a spot check of roots. There is almost no sign of root disease.
Out of 10+ root checks, I found maybe 2 or 3 root tips with a little black spot on the end, and one little spot with a tiny little bit of clear slime maybe. No tan, no brown, just shiny white roots.
I am still very paranoid!!.....but as of today this is the best I've seen so far with this system.
EC is dropping .06 every day and ph rises about .2 everyday.
Leaves look very happy almost all the way to the bottom of the plants and any deficiencies on the bottom leaves are not progressing, at least not very fast.
Now here is what I have done.
Clones straight to ebb and flow table, EC .4 to start and (get this) 4 mils per gal 50% h2o2 for 7 days. Slight def showed up at this point. In hindsight I think that 4 mils/gal was a little hot. Next time I will cut this in half.
Into the octagon at 4 mils/gal h2o2, 2 mils/gal Hydrofungiside and .5 EC. Still I think a little hot on the h2o2.
I ordered some h2o2 test strips and tested the solution and continued to adjust the h2o2 down and the nutes up. At this point the ec is at .9 and the h2o2 is floating between 75 and 150 ppm.
This week I will be adding a UV sterilizer to further reduce the pathogen load in solution. Mind you that I am not infected to any degree yet and so far, everything looks a-ok.
IMHO clones should be able to take 150 ppm of h2o2 with no adverse effects. My moms in a waterfarm 8 pack are running at 300+ ppm with no adverse effect.
It take 100 ppm to kill most pathogens outright. (I read that somewhere, don't remember where.)
All of this conjecture has come from RicheyRich, Al.B.Fuct, hours of searching, and Ozgrowa's H2O2 formula which I shall shamelessly quote here.
US Standard
1.28*G/C= Liquid Oz's per day
10*L/C= Ml per day
C= % concentration of H2O2
L= Number of liters in reservoir
G= Number of Gallons in reservoir
Example: How much 3% H202 should I add to 7 gallons of nutes?
1.28*7/3=2.986 Oz's each day.
I will report on any failures or successes, seeing that we're at 2 weeks now and there is a long way to go, but so far so good. Also I am not trying to cure an infection, but prevent one from happening.