First Time Aero Grow, Res Temp Issues


Well-Known Member
I built an aeroponic system that uses a 400 gph submersible pump. All my plants seem to be doing just fine, but I have been monitoring the temp of the reservoir (9 gallon) and it reaches 100 degrees when the pump is running. Currently I have the pump on a 15 on 15 off cycle (I have a CAP ART-dne on order), what could happen if the temps stay too high, also could I cut the cycles down to 15 on 30 off or is that too much dry time for an aeroponic system? I also noticed a PH jump from 5.7 to 6.5 in 2 days. I balanced it back down not sure what caused the jump as I haven't added additional nutes and the res level looks to only be down an 1/8th of an inch since filling it up.

Also I dont want to spend the 300 - 400 on a chiller + additional electric to run it. I am looking for a worst case leaving the temps where they are until I get my CAP (4 or 5 days) which I hope will solve the problem.


Well-Known Member
that pump sounds wayyy to huge for a 9 gallon rez. Did you mean 90? That would be more appropriate.

No wonder the pump heats your water to 100. Reservoir temps that high are unheard of!
I'm not an expert on aero, but don't you want to spend most of your time misting the root zone? I do in my aeroponic cloner.

Temps that high screw with pH, will invite disease, and screw up nutrient take-up.

Is this a teeny tiny system? I don't get the 9 gallon rez..

No timer will stop that pump from boiling your rez. They are water-cooled pumps..


Rebel From The North
First thing get a larger res 20 gal and your pump will be ok, next get a timmer that 1 on 4 off
15/15 is to much and he pump is warming the water, next get a ir pump that can handle x2 air
Stone, air stone cool water by bringing in cool outside the res air. A good easy to get res tank
Is a rubbermaid trash can 25gal its like 20bucks


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hellraizer that's great advice I never thought of using an air pump to cool the res, much cheaper than a chiller. As for the cycle times I have a CAP timer shipping to me from ebay but it wont be here for a few more days due to the holiday and weekend.


Rebel From The North
No problem hey one more thing keep a eye on that cap timmer I lost 30 clones to it failing
To work could just be a fluke but just watch it. And it was a nft-1e 4on 1off timmer by cap


Well-Known Member
I"ve been running a low pressure aero system in my veg cabinet and am currently running a watering schedule of 15min on three times a day during the lights on period. The root zone is increasing as well as the size of the plants. It is amazing the growth that has occured in the last 5 days and that is just low pressure I can only imagine what a true high pressure aerosystem would produce.

I can post a pic of the root zone, plant size if your interested. I also noticed that my Ph has risen over the last 24 hours and wondered if this could have something to do with the buffers that are in the GH nutes I"m using.

I"m also using a pond pump rated at 560 Gph but on the 3x a day at 15min it doesn't seem to raise the temps in the rez. Although, I'm sure location of the rez has alot to do with it as mine sits outside the cabinet and on the basement floor so it is maintaining a 75-78 degree temp which hopefully isn't to high.


Well-Known Member
Add ice for now
I've read quite a few threads where people freeze a few 1 ltr. water bottles and rotate them out every day and have good results.
Insulating the rez or using a cooler in combination with the frozen water bottles will help make it more managible.


I've read quite a few threads where people freeze a few 1 ltr. water bottles and rotate them out every day and have good results.
Insulating the rez or using a cooler in combination with the frozen water bottles will help make it more managible.
yeah thats definitely a better idea


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, I performed a res change, cut the timer to 15 min on 45 off and added an airstone. Temps are @ 86ish degrees.


Well-Known Member
86 is way to high then and I"m pushing the limits. Guess I'll keep my eye out for a few suitable freezable water containers for myself.


Well-Known Member
If you still have problems you can make a diy chiller with a 10 dollar air pump with 1/4" hoses running through an igloo cooler full of ice water