Man, Now Im Getting Worried :( These Bad Leaves Are Up At The Tops Of My OG Kush,Hlp


Active Member
I've been struggling with all my plants this whole grow :( It's my first one.

As you can see these leaves are up at the top of the plant :( And they are somewhat brittle. And there is the one pic on that same plant that it has that yellow leaf... PLEASE help me fix this :(



Well-Known Member
We are not psychic here. You need to give us detailed info on your grow as well as the pics(i must commend the amount of and how well the pics you put up showed the plant, alot of people only post a few bad ones that dont really help.) Rough guess=calcium defeciency and maybe a few other trace nute lockouts. (by the way, i was just joking when i said we are not psychic here, i wasnt being a jerk or anything. lol)


Active Member
We are not psychic here. You need to give us detailed info on your grow as well as the pics(i must commend the amount of and how well the pics you put up showed the plant, alot of people only post a few bad ones that dont really help.) Rough guess=calcium defeciency and maybe a few other trace nute lockouts. (by the way, i was just joking when i said we are not psychic here, i wasnt being a jerk or anything. lol)
haha... i hear ya man.

1000w dual arc
Flora nova nutes
RO water w/ cal mag
liquids all ph'd to 6.5
my temps have been everywhere the last few days. Had a dehumid going and that had it to around frickin 90F 45RH lights on and 75F 40RH lights out. Now I just put a portable ac in tonight solights on is like 75F but my frickin RH is going up to like 65 70... im so discouraged right now its not even funny :( This summer heat is really going ti kick my ass, in minnesota so its also humid as fuck! This is my first grow and its taking its toll on my patients for sure.... any help helps... thanks for stopping in man


Well-Known Member
Mobility of plant nutrients

Plant nutrients which can move from places where they are stored to places where they are needed are called plant mobile. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are always plant mobile nutrients. Deficiencies are noticeable first on older tissue. Plant immobile element deficiencies are noticeable first on younger tissue. Calcium and boron are always plant immobile nutrients. Sulfur, chloride, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and molybdenum are intermediate in plant mobility. Under certain circumstances the intermediate elements are mobile. Mobility in intermediate elements may be linked to the breakdown under low nitrogen conditions of amino acids and proteins in older parts of the plant, and the mobility of these organic compounds to younger parts of the plant in the phloem stream. Under good nitrogen availability, these elements are mostly immobile.

- hope this helps


Well-Known Member
So, from your description of the problems in the younger leaves = immobile nutrients.

Possibly PH lockout or just not getting fed.


Active Member
Mobility of plant nutrients

Plant nutrients which can move from places where they are stored to places where they are needed are called plant mobile. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are always plant mobile nutrients. Deficiencies are noticeable first on older tissue. Plant immobile element deficiencies are noticeable first on younger tissue. Calcium and boron are always plant immobile nutrients. Sulfur, chloride, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and molybdenum are intermediate in plant mobility. Under certain circumstances the intermediate elements are mobile. Mobility in intermediate elements may be linked to the breakdown under low nitrogen conditions of amino acids and proteins in older parts of the plant, and the mobility of these organic compounds to younger parts of the plant in the phloem stream. Under good nitrogen availability, these elements are mostly immobile.

- hope this helps
lol, thanks man but to ME i guess it doesn't lol... im a newby and that just seems like a lot of very well detailed info that i have no idea how to put together :(


Well-Known Member
Plant immobile element deficiencies are noticeable first on younger tissue. Calcium and boron are always plant immobile nutrients. Sulfur, chloride, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and molybdenum are intermediate in plant mobility

B/c you are showing signs of def. in your older leaves (closer to the apical meristem), it is the above elements that are not getting to your plant. This means you need to feed your plant with these nutrients.

Also, lower your pH, 5.8-6.2, from what ive read is the IDEAL pH that plants can uptake nutrients.

You see, these elements are in the chemicals you have been feeding your plant. Also, your soil pH is a big thing. Do you have a soil ph test kit or electronic? Without knowing the pH of your soil, its impossible for anyone to tell you what exactly is wrong. If your soil pH is really alkaline you need to add lower pH h20 such as 5.8 pH... if really acidic add higher pH water.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I think he is over feeding them and that his soil has spiked in PH. When ever I have leafs that are a dark deep green like those are, my plants have trouble from to much nitrogin.

If I was you I would try this. Mix a batch of nutrients at 1/2 the strength you usually do, PH it and then give them a good watering. take some of the water that runs out the bottom of the pots and PH this. I bet this is way off the mark. It is way more important to have the correct PH within the soil then within the water you give them. I would also think about maybe giving them some calmag.

I think this is another case of a new grower over loving his plants.

Also, when you think they need watering and feeding, water 1-2 days later.

Recap of what I think. You are over loading them with Nitrogin. The soil has Spiked out of balance on the PH, and also maybe you have water with not enough calcium/ mag and such. And you feed and water them to often.


Well-Known Member
GRRRR I just typed up something and my browser crashed!

Calcium and boron are always plant immobile nutrients. Sulfur, chloride, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and molybdenum

If your problems are ONLY in your new leaves then your plant is not getting the above elements for natural, healthy growth. Your soil pH could be to high or to low. Although you are pH'ing ur water, your soil pH could be the problem.


Active Member
Ya i have a digi ph meter and all liquids are ph'd to 6.5 before they go in.

I have had issues with all my plants on the oldest leaves the whole time. Like dark freckle spots. Now these pics are of the OG Kush wich i have had not problems with till all of a sudden they ahve yellowing bottom leaves and the spots and messed up crap on thos ones... I wouldn't say they are the newests leaves but deff newer than the oldest ones... dunno if that makes sense. Ive thought i had a cal mag issue for the longest.... i dunno man this is starting to be depressing. everything i try never works and i have no one to actually LOOK at my plants and help me. I feel like the pics just dont do it..... i apprecieate the feedback


Well-Known Member
Yes a large picture of the entire plant, with clear markings of where you see problems... like use paint and circle the plant and describe the problem.. But from your first post... if its your newer leaves towards the top of the plant, then what ive described should be a fix.

There are testers that can check your soil pH without flushing it and checking that water.... they are more reliable. Once you know what your soil pH is, like I said, 6.5 is a little to alkaline, but not to bad. Id be watering between 5.8-6.2


Well-Known Member
Also man, is that foil that is lining your grow cab? Id get rid of that ASAP... it absorbs more light as heat, than it reflects. If your going cheap, white poster board would be way more efficient.


Active Member
Your a Ganja Smoking Pothead with a lot of posts and this is your first grow?

lol ya man, im on here a lot to get tips and advice :) without you guys my ladies would be dead right now :)

and Mattman, its mylar and there is now way to get rid of it its part of the tent. And i have a dig soil meter coming in the next day or two so I'll know for sure what it is.... Say my soil is high ph like 6.8 or something... would I just need to water with lower ph??
From what I understand about soil is... 6.8 is good. Anywhere between 6.3 and 6.9 is ok. Very old video has some good info on soil.
Also you mentioned your humidity is high in the summer. You soil may be retaining water and drowning your roots a little which can cause some yellowing and brown spots.

For my soil mix I changed my water from 6.5 PH, which I was having a lot of spotted leaves, to 6.8 to 7.0 PH and my plants rarely have spots now.


Well-Known Member
its really about the strain your dealing with when it comes to pH... some plants can grow fine at high ph 6.8-7.0, some can't. With his pH being around 6.8 its a safe bet that the plant is not dealing with it well. I'd lower it.