Two seedlings not doing well


Here is the story:
• germinated the seeds using the papertowel method and had a root within a couple days.
• planted the in soil made of 75% Premier Sphagnum Peat Moss and 25% perlite in 3” pots
• first one broke the soil next day and the second one 3 days later
• under 3 x 23W, 6500K CFLs, good air flow, temp about 83F, 20/4 lighting
• watering with tap water (7.8 ph) every other day
• they are about 1” tall and not growing – first seedling is 7 days old and second one 3
• this morning I’ve seen some spots and they are not that green as before

Any help / advice will be greatly appreciated.



the one on the left side is 3 days old and the one on the right side is 7 days old (since broke soil). sprayed them with water twice every day. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Your pH is to high get it down to at least 6.5 and get some Liquid Karma and feed 1/2 recommended to them. You growing medium has no food in it or get some Miracle Grow starter soil it is good for 4 weeks with the food in it.


Thanks woodsmaneh.
Water ph is 7.8 but soil ph is about 6.4. Do you really think is too high?
About feeding, my understanding was that it shouldn't be done this early. The seedlings are 3 and 7 days old and I was planning to start with nutrients in week 4.


Active Member
Thanks woodsmaneh.
Water ph is 7.8 but soil ph is about 6.4. Do you really think is too high?
About feeding, my understanding was that it shouldn't be done this early. The seedlings are 3 and 7 days old and I was planning to start with nutrients in week 4.
Any soil you grow in is best at 6.5, make sure the run off is 6.5 and you'll know that the soil in the pot is good 2 grow in then.


Active Member
Thats ok, i'd leave it like that. just make sure that everything you put in ph'd to 6.5-6.6 within afew waterings the ph will stay around the mark it is now'
My seedlings are mad at the moment coz i checked the run off this morning and it was at 6.9' and whenever i feed i make sure the water is at 6.5 before i put the nutes into it, then i check it again after everythings in the water,nutes' then i go and water from the top so i cant understand how mine is at that 6.9 run off. it may have something to do with i think ive only watered it only once, but within afew waterings it will sit around the


Well-Known Member
Correct on assumptions NOT to feed til 3-4 weeks and only lightly then if healthy....they'll 'tell' ya if they liike it...
Perhaps they just don't like your medium?? May be stunted but everyone gets one now and then...


Correct on assumptions NOT to feed til 3-4 weeks and only lightly then if healthy....they'll 'tell' ya if they liike it...
Perhaps they just don't like your medium?? May be stunted but everyone gets one now and then...
Is there anything I can do if they don't like the medium? can I repot them in a different soil this early?


Active Member
Right i just re-read your thread. for starter's stop watering every other day and only water when the top few cm/1 inch id dry. the ph of the water you got has got to come right down from 7.8 to 6.5 like i said. your temp's should be around 70-75 but if your adding co2 the temp's can go up abit. try and get a therma hygrometer and put it level with the plants, then it will tell you the humidity in the room aswell.
Cannibis like's a dry humidity level to grow in, the meter can also tell you how hot its been and how clod its been to, which is good to check what your night time temps are.
Get these things into place and your grow will start to get alot better, and try do some reading on the site in the stickys i think they are called and they will tell you alot about what you need and should know for a good grow. hope the rest of the grow go's well, scunk


Active Member
You said your medium is 75% spagnum moss, and 25% perlite. thats gonna hold alot of water and maybe classed as a soilless mix, i dont know much about the soilless mixs, i'd go with 50% soil with hardly any amount of nutes init, and 50% perlite, also add abit a cup of sharp sand or course sand? i use sharp sand. that kind of mix will give good drainage plus it wont hold loads of water like the mix you got it in now. there's loads of different ways of mixing soil but i'd just go with simple frist time round because it can get very confusing when you start off on a grow. hang in there, you will pick things up as you go along. peace man


You said your medium is 75% spagnum moss, and 25% perlite. thats gonna hold alot of water and maybe classed as a soilless mix, i dont know much about the soilless mixs, i'd go with 50% soil with hardly any amount of nutes init, and 50% perlite, also add abit a cup of sharp sand or course sand? i use sharp sand. that kind of mix will give good drainage plus it wont hold loads of water like the mix you got it in now. there's loads of different ways of mixing soil but i'd just go with simple frist time round because it can get very confusing when you start off on a grow. hang in there, you will pick things up as you go along. peace man

You really know your stuff :)
Do you think that I should move the seedlings in a different soil at this stage? My main concern is that they are not growing at all. The oldest one grew 1 inch in first 2 days, after that nothing for next 5 day and today I've seen the spot.



Active Member
I dont really know that how much, this is only my second grow. you can talk to people who have growen for years + years and they will still tell you that they are learning, but with all those years under thier belts i bet they are growing gods. lol
I bet all this is because its holding all that water in the pot coz of the moss+perlite. i my self would just go with 50% soil with no to hardly any nutes in them, and the other 50% split it between 25% perlite and 25% sharp sand or just 50/50. i bet in a mix like that it will start to turn around and recover. im no expert but i'd say its coz of the ph and waterloged. having the roots waterlogged all the time will lead to root rot and you dont want that. the plants need a drying out time aswell as being watered. i dont know if its ture, but leting the plant have a good drying in between waterings make thc more potent. or its something to do with it being dry that it makes more resin to help cool the plant. something like that anyway lol


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
no improvements. more discoloration and white spots. help please.
I would also say over watering. Do you use a dome on them? I personally put them into rockwool soaked in Grozyme mix to root once the seeds crack. With the soaked rockwool, I have no need to water them until around week 3 which is usually when they are transplanted in to a larger pot with the Promix (soiless medium.
I would say let them dry out some for a couple days to see what's what.


Well-Known Member
Mike, I'm by no means an expert and over the years have learned to keep it simple....I use a nuteless soil 'Humboldt' that is packaged with perlite already in it....I don't feed my plants for 3 weeks....after the initial moisting of the medium, my seedlings get watered perhaps only once a week....I go by weight alone, throughout my I always use the same size pots, weight is very easy to determine moisture needs.
We all have a runt or two....I usually push them back and keep'em tended...sometimes they do something, sometimes not much....
I'd tend to agree with your mix being prob waterlogged...can you increase ventilation? With seedlings that small, Perhaps carefully transplanting into a more soil mix would help....think it through and make one big change and then be patient....


Active Member
I would also say over watering. Do you use a dome on them? I personally put them into rockwool soaked in Grozyme mix to root once the seeds crack. With the soaked rockwool, I have no need to water them until around week 3 which is usually when they are transplanted in to a larger pot with the Promix (soiless medium.
I would say let them dry out some for a couple days to see what's what.
I was just gonna say that too, you took the words right out of my mouth, but it wasn't while i was kissing you, (lol) in picture 2 you can see how wet the top of the soil is, thats why theres like yellowing of the true leafs and the solor panels, what i call them. you got to get it dry' let it dry out and dont water again untill the top few cm/1 inch is fully dry'ed out. it will start to recover then.