Masta's Ghetto Buds 2


Well-Known Member
hey man, you should either flower pretty soon, or maybe top them then flower.
i was thinking, further into the grow you could suspend cfls from the side you know?
the majority of light from cfls comes from the sides, and it would be good light for all your side buds.

i think i am gonna start flower within the next few days. i also will probably put cfl's on the side like you said. your advice is much appreciated. i think if i start flower now they wont get too tall for me.


Well-Known Member
how tall are they? i would wate till 11inch's if you want a nice amount of bud.
1 is like 4 inches lol, and the others i am not sure about maybe they range from like 8 to maybe 9 inches. i am gonna give em a couple days cuz the metal halide is making them grow a lot better than the cfl's. but i will take your advice and let them get a bit taller.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
cool man. 4 or 5 more days should get you to 11inchs maybe sooner it will be worth it. and depending on strain it will only be about 32 to 40inchs when done. good luck cant wate for some new pics lol.


Well-Known Member
Mastakoosh, what up, man? Your plants look SO healthy! I wish you only the best of luck with your grow! :)


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. that MH looks like its working on the young ones
thanks a bunch, the youn ens seem to like the mh. they should have been under it from the start, but i was too lazy to set up their grow area til now lol.

Mastakoosh, what up, man? Your plants look SO healthy! I wish you only the best of luck with your grow! :)
thank you, thank you. glad you stopped by. i am proud that they are showing no signs of overnuting and other bad things but my last plants were so much bushier and thicker. i am thinking maybe i got my seeds mixed up. always glad everyone stopped by and i will maybe update and get some pics tonight. not much has changed so i dont know bout pics. talk at everyone later.:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
All looks good to me so far dude.
Lovely thick stems on some of those.
Hermies don't always produce hermies either,it all depends if the hermie was a growing condition hermie or if the plant was genetically bent on being a hermie.

All female plants produce male balls in the end if you leave them long enough.
I hope that you find that those seeds will be fine and all female.

If you noticed that they hermied out very late into flowering,4-6 weeks in,then i would say that they are not true hermies and that those seeds will be fine and all female.
If they grew balls all the way through then your not so lucky.

Best of luck with it and thanks for all your support in my journals.
I am subscribed to yours now and will pop my head in now and again to see how your doing:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
niiiiiiiiiiiice grow cant wate to see the harvest. what are you useing for nutrients?
thanks bwinn, just been using fish emulsion for about 2 weeks. nasty stuff though lol, smells like shit. gotta be careful when i put it into my water jug.:spew::spew:


Well-Known Member
All looks good to me so far dude.
Lovely thick stems on some of those.
Hermies don't always produce hermies either,it all depends if the hermie was a growing condition hermie or if the plant was genetically bent on being a hermie.

All female plants produce male balls in the end if you leave them long enough.
I hope that you find that those seeds will be fine and all female.

If you noticed that they hermied out very late into flowering,4-6 weeks in,then i would say that they are not true hermies and that those seeds will be fine and all female.
If they grew balls all the way through then your not so lucky.

Best of luck with it and thanks for all your support in my journals.
I am subscribed to yours now and will pop my head in now and again to see how your doing:peace::joint:
hey nat thanks for the info and the compliments. we got some good growers checking into this grow guys. so i am getting a little nervous haha. my luck the whole group will be male and then a quick end to ghetto buds 2 lol. again thanks for the support guys and updates and pics later tonight.:peace::mrgreen:


thanks bwinn, just been using fish emulsion for about 2 weeks. nasty stuff though lol, smells like shit. gotta be careful when i put it into my water jug.:spew::spew:
a little trick... a couple tablespoons of mollasses will really help it from stinking as much as it wants to...

and if you keep a res. for watering with it... make sure its bubbled... otherwise the stink will truly come :spew:

also the molasses will add some good micro's that you'll plant will be happy to have...


Well-Known Member
a little trick... a couple tablespoons of mollasses will really help it from stinking as much as it wants to...

and if you keep a res. for watering with it... make sure its bubbled... otherwise the stink will truly come :spew:

also the molasses will add some good micro's that you'll plant will be happy to have...
alright some helpful info ian, thanks and i will add a little mollasses to the emulsion mix. funny thing is it doesnt make the plants smell too bad. just when adding it to the water.


Well-Known Member
alright guys time for some updates and pics. i wanted to elaborate on why i call this ghetto buds. i have 7 dollars invested in this grow so far lol. i know in future grows i will spend more money on genetics and other essentials but i just wanted to keep this one simple. also that is kind of my philosophy on my growing style. i try not to over-analyze and fiddle with the plants too much as a lot of noobs do. i try to let the plants do their thing naturally, and just provide the essentials- fresh air, lights, some nutes, and not try to over/under water. i am a simple man with some old school philosophies. as i progress in growing i am sure i will pick up more advanced techniques but i will never be really technical. right now the plants get watered with tap water that has sat out for about 2 days with 2 tablespoons of emulsion to every gallon of water. i didnt add the emuls. til the young ens yellowed a bit from lack of nitrogen. the temp in the room is 50-60 degrees because it is so cold out. may be a factor once 12-12 comes cuz the 24 hour lights warm the room. i will invest in a small heater.


Well-Known Member
Lovely pics especially that last girl with the tits lol:mrgreen:
Is that your missis or a random smoking chic?
Best of luck with it:blsmoke: