What Could This Be?

Hi again folks, Just in with another update. I have flushed it, then 3 days later I began to treat as Mg def by a combination of feeding (at 2 teaspoons/gal) and foliar feeding at 1/2 teaspoon/quart) since the flush. The problem however appears to be making no change. I feel like the latest pics should really be able to help pinpoint what is going on. There is a very distinct pattern on the edges of the leaf in the last picture. Appears to be one brown spot on each jagged edge of the leaf. I am sure I have seen this exact problem illistrated before when describing a particular deficiency, but try as I might I have been unable to locate it...can anybody help me diagnose this plant? 4 weeks old, and so far has had lots of problems.

On the plus side, the growth continues to be good, and at 4 weeks old today I am pretty happy with the progress. LST is working well, as I now have 8 strong growing tips...so glad I chose LST over Topping. Not that I have any basis for comparison I suppose, but I am very happy with how things are progressing.

On a side note, and just out of curiosity would it be safe to assume that I have a Sativa here? The longer narrow leaves lead me to believe so, or at least a hybrid with a fairly dominant sativa presence.



Well-Known Member
Hmm this just won't go away will it, intrestingly enough the other plant dosen't seem to be affected. Don't look like no mag deficiency i ever had! Soil staying at 7 is good but very unheard of, maybe too much lime as i said before but dot dog this is strange. Why dose it look to be on the outer edges of the plant as well? This is surely one for the weird and wonderful marijuana hall of fame problems.

Seriously that would annoy the hell out of me if one plant did that and the other one next to it grew healthy. Could be an indica for all we know as it has problems and thin leaves are common on sick plants. It is certainly growing though, looks like whatever problem it has is not killing it but just slowing it down a little. I still think the stable neutral pH is too good to be true and maybe too much lime or mag but i doubt many would have seen this before. Did you flush good? What ppm was the runoff when finished? I don't see many people hitting pH7 exactly in soil and especially so consistently as you, this is strange and worth considering if nothing else can be thought of. Maybe it is time for a repot but i don't know if it has outgrown that pot yet, might be ready and worth an idea, maybe knock all the old soil off the roots when you do it and take the stress in the hope this will dissapear.


Well-Known Member
Umm there is no similar deficiency in all the books, one thing the books never show pics of or i have not seen much of is alkalinity or alkaline soil, heard it makes weed do strange things and they don't like it. Maybe it is this and is definatly worth looking into and ruling out.

Anyone know or have pics and refrences to alkalinity problems please?

Looked into it a lot and yer a lot of other plant species show this leaf problem with alkaline soil, manganese, iron, boron, copper and zinc become locked out in alkaline soils. My best guess anyway.
If you look closely you can see brown spots are starting to cover more of the older worse effected leaves...

Gave a really good flush today had to be close to 10 gallons through a 2 gal pot. Will keep you posted...

Anyone got any fresh thoughts as to what this is?



Well-Known Member
I'm still going with magnesium def, classic signs of it. You can feed with 1 ts epsom salt every feeding, foliar feed with the same ratio or get some calmag,seamag or somthing along the sorts.. Dolomite lime doesn't always provide mag (depends of what type of lime your using) but the majority of it is calcium that ONLY buffers your ph
I'm still going with magnesium def, classic signs of it. You can feed with 1 ts epsom salt every feeding, foliar feed with the same ratio or get some calmag,seamag or somthing along the sorts.. Dolomite lime doesn't always provide mag (depends of what type of lime your using) but the majority of it is calcium that ONLY buffers your ph
I have to agree that in all my research (and there has been a lot) that Mg def is definitely high on the list of possible subjects. However I was treating for this, and after a week of feeding epsom salts and daily foliar feeds of the same, the condition continued to worsen. Since doing that, I am now finding more of the brown spotting which wasn't there before treatment. How long would you typically expect to have to treat this way before seeing any improvement?

Also, I am usig Dolopril lime which does contain Mg


Well-Known Member
Dolopril lime, what is this? Can't be mag deficiency after hearing that. It dosen't even look like a deficiency that i know of. Dosen't seem to be killing the plant much though!

If mag makes it worse isn't that calcium deficiency, i got one or two pics with similar brown marks in my book on the leaf blade tips that says calcium deficiency, mine don't have crazy yellow streaks on in the book but it looks similar and cal def comes with a lot of brown spots too!


Well-Known Member
One dose of epsom salt isn't enough, you have to keep using it until you see improvements. try foliar feeding with it every other day
One dose of epsom salt isn't enough, you have to keep using it until you see improvements. try foliar feeding with it every other day
As I said, I used it for a week, 3 feedings 2 days apart, and I foliar fed probably 5 times in that week and again today. In your experience, how many days/weeks do they usually take to show improvement? Being that there was not only no improvement but things actually worsened at that time, that maybe it was time to try a different approach. I'm just so worried about this thing getting nice and big, but producing next to no yeild due to some ridiculous deficiency that I have been unable to kick since day one...who woulda thought growing would be so difficult?
Dolopril lime, what is this? Can't be mag deficiency after hearing that. It dosen't even look like a deficiency that i know of. Dosen't seem to be killing the plant much though!
This is why I asked the question about K deficiency...Apparently K def plants will be some of the most vigorous growing. and as you can see, my other plant while very healthy is clearly stunted in comparison. The problem plant is 4 week old and quite big, while the other plant is 3 weeks, but is only as big as say a 10 day old plant...weird.

If mag makes it worse isn't that calcium deficiency, i got one or two pics with similar brown marks in my book on the leaf blade tips that says calcium deficiency, mine don't have crazy yellow streaks on in the book but it looks similar and cal def comes with a lot of brown spots too!
makes sense in theory, but again how on earth could I be Calcium deficient when I have an abundance of lime in the soil? I am getting more puzzled by the day.


Well-Known Member
Then try the regular mag and look for the symptoms to stop. Even if they don't there is very little to check. Please god let this be the mag, this must be the hardest deficient and stubborn plant yet. Just kill the troublesome son of a gun!lol! Nah just joking we need to work out what the hell this is. When you finally find out were all gona kick ourselves over it!


Well-Known Member
Maybe its dad was one of them yellow green houseplants and its mum was a whore marijuana slut who would sleep with any strain or species!lol!

I am lost as to what this could be! Spaceweed from another planet!lol!