A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
well i got the next and final round under way. they are on 18/6 which is a difference from the 24/0 they were in and may add to earlier flower growth. i want them to fill in a bit more in order to get a full canopy. so maybe another full week of veg then they move into flower. got some PM spray to take care as well as a spray with some neem.
theres Snowcap, GDP, Bubba, XXX, Skywalker, Pure kush, DOG, and Sour D




Well-Known Member
yeah final run for this thread and at my current house. hopefully ill have a job and a few thousand dollars atleast 5, to get a place of my own with a nice room to grow in. atleast two to three months before that happens so still some time to earn a bit at the job and another harvest to make some extra cash.


Well-Known Member
More power to you LG! stay safe be smart bro :-) stay on point... keep us posted!

This round looks great so far, with more veg your gonna have a nice thick canopy. You might have to do some lollypoping eh?
big ups :peace:


Well-Known Member
More power to you LG! stay safe be smart bro :-) stay on point... keep us posted!

This round looks great so far, with more veg your gonna have a nice thick canopy. You might have to do some lollypoping eh?
big ups :peace:
yeah ill be trimming a good portion off the bottoms of these to prevent popcorn and add a little bit more size to the main colas. well see how it goes. going to spray some neem then come back at them with some green cure a couple days later. may take down the mylar and just leave it white walls cause last run the PM came back and could still hang around on the mylar.


Well-Known Member
well day 1 flower starts today! they are on there first 12 hr sleep currently.the area filled in pretty nice and once they get threw most the stretch period then i will give them a hair cut. also got my new bottle of Bloombastic which was a good deal, twice the price as the last bottle($35 to $70) but four times the amount. this bottle should last me a good while. i figured the previous bottle wasnt going to last since im near 5 gal per watering which is every 3 days currently. 2 ml a gal at 5 gal will be 10 ml a feeding and every week roughly 20ml. should be a good run to finish things off as long as i can handle the PM. i now have neem, greencure, and azamax in my arsenal so we will see what happens. also have a small outdoor group going on, 5 of my SD x Hawgsbreathe and two pure kush in the photo. surprisingly the f1s have very similar structure.




Well-Known Member
Sweet lg!
Do you have a dehumidifier? I guess that should guarantee no PM eh? Iv never had PM but I have always had a dehumidifier but maybe Im just lucky!
What you doin with those outdoor plants? bringing in and out?

Looks good :peace:


Well-Known Member
yea i will be here this time from start.
should be a decent run, see if i can keep on top of the waterings and keep them fairly healthy!

Sweet lg!
Do you have a dehumidifier? I guess that should guarantee no PM eh? Iv never had PM but I have always had a dehumidifier but maybe Im just lucky!
What you doin with those outdoor plants? bringing in and out?

Looks good :peace:
naw no dehumidifier but i feel using sprays would work better. it would probably reduce it a bit and help keep it away but since this will be final run for here ill try and take care of it completely before starting up again, even if it takes loosing the strains...i got PM the from the first set of clones i got this round and have had it since, basically for a year. if you dont got it already im sure it will stay away unless its introduced via clone. the outdoor plants are just outside doing there thing! they outgrew the veg area so i stashed them outside and there doing good. they dont get sun all day but they get enough to grow and what ever comes off them is just extra bud that can be smoked, made into oil or budder or hash. when i move im looking at getting some TGA subcools genetics from a local shop, Cheesequake and querkle. plus got some deep blues from our buddy D in the mail so all will be good if i have to give up the GDP and Snowcap. if all goes well i wont have to though haha!


Well-Known Member
Looking back at your earlier pictures did you have root aphids? You said your stuff always went downhill at some point, looking grate now supreme buds bro but lookin at the earlier pages with your nitrogen deficiencies etc.

here's a link with info about root aphids...http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f57/phantom-deficiencies-rapidly-yellowing-leaves-rust-spots-necrosis-root-aphids-26050/
yeah im pretty sure i did have them and i still currently do! never thought they were much harm but now looking at that thread, they definetely can do some damage. i need to do further research on them and make sure that what i am assuming are they root aphids is actually them. if that made sense haha. ill pick up some diamatecous earth as well which should take away the problem. when ever i water it seems that they like to gather on the rims of the pot and march around probably soluting me for giving them what they want haha! ive got both the young no wing ones and the ones with wings which really cant fly worth shit but they do look different than fungus gnats. thanks for the info buddy!


Well-Known Member
lol soluting you haha

Upon closer inspection of my sticky traps I now know that I got fungus gnats in ym veg :-( I hope they arn't munching on my roots too bad!


Well-Known Member
Whodat, I use sticky yellow tape. You can buy it in rolls 25 feet long at a farm supply store. Just cut a little piece and put it at the base of your stems. Replace when they get covered with gnats. Really cuts down their population to the point where they are harmless and no chemicals involved.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can do what shank said or get some diametacous earth which is good for all soil crawling bugs but does require it to be used on all plants so could be more pricey for sure.