It was lovely! I bombed it down and set off to the club in a short while to meet my friends. I chose to walk and it was a 40 min walk. It was hillarious, 20 minutes of walking and I was already coming up! I was dissapointed I never brought a music player with me, random parked cars with music playing were awesome lol As the journey continued I felt more and more love towards the Saturday night drunks on the street
After 3/4 the way there ended up walking with a group of people singing happy birthday with them to their friend, its just awesome stuff your part of whatevers going on! I started dancing to no music for the rest of the way (couldn`t really help it)
I couldn`t find any open shops to buy chewing gum so I had a brilliant idea! Put 2 cigarette filters in your mouth and your sorted hahaha Great night all in all, plenty of hugs exchanged, helped many drunkards who fell on the dance floor
Saussage & Chips from the friery to top it all off
I find mdma quite unusual tbh. Its a powerful stimulant but unexpectedly your eyes just close and absorb the love under its influence =) Kinda like sleepy but not
Puffer, I know you had your time with this stuff but may I ask why you don`t use it anymore?