The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The last pics i put up were on wednesday. So this wed will be 8 weeks and it says 49 days. Don chopped his just under 8 weeks. Think ill leave till sat


Well-Known Member
them last pics you put up looks like they could use another 2 weeks or you wanting to get rid early? I remember you had to chop the nevs early as well.

jimmy those are some really nice 12.12's
Cheers wow, went 12/12 as ive been in grow cabs for a while now and after seeing dels results hes the man when it comes to 12/12 growing. Now ive got a bit more space im back to vegging up some girls but ill always grow 12/12 from seed as well, its a great way to try different strains and have compact plants which are perfect for grow cabs.


Well-Known Member
fuck me more posts in last day n half than all last week on here ;)
My AK 12/12 from seed should have about 1 - 2 week left its about 15/20% orange hairs .. stinks well potent :) chopped my PPP earlier aswell. gave it a extra week to my last PPP i did and it smells alot fruitier. gonna dry it for a week smoke a q and jar the rest up until the AK is ready :) happy times ahead ... needs to hurry though im currently smoking dust n leaves lol


Well-Known Member
The last pics i put up were on wednesday. So this wed will be 8 weeks and it says 49 days. Don chopped his just under 8 weeks. Think ill leave till sat
different phenos and rates of growth though isnt it, look forward to seeing what you're gonna pull from those ladies

@jimmy, yeh dels definitely the king of 12.12 from seed but you don't look to be doing too bad yourself ;)


Well-Known Member
billy do use a mag glass to test trichs? just that plant has another 2 or so weeks imo ... just cus dons was ready in 8 week dont mean owt mate , lighting/feeding/enviro all affect it, you could finish a strain in 8weeks that takes me 10 mate ... id test the trichs or at least wait for the whole plant to have orange hairs ... good advice i was given once was this ..... if you think your plant is 100% finished then give it another week cus it isnt lol ;)


Well-Known Member
I know robbie. They are plants i could take down now and some that could go another week. Sat is a good day for me so they are all getting chopped then


Well-Known Member
i used to use a microscope tae check the trichs but ah think after a while you just know when its time, also billy needed my 'scope cos he was having wanking problems.


Well-Known Member
I think my son is very depressed.

He sent me a Father's Day card yesterday and all it read was, "You should have pulled out"


Well-Known Member
morning all, hope you all had a great weekend...spent mine smoking bubblebomb, big bomb, amsterdam haze and big bang........white widow later or tomorrow........happy days


Hi ya peeps, My mate has a plant that he is growing (getting piccies later), but he thinks its dead.............He doesnt get alot of darkness in his place so decided to stick it in a cupboard (which my plants thrive on darkness) to see if this would help........since then he says the leaves have turned brown and are falling off now he bought some tomato feed from Wilko's which I have used on mine and my plants are fine. What do you think he has done wrong and is it fixable???

P.S These are indoor plants grown with no artifical light just Naturally grown


Well-Known Member
Hi ya peeps, My mate has a plant that he is growing (getting piccies later), but he thinks its dead.............He doesnt get alot of darkness in his place so decided to stick it in a cupboard (which my plants thrive on darkness) to see if this would help........since then he says the leaves have turned brown and are falling off now he bought some tomato feed from Wilko's which I have used on mine and my plants are fine. What do you think he has done wrong and is it fixable???

P.S These are indoor plants grown with no artifical light just Naturally grown
plants dont thrive on dark....they do require it , they thrive on light, food and water. if ur just using natural light then they wont produce great results. tomato food will help but its dependent on the npk ( u havent told us what levels they are). really need to see pic of tha plants mate and any other info u can; what kind of soil/medium are u using , have u just got them sitting on a window sill, how bigs the pots, what kind of plant/seed, anything and everything u can tell us will help us to maybe give u some advice. but for starters go and buy a decent light and timer. even 2nd hand will produce better results than on a window ledge. best of luck buddy.


Well-Known Member
Chopped most of the ak's this morning. Fuck me there is loads. Ive left the popcorn and I'll get that next week. My 36oz target......think Ive smashed it


plants dont thrive on dark....they do require it , they thrive on light, food and water. if ur just using natural light then they wont produce great results. tomato food will help but its dependent on the npk ( u havent told us what levels they are). really need to see pic of tha plants mate and any other info u can; what kind of soil/medium are u using , have u just got them sitting on a window sill, how bigs the pots, what kind of plant/seed, anything and everything u can tell us will help us to maybe give u some advice. but for starters go and buy a decent light and timer. even 2nd hand will produce better results than on a window ledge. best of luck buddy.

Cheers for reply, Im trying to get some piccies but he at work at the mo, so not quite sure the extent of damage/over reacting, its a tuffy here as 2 years ago I grew a bloody good plant, but last year managed to cross a male and female and yep imaging the results (boo hoo), now u have to remember we arent experts we just stick the seed in a pot and hope for the best ( i dont smoke it want the money from it lol).... mine are sat in the kitchen with sunlight and ive got the little white hairs on one of them his tho sits on a window sill its about 2 foot hight, like I say im just a mere women that can cook not gorw plants lol :) x


Well-Known Member
Chopped most of the ak's this morning. Fuck me there is loads. Ive left the popcorn and I'll get that next week. My 36oz target......think Ive smashed it
feel free tae visit old boy....awfully sorry bout slagging you...wizny meant...sorry done mate.
ahm off fishin today. god bless the welfare state.


feel free tae visit old boy....awfully sorry bout slagging you...wizny meant...sorry done mate.
ahm off fishin today. god bless the welfare state.
Right just got some more info if this helps me for future ref...........he planted it in Miracle Grow soil its in a 20inch pot, sits on window sill, and when he added tomato feed is when it died he says the stem is like mush and its been reduced from 2 foot so a bowl of mush now ????


Well-Known Member
feel free tae visit old boy....awfully sorry bout slagging you...wizny meant...sorry done mate.
ahm off fishin today. god bless the welfare state.
See if you get beat my record of 3 in 3 hours. Wait till the dry weight comes in. Anything over 36 and its yours for the same price u sold me. lol


Well-Known Member
quick dried a bud and gave it to my m8. Phoned him for an update. Didn't really get much sense and he said "canny be fucked, your bursting my nut" and he hung up. lol