The FSA Free Shit Army Is Gonna Get Violent


Well-Known Member
Name one Republican in National politics that is called for revolution or violence to overthrow govt...
and she was elected where? and she promoted violence? do tell....
go ahead, keep moving the goalposts. you asked for one republican in national politics, i gave you one.



Well-Known Member
so she doesnt use her money either? interesting, you two love birds just getting by on franks and
actually, she gets most of her food from the farmer's market and these overpriced health food stores. she has plenty of money.

i was the one who had to get by on hot dogs placed in hamburger buns with ketchup for a while until things picked up.

when you say shit like, "and if anyone is REALLY struggling, they get food stamps. because our nation and its people understand that it is not right to let people die in the streets. food banks galore, too." you really let your ass show.

you have no clue. so milk is now about 4 bucks....did food stamps go up to fill the gap?
if you can't figure out a way to feed yourself on the ~$150 - $200 a month from food stamps, you are dumb enough that you deserve to die from starvation.

going way out on a limb here, you cheat on your taxes. you hide all you can so you dont have to pay for the milk that you so graciously tell the rest of us to pay for.
everyone is psychic on the internet.

i will pay taxes once again if and when my job is legitimatized and i am not seen as a criminal for conducting voluntary transactions between consenting adults.

we came close in this state last year, but high conservative turnout sunk my dream. so thanks conservatives!

not only did you not collect the $1,000 from me for a producer license, you also missed out on 10% of my revenue and the tax money on everything after that 10%. way to go, conservatives! with you guys voting heavily, this country is sure to turn it around in no time!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Where did you find this? And the public sector unions think they are protecting worker rights? How can they say that with a straight face?

Like I said in the beginning, when the FSA finds out their pensions are worthless, there will be bloodshed in all the streets of America. The pension money will be stolen and fed to the military and the welfare mamas who are raising demon spawn for the FSA.
U.S. state and local governments will need to raise taxes by $1,398 per household every year for the next 30 years if they are to fully fund their pension systems, a study released on Wednesday said.


Well-Known Member
Another sponge voting for dems, wanting taxes raised on everyone else while you smoke pot and wait for the old lady to get home from work with your dinner
actually, she gets most of her food from the farmer's market and these overpriced health food stores. she has plenty of money.

i was the one who had to get by on hot dogs placed in hamburger buns with ketchup for a while until things picked up.

if you can't figure out a way to feed yourself on the ~$150 - $200 a month from food stamps, you are dumb enough that you deserve to die from starvation.

everyone is psychic on the internet.

i will pay taxes once again if and when my job is legitimatized and i am not seen as a criminal for conducting voluntary transactions between consenting adults.

we came close in this state last year, but high conservative turnout sunk my dream. so thanks conservatives!

not only did you not collect the $1,000 from me for a producer license, you also missed out on 10% of my revenue and the tax money on everything after that 10%. way to go, conservatives! with you guys voting heavily, this country is sure to turn it around in no time!

jeff f

New Member
Another sponge voting for dems, wanting taxes raised on everyone else while you smoke pot and wait for the old lady to get home from work with your dinner
his rationalization is astounding. blames HIS not paying taxes on conservative voters, but has no problem wanting everyone else to pay for someone elses food stamps. simply amazing.

cant say that i am surprised though. the blueist states are always way behind in charitable donations.


Well-Known Member
i will pay taxes once again if and when my job is legitimatized and i am not seen as a criminal for conducting voluntary transactions between consenting adults.

we came close in this state last year, but high conservative turnout sunk my dream. so thanks conservatives!

not only did you not collect the $1,000 from me for a producer license, you also missed out on 10% of my revenue and the tax money on everything after that 10%. way to go, conservatives! with you guys voting heavily, this country is sure to turn it around in no time!
You do realize that there is a special spot on the 1040A form for submitting your profit from "other income", correct? This is where you put the profits you make from your garden and pay your taxes, the IRS does not care where the income comes from and there shouldn't be any kind of investigation, but you always are telling everyone that they need to pay the taxes and the rich need to pay extra are you not? You need to walk the talk or you lose all credibility. I look forward to you putting your "Other Income" on the form and paying your taxes like you should.


Well-Known Member
his rationalization is astounding. blames HIS not paying taxes on conservative voters, but has no problem wanting everyone else to pay for someone elses food stamps. simply amazing.
sad but true. high conservative turnout in the last election cycle sunk the proposition to tax and regulate dispensaries here.

it was not a bunch of liberal hippies that declined on that one. :dunce:

cant say that i am surprised though. the blueist states are always way behind in charitable donations.
us blue states are to busy supporting you bum red states. even more impressive when you consider nevada, colordo, and florida are all blue now (color coding was based on 2004 election results)


You do realize that there is a special spot on the 1040A form for submitting your profit from "other income", correct? This is where you put the profits you make from your garden and pay your taxes, the IRS does not care where the income comes from and there shouldn't be any kind of investigation, but you always are telling everyone that they need to pay the taxes and the rich need to pay extra are you not? You need to walk the talk or you lose all credibility. I look forward to you putting your "Other Income" on the form and paying your taxes like you should.
it's risky. setting up a legitimate 'front' wouldn't be entirely without risk either.


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys are fighting over whether or not a state is Democratic or Republican? LMAO I can find both sides in every town in the nation, I can also find plenty of people that really stopped believing in that crap altogether too and can see clearly it is BOTH main parties who are hell bent in driving us over a cliff.