My First Grow And Journal


Well-Known Member
nice grow!! cant wait till I am at my first harvest... def something I am looking forward to!


Well-Known Member
Well tonight Im gonna ask the old lady to help me pull the chem's out to the dinning room to photo.. they are really branchy with tons of bud sites instead of a few big ones.. They are more sativa.. (sour diesel x OG Kush) so the buds are a little behind the rest with more white hairs.. so im sure they will swell a bunch more.. but ill show ya guys. Catch ya in a little :)


Active Member
lol thanks Steez.. im really happy how they are coming out.. dont forget .. FREE SMOKE for people who volunteer to help trim LOL
If me and my gf every get up enough $ to get that way , I'll take you up on the offer. Ive only been to Cal once and my gf has never been. I want to live there so I could get mmj.. Fucking bullshit Keep up the good work

- thchead


Active Member
I was going to get some Chemdog this last order from Attitude but everybody bought them up when I was sleeping.. Cant wait to see how they turn out


Well-Known Member
Ok I failed.. I couldnt pull em out .. But here is a little hint why ...

This is the other querkle.. Im not too impressed.. she has sweet color and aroma .. but im not sure about how the yield will be.. she was still putting on weight but she had almost 60 percent amber trich's already.. she only went 51 days. I have a sample drying

Bwahahah after I took the bamboo supports out she fell over from the weight :)

couple bud shots.... i got hours of trimming to do so ill update some more later

Heres the Alien OG taking the querkle's place in the flower tent... looks like its becoming a little bit of a perpetual garden.

Her New spot in the tent

Current line up in there the flower tent

50 days flowering
2 chem dogs
1 purple kush
2 hindu kush
2 blue dreams

29 Days flowering
1 white widow ( updates to come)
1 querkle ( different pheno then the one I harvested in this update)

2 days flowering
Purple kush ( different breed then the one at 50 days)

and I just added the alien og tonight

SOO 11 plants total... in flower right now.. I have now harvested 2 of the original 9 .. I will add weights when this one dries.. Good night peeps.. back to trimming :)


WOW those plants look beautiful. I love going on here because i can just see some awesome plants growing. lemme know how she smokes :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think hes using 2 1000W HPS lights for his grow room if I remember correctly.
Lookin good alotaball, I like how you took pictures of the nugs you're giving me when you meet me, how kind of you.

lol :P


Well-Known Member
LOL of course steez.. you get all the cola'z and im gonna keep the popcorn buds .. Im still freaking trimming this morning .. this sux lol.. almost done though. Thanks for the kind words guys.... I have some big plants almost finished.. stay tuned for more updates.


Well-Known Member
See, I knew you loved me. Only a true friend would let his buddy keep all the colas and only keep the popcorn buds for himself hahahha.

Lookin good still, you're lucky the querkle is gorgeous enough to keep me waiting for the chemdogs. I might have to come to your house and ninja my way into the back of your tent so I can finally witness them. lol.


Well-Known Member
LOL you can see em well in the tent.. MY cam just sucks under the hps lights.. I will prob be a little brave and try to pull em out when they are almost ready to harvest.. but im scared to fuck em up right now. I might harvest a hindu kush tonight too. I want to take one at all cloudy trich's and take the other at around 50 % amber trich's .. then compare the two highs.. that way next time I run em i know what I prefer :)


Well-Known Member
Shady not done at all.. only harvested 2 of the original 11 plants .. since then I have added 3 more plants in .. the first plant I took early cus it started to herm... I had a light leak... It yielded 83 grams dry.. The second plant I harvested last night... ill update the weight later.. doesnt look like alot maybe 2 onces but we will see.. the querkle is not a big yeilder though.. So I still have 9 more to harvest .. and they all look loaded.. Thanks for stopping by you guys :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a little sample bud from the Chemdog.. Accidently snapped it during watering and inspecting .. both of the chems are out of control and taking up a 1/4 of the tent themselves.. This little nug is 8.9 grams wet.. but trimmed.. there are prob 20 or so tops like this on each of the girls not including the donkey dick colas lol. I cant wait.... sure this will still be a nice little heady sample.

Some bud porn from the hindu's... I know I have alot of pics of these already but I had em out for flushing cus they are close to being done.. and had to snap some more.. just SOO frosty and stick I love it.. Also they are the only plants that stayed compact enough to where I can get em in and out the tent easily .. here ya go day 51 hindu kush bud porn



Active Member
Hey Alotaball, absolutely beautiful...I'm a total noob here on RIU. We have been tokers since the days of $20/oz bags. We are tired of lining someone else's pockets.....My GF and I just recieved our cool cab today...We're over on the east coast. Except for a 2 or 3 plant outside grow occasionally, never delved into the indoors. Germed and started unknown bag seeds, (ugh) have 6 pretty little 3" plants ready to hit the water in the hydro setup (tomorrow). No clue what will happen. Can't find guaranteed genetics or strain beans here. A little spooked about ordering overseas.... Any input or suggestions from ANYONE would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you all in advance now.


Well-Known Member
Welcome mauler... I dont know when it comes to ordering seeds online .. im sure lots of people here know the safest way to do it.. but im lucky that I live in cali and can get genetics easily ... I think attitude and nirvana are good sources I have heard thrown around alot.... thank for the compliments.. and glad to have ya aboard!