Without any context, one might conclude the Senator seems like a BAD man!
he does seem like a bad man, even in the greater context.
Not in one eight second snippet.
But those things WERE mentioned in the speech.
So for the purposes of context and in the interests of full disclosure; I present the November 4, 2010, speech in its entirely.
i slipped in a more succinct version of what the senator said.
Was abortion mentioned in the entire speech? No.
The Republicans outlawed Abortion?
Oh, that's right. They did not even try.
more bills and restrictions on abortion than ever, yet they "didn't even try".
i don't think they were voted into office to set a record on legislation that restricts a woman's right to do with her body what she may.
in fact, i recall a lot of tea partiers MINIMIZING the importance of social issues like that during the last election.
A woman's right to choose (to abort her fetus) is not going anywhere.
The only real threat resides in the minds of extremists on both sides: The extremists on the Right; and the extremists on the Left who over-estimate the threat from the Right.
In fact, the R's were not even successful in curtailing funding to Planned Parenthood.
you are right, it took the courts to step in and issue injunctions on legislation successfully passed by elephants with their trunks lodged deep within each others' sphincters
So save the scare tactics for the Lefty echo chambers.
Because that's the only place you will get any traction.
in your state, restrictive measures were passed on abortion.
see rick perry's mandatory sonogram bill.
you keep inching closer, inching closer.
if we give you guys an inch, you'll take a mile.
keep in mind, when i say "you guys" i am not talking about you, specifically.
i am talking about the wingnuts you rooted for in 2010 who are trying to outlaw abortion through the backdoor. they have already managed, through BURDENSOME REGULATION (i thought you hated that stuff?) to shut down abortion clinics from denver, co clear out to columbia, mo.
that means if you live in kansas and need an abortion, you have a 10 or so hour drive in store.