A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
haha that shit is weird lg :shock:
Good luck with the work bro!.. Speaking of smelly I think I may actually need an additional filter! STANKS!


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i may need to look into getting my first one! my ac just puts out a heavy chron smell haha but ill go with it for this last run and will look into one for the next place.


Well-Known Member
Very nice broham! IDK whats up with the pistils?!? I do remember trying to figure it out last run lol Its gotta be either nutes or environment... any new thoughts on it LG?


Well-Known Member
loveing the trim gob,nice air flow now,will help with them lil bugs,and hopefully the pm.
should help and it makes it easier for me to spray for PM with less foilage to cover. we will see if theres some nice colas that form in the weeks to come.

Very nice broham! IDK whats up with the pistils?!? I do remember trying to figure it out last run lol Its gotta be either nutes or environment... any new thoughts on it LG?
yeah i dont know, the only thing i changed from the first couple rounds was removing a fan that was in the way. im pretty much over it at this point since they seemed to do fine after this point last run. it cant be nutes since it hadnt happened in past or my outdoor plants. so its gotta be something environmental which i cant figure out and have got over it. haha as long as its some dank at the end were all good! hopefully ill get a job soon and be out of here to a new environment once these are finished up.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the spray your using for PM? idk lol... Man that bird cracks me up every time I see it lol thats not sunscreen!!!
I hope you land a good job and things work out great for ya lg bro :-) Im rooting for ya haha


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy! i havent used the PM spray yet haha, im slacking badd! i gotta get it done though, im heading to LA tomro for a few days and theyll be a nice bit into flower by the time i get back and will most likely be affected by the spray at that point. i like that line, im rooting for ya, sounds like something my clones should be doing, if i ever take them haha.


Well-Known Member
glad to have you make Bill! havent missed a whole lot and last couple pages are the only ones where anything good has happened. should get good here in a week or two so make sure to buckle up haha.


Well-Known Member
well theres always people here smoking and i still havent started back up but after this harvest if your around here you can definetely come try some goods! im all out of the homegrowns... still got lots of trim for oil and budder though! im looking for a job currently so its good im not smoking but well see one day if i give it a try again.


Well-Known Member
a little fourth of july annual ocean fishing trip out of long beach

then a little illegal firework show at night, like a war zone in the area!




Well-Known Member
haha i was bobbing for fish! plus acting like i was falling in haha. yeah it was a great time, got lots of barracuda but threw back a lot cause we dont need that many. kept 15 for three of us and got quite a bit of fillets from them.


Active Member
i've never used LEDs myself, but i have friends that are vendors for dispensaries and they tested out LEDs, even the newer ones that are supposedly better and improved. they went back to HPS and were pissed about all the money wasted. everyone always bitches about the heat from the HPSs but its really not that expensive to keep them cool considering how much more yield you get.

and CFLS for flower, good supplemental lights, terrible primary lights.


Well-Known Member
so what dose that taste like,the barracuda?

i love me some fish.
its real fishy haha! theres many ways it is cooked but i would say a lot of people smoke it with some hickory or like woodchips. my buddys dad who got a lot of it says he just pan frys it with some fresh lemon, garlic, and butter, cant really go wrong with that haha. im not much of a fish fan but when he cooks it, its usually pretty good.

Cool lg :-) the pics of the birds are nice dude
yeah some nice action photos haha. wasnt sure if they were turning out until i got home and they looked pretty sweet. at the dock there were a few cuda heads on the chop board that the pelicans got, pretty gnarly to see them just swallow something so big. one of them had a tough time haha, kept getting stuck sideways!

i've never used LEDs myself, but i have friends that are vendors for dispensaries and they tested out LEDs, even the newer ones that are supposedly better and improved. they went back to HPS and were pissed about all the money wasted. everyone always bitches about the heat from the HPSs but its really not that expensive to keep them cool considering how much more yield you get.

and CFLS for flower, good supplemental lights, terrible primary lights.
thanks for posting about your buddys experience with LEDs but lets keep this out of the thread at this point, all it does it bring people into the thread wanting to fight which is better. such as this guy below.

this can answer ur questions about led ufos
i have no questions but would enjoy if you deleted your post and keep it to yourself. not trying to have arguements any more and dont want anything posted about LEDs in this thread anymore. thanks.

well hopefully ill get together a day 22 post tonight once lights on. ill start adding some BB at 1 ml for the first water than up to the full 2 ml after that. some plants are still stuck in the withering hair rut but others are finally picking up and getting some good growth. definetely not up to par for where they should be at this point but they usually end fine so im not too worried. i also had an interview yesterday that went fairly well and have training on saturday so i should be having a job after that. which means only a few weeks until im on to bigger and better things. might have to upgrade to another light hmmm, the possibilities.