• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Drug test......which route to take?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
a friend of mine tried this.

and he passed with flying colors. it was also for a job.

and ive also heard other friends swear by synthetic urine.

if i was you, thats what i would do.
Fuck trying to use your dirty urine, and fuck messing with your body to try to pass.

But also, if your going to go with the "drink a shitload of water" method. then i heard you should take a shit load of vitamin E a couple of hours before the test. to make your urine yellow. because if you piss clear i heard some places will fail you.

also alot of places know if you diluted by drinking tons of water. and could also make you retest.
(they measure all the other levels of things in your urine, and if everything comes out low, they will know)
It is actually Vitamin B that turns your pee yellow, but yeah i see your point....


Well-Known Member
Quickfix worked for me and my drug test. I had to drop for a job testing vehicles passed with flying colors.in all of the experiences I have had or have heard from other people that I know that the test will always be in a closed door bathroom with no one watching. The room just won't have running water. The quick fix comes with a hand warmer follow the instructions and it's all easy. Just tuck it somewhere safe until it's time to whip it out ( no pun intended). They also have a money back policy if you fail. Good luck

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You can't "clean" your system out. The metabolite is stored in fat cells and is released on a constant basis. The only thing to make you "clean" is to raise your metabolism to expel the toxin faster, and to stop putting it in your body. Period.

Drug tests for employment you can get away with sneaking clean urine in.

Drug tests for probation you generally can't - they will watch you.

Depending on the type of offense and what they are testing for you will face a different test. They are most likely administering a general urine test for the 5 main drugs, the "SAMHSA 5". marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and pcp.

If that's the case you need to be under the concentration of 50 ng/ml to get a negative. If the test indicates a positive they will use gas chromatography on the sample to verify, and the GC has a sensitivity of 15 ng/ml. So if you test positive on the first test legitimately you will test positive on the second verification. So the key is getting your concentration below 50 ng/ml. marijuana metabolites get stored in fat and stay in the body for up to 30 days.

You need to get the concentration down below the cut off. Drinking lots of fluids now will do NOTHING. You need to dilute it when you actually pee. The liquid does not "flush" anything out of your system, it simply makes the concentration lower (you have the same amount of metabolite leaving your body, but a lot of extra urine makes the concentration lower). They will test for a few things after you piss:

Is it at least 2 ounces?
Is it within the acceptable temperature range? (not sure exactly, like 92-105*F or something - not an issue if using real urine)
Is it yellow colored? (take vitamins. diluted piss is clear, unless its loaded with excess vitamins )
What is the creatine content? (If you dilute your urine it essentially becomes pure water. Eat red meat for several days before to elevate creatine levels so when you dilute it they are not suspiciously low)

In summation: Eat excess red meat and vitamins for 2-3 days before the test. Drink lots of water immediately preceding the test. Drink it the night before if it's a morning test. If it's later in the day you can wait and just drink it several hours before you go in.

Also do not use the first piss in the morning. The metabolites come out in the highest concentration in the first piss of the day because they built up all night. The same thing applies to the beginning of subsequent pisses. Try to piss for a couple seconds into the toilet first, then cut it off and get your actual sample mid stream.


Well-Known Member
Very well put, sir. There's a lot of misinformation out there about passing urine based drug tests so it's nice to see somebody on point providing accurate info instead of the typical "I drank a jar of pickle juice and it worked!" crap you normally see people post. I personally use the urinator but at $150 for the unit + 2 9V batteries per use $6 (duracell only), it's a little pricey but how much is your job worth?

I have successfully used synthetic urine 4 times. 2 times with the urinator (electronically controlled temp) and 2 times with the little whizpack that uses the organic heat pads to maintain temp.....I have also failed 2 tests and both times it happened using those damn heat pads b/c the temp was too high and the sample was rejected. Anyhow, I still have a brand new urinator I ordered a couple months back (loaned last one out and never saw it again) sitting in the fedex envelope in my dresser drawer just itchin to be broken in :) I'll be a MF'er if I lose another job over those crappy heat pads in the cheap kits. on a budget and in a pinch tho, the cheap kits do work if you constantly monitor the temp but it's a gamble and I've lost 2 bets so far with 'em.


Well-Known Member
heat issues always bothered me before i found that drink i use so now know worries. And like i said it's getting to be everywhere want's to watch us piss now so synthetic's are outta the question. Like i said it's called puriclean made by omni and has worked 20+ in three years or so as long as i know in advance now a random would get me, but luckily they haven't yet.
I work in alot of nuclear power plant's so they are pretty strict about letting contractor's through the door. Without proper screening.


bud bootlegger
i've pulled off a monitored ua with the whizzinator.. was scared pissless pulling out my big fake cock in front of the monitor, but i did it several times now and have gotten away with it each time using quick fix and the whizzinator...
they both are not cheap, but like someone else said, how much is your job worth?? but i know you said you didn't have the cash chico, i just wanted to give other people some valid info..


Active Member
There is currently no longer anything that you can get over the counter IE without a script that will cause a faulse posative. So dont even bother with the naproxin and other over the couinter stuff like cold meds or whatever they will not work. If you have 2 weeks and want to be sure you pass here is how to do it.

Stop smoking even a hit and your busted stop now. For the next 2 weeks upto the test and the day of the test you need to get real green tea bags and brew and drink 1 gallon or more of green tea every 12hrs right up to the test even if it means your drinking your last gallon on the way to the test. You will also need goldenseal Root. Not just goldenseal not a mix go to GNC or another health store and get pure goldenseal root even if you need ask for it by name you need the root. You will take 3 before every meal for the same 2 weeks your drinking the tea. And your burps will be nasty.

Every drug screen I have ever had to take I have used this and passed. Any screen I have not used this I have failed. I am also alot fatter and smoke alot more then you. Hope this helps. And if you get stuck with E screen dont even bother cause even if soething does show your going to be tring to explain it to someone that will bearly speak english with no medical training and they wont even get a chance to tell them if you have scrip if something shows you fail even with a Dr note. g/l


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info folks....I was also thinking about Synthetic or possibly asking a clean friend to supply...but if i can do it myself it would be preferred... Man i am so worried, talked to another friend and they said drink 2 liters of water 30 min prior and i should be golden....
buy a wizzinator man it's synthetic urine but it comes with a fake penis in case they watch you


Active Member
fuck all that im on parole and take a drug test twice a month and had to have taken atleast 100 prior to this. google whizz pack. strap it up under your arm,almost in your arm pitt(so it stays warm) although it comes with a hand warmer.it also comes with synthetic urine,but i always use someone else's. the line from the bag is so small u can hide it behinde your finger. if you do get it jus do some practice runs with it. i swear to god i have used this countless times and have never been caught.and every drug test i ever took the were REALLY watching! these people for a job aint guna b watching u like that, youll b allright fofr sure.


Well-Known Member
fuck all that im on parole and take a drug test twice a month and had to have taken atleast 100 prior to this. google whizz pack. strap it up under your arm,almost in your arm pitt(so it stays warm) although it comes with a hand warmer.it also comes with synthetic urine,but i always use someone else's. the line from the bag is so small u can hide it behinde your finger. if you do get it jus do some practice runs with it. i swear to god i have used this countless times and have never been caught.and every drug test i ever took the were REALLY watching! these people for a job aint guna b watching u like that, youll b allright fofr sure.
Did you use the hand warmer or just kept it warm with body heat? Them damn chinese hand warmers they give you with the pack get so fuckin hot they'll burn any exposed skin so I just gave up on 'em but the kit itself is a fine value for $35-45. And like the fella above said, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE....and then smoke a bowl....AND PRACTICE SOME MORE before your test just using tap water.


Well-Known Member
why won't people for a job watch i have had them countless times you calling me a liar
Wtf kind of nazi company are you applying for that wants to watch your genitalia for a pre-employment drug screening? BTW, you can easily use the kits with the small hose and fluid bag even if being watched. If some guy was just staring at my wang while i'm tryin to take a piss....it ain't happenin brother. I don't just mean that I oppose the gross invasion of privacy but I simply find it unnatural for another dude to be watching my dick while I urinate. To each his own I guess....


Well-Known Member
I work in nuclear plant's im a welder it's pretty standard for them to watch us piss. It does suck though.

it's sucks for the guy that has to watch to imagine.


Well-Known Member
I work in nuclear plant's im a welder it's pretty standard for them to watch us piss. It does suck though.

it's sucks for the guy that has to watch to imagine.
Well in that kinda work I suppose it's expected. I know DOT jobs require a 'monitor' to watch while ya piss but usually from what I hear, they just stand behind ya (i.e. not staring at your wang) so the whizz pack or something similar in that kinda situation could still easily be pulled off.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
You can't "clean" your system out. The metabolite is stored in fat cells and is released on a constant basis. The only thing to make you "clean" is to raise your metabolism to expel the toxin faster, and to stop putting it in your body. Period.

Drug tests for employment you can get away with sneaking clean urine in.

Drug tests for probation you generally can't - they will watch you.

Depending on the type of offense and what they are testing for you will face a different test. They are most likely administering a general urine test for the 5 main drugs, the "SAMHSA 5". marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and pcp.

If that's the case you need to be under the concentration of 50 ng/ml to get a negative. If the test indicates a positive they will use gas chromatography on the sample to verify, and the GC has a sensitivity of 15 ng/ml. So if you test positive on the first test legitimately you will test positive on the second verification. So the key is getting your concentration below 50 ng/ml. marijuana metabolites get stored in fat and stay in the body for up to 30 days.

You need to get the concentration down below the cut off. Drinking lots of fluids now will do NOTHING. You need to dilute it when you actually pee. The liquid does not "flush" anything out of your system, it simply makes the concentration lower (you have the same amount of metabolite leaving your body, but a lot of extra urine makes the concentration lower). They will test for a few things after you piss:

Is it at least 2 ounces?
Is it within the acceptable temperature range? (not sure exactly, like 92-105*F or something - not an issue if using real urine)
Is it yellow colored? (take vitamins. diluted piss is clear, unless its loaded with excess vitamins )
What is the creatine content? (If you dilute your urine it essentially becomes pure water. Eat red meat for several days before to elevate creatine levels so when you dilute it they are not suspiciously low)

In summation: Eat excess red meat and vitamins for 2-3 days before the test. Drink lots of water immediately preceding the test. Drink it the night before if it's a morning test. If it's later in the day you can wait and just drink it several hours before you go in.

Also do not use the first piss in the morning. The metabolites come out in the highest concentration in the first piss of the day because they built up all night. The same thing applies to the beginning of subsequent pisses. Try to piss for a couple seconds into the toilet first, then cut it off and get your actual sample mid stream.
you sir are on the ball...I have read numerous site, detox product, other peoples opinions, success, and failure stories. Here is what i have done since the starting of this thread....i call it flushing and buffering.
Keep in mind the LAST time i smoked was 1 or 2 days before the start of day one.
Day 1: Double workout (80 minutes)
Liquid Diet (shake made of fruits and vitamin supliments)
Day 2: Double Workout (80 minutes)
Liquid Diet
(the idea is, while nothing will remove THC from fat cells...I think (and by all means correct me if i am wrong) by burning fat it will flush my system of the most recent use (in a sence)
Day 3: Same as 2
Day 4: same as 2...steak for dinner
Day 5: Normal Workout...solid raw foods
Day6: No workout....Meat and potatoes (this is where the buffering starts) again the idea is that i cannot possibly go down to 0 body fat, so now that the immediate toxins (using that term loosely) are out its time to bury the ones i can get rid off by putting clean fat on top of it
Day 7: Liquid diet (couldn't keep food down because i couldn't medicate....imagine that)
Day 8: Dunno, haven't done it yet...but i'll probably repeat day 6
Sorry if my logic is hard to fallow but the main idea is that THC stored in fat cells is reciprocal, better yet this clip will explain a little better (i know it sounds stupid, but it is actually how i came up with this specifically the part about Napolian)

for my safety net...anyone have a friend or GF that has clean urine they would be willing to donate (or im sure we could work out a trade) hit me up on PM