Cfl question


Active Member
I need to know if what I'm using is good enough to flower two plants I have growing at the moment I'm using 3 27watt 2700k and 1 32watt 2700k cfl along with the aerogarden hood lights that are 23 watt 6500k my grow box is about 3x3x6 enough to fit two plants and grow up two at least 5ft tall do I need stronger lights like 65watt or can I get a good grow using those lights
While Kush's setup sounds like a really nice one, that number of lights isn't entirely necessary. The more lights the bigger the yield, yeah, but if you don't have the money for lights less will still do fine. I use about 8 23w CFLs and two uhm... 17~20w fluoro tubes for my grow. So far so good! Check out the results so far in my sig if your interested.


Active Member
Dam that's alot of lights for one plant I was using the 13 watts but took them out and put the 27 watt in so far thier looking good but I just want to get some good size nugs for personal use


Active Member
Nice grow and setup for the both of you guys but what I'm working with is a small space and timing I thinking of adding another 2 32 watt 2700k bulbs in my setup to make it a total of 6 2700k bulbs and the aerogarden hood.


Active Member
I have the aerogarden hood hanging right over both Plants and on one side I have a 2 27watts at 2700k and 1 32 watt and another 27 watt using y splitters I know the ag hood is 6500k but only about 23 watt bulbs I was honking of adding all 42 watt 2700k and replacing with the 4 2700k bulbs giving a total of 210 watts for both plants hoping this will somewhat increase yield and quality for personal use


Active Member
One side towards the back I have a y splitter with one 27 watt and a 32 watt and he same for he front then above the plant I have the aerogarden hood I was thinking of buying a 150 watt hps I just changed the soil to fox farms ocean forest and using big bloom now the only thing I had to use half the amout for feeding cause the full amount started to turn my bottom leaves yellow. But in he mean time I might add another set of cfl and all the bulbs I have in thief now are true watts not the ones that say 100 watts but uses 18watts I don't like those at all. I will be posting more pics today full shots of flowering phase only into 2 weeks.
I just did cfl grow with 5 - 23 watt 2600k cfls spread around 2 plants, i even added 150 watt hps last 3 weeks of flowering. Got only 14 grams. It was my first grow. You might get more becuse you plant looks bigger but not much more, i'd guess deff under ounce. But on my second grow i vegged for a month and used 2 150 watt hps', and 3 weeks into flower my buds were twice as big as the finish of my first grow. With 5+ weeks left and more plants.


Active Member
Can't be even with a 150 watt light one of my buddies did it from start to finish with one and got at least close to 2oz dried and cured when first cut it was at least close to 2 1/2 oz so I can't imagine getting only half an oz. I would like to know if anyone out thier has used a 150watt hps and what results they got from it.
i didnt have my 150 hps until beyond the halfway point of flower and not much nutes. 2 oz is probly around average for a 150 hps. Plus that was my first grow. im running 2 150's now and it looks like i have a chance to get 4+oz.


Active Member
Ok now that's better I'm only into 2 weeks of flowering so I'm hoping I'm not to late to get some nice weight.


Active Member
Just put up my 150 watt hps mini sunburst from hydro arm and that thing is working it's magic the ladies are loving it both of them in fox farms oceans forest and using fox farms nutes for big bloom and put them into new pots made out cloth material the guy at the hydro shop told me those help alot with oxygen and it keeps the roots from root bound I will post pics in the morning.


Active Member
well i got my set up pretty good so far any ideas or comments are welcome here are some of my recent pics and items i just got in the past few days hope you like the eye candy. I have 150 watt hps and the grow lab tent thats 2.7x2.7x5'11 and its perfect for my ladies the one in the back was dying on me but some how she bounced back up and my hps rope got a bit loose one night and burn some of my leaves but both of them are doing great right now.View attachment 1730304View attachment 1730305View attachment 1730306View attachment 1730307View attachment 1730308View attachment 1730309View attachment 1730310