Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends


Well-Known Member
It's more for me cos for some reason it costs $110 to ship from the UK to Ireland...it's cheaper to fly over and pick it up myself,lol.

EDIT: How'd you manage that price?! Lol.

Gary Busey

New Member
If you talked to them, I'm sure they'd make some kind of deal.

I got free shipping, and $25 off each panel. It was going to be $289 each, plus like $30 shipping from NY to Baltimore (like a 3 hour drive away).

The UK is different though, I'd at least try to get some kind of discount, it might work.


Well-Known Member
If you talked to them, I'm sure they'd make some kind of deal.

I got free shipping, and $25 off each panel. It was going to be $289 each, plus like $30 shipping from NY to Baltimore (like a 3 hour drive away).

The UK is different though, I'd at least try to get some kind of discount, it might work.
any thoughts on shipping to canada and will they give better deals if you buy more panels

Gary Busey

New Member
Possibly free. I ship stuff to Canada all the time, and it is barely more expensive than shipping within the states. Call them up, ask for Ted, he's the better of the 3 there that will haggle with you.

any thoughts on shipping to canada and will they give better deals if you buy more panels


Well-Known Member
Possibly free. I ship stuff to Canada all the time, and it is barely more expensive than shipping within the states. Call them up, ask for Ted, he's the better of the 3 there that will haggle with you.
cool so i could call them up and order right over the phone, are they able to answer tech questions or are they just gonna give me the rounds.

Gary Busey

New Member
I've talked to both Ted and Victor, Ted was the better of the 2 to talk to, Victor is kind of a jackass, never talked to the 3rd guy.

They're both pretty helpful with questions though.

I had a fun phone call with HTG a few months ago, they will lie their asses off to you about LEDs, I tore Perry apart with questions and challenging everything he said. A 90 watt LED just wont cover 5 x 5, or compete with a 400 watt HPS.

He hung up on me.
Damn decisions decisions. I like the way LEDs look. I like more for the color but I will see about getting a deal from either one. At least free shipping. Whichever one can do that I will use.
No definatly not no UFO. I will get the pg 260 or the 180 depending on How much I feel like spending at the time. I know I want this led to perform great for even spending this amount at one time.Like I said as long as the led light I buy can at least get 112 grams I'll be more than happy and even will buy another one but go for the real deal and spend 5-600 dollars


Well-Known Member
Just do us all a favour, don't come back with a UFO and then complain at the yield 3 months later LOL LOL LOL.
That Gotham Hydroponics store gives good info,specifically that one of the biggest problems with people's disappointment was the old cheap 1w chip units and apparently people just not using enough wattage.

Makes sense to me,and they specifically say that alot of other sellers specifically bump up the supposed performance way too high and that's another big reason they got such a bad rep.

They say for the typical normal grower (alot of factors such as skill effect this tho) you'll get 10% less than the equivalent wattage HID but with no heat and reported better quality. I like that sort of honesty and it seems to also be what you guys are saying from experience. Good thing Iv nothing in the Paypal account for now... ;)

EDIT: Seemed relevant to the UFO point.


Active Member
I've been using 2 x 500watt blackstars to cover a 4 x 5 area, the wattage draw is actually 270w each panel, they do put out a lot of heat so that is why I now have to extract a little better so maybe this is the reason why my first yield with them was SHIT ! At least I hope so, otherwise they are gonna be a complete waste of money, very pissed off at the moment :-((


Well-Known Member
No definatly not no UFO. I will get the pg 260 or the 180 depending on How much I feel like spending at the time. I know I want this led to perform great for even spending this amount at one time.Like I said as long as the led light I buy can at least get 112 grams I'll be more than happy and even will buy another one but go for the real deal and spend 5-600 dollars
I think you will get that easily in weight.


Well-Known Member
But you don't think 180 can do that but the 26O definAtely tho right?
I think you could get that easily with the 180 as well but if you have a 3x3 space and usually want to do more than 2-3 plants then why not spend the extra 100 and get the bigger more versatile unit, it makes more sense really.
To be perfectly honest in my mind if you have the 3x3 i would just get 550, yeah its overkill and pricier but boy it would outperform in your space anything including up to 600 HID in there.


Well-Known Member
I've talked to both Ted and Victor, Ted was the better of the 2 to talk to, Victor is kind of a jackass, never talked to the 3rd guy.

They're both pretty helpful with questions though.

I had a fun phone call with HTG a few months ago, they will lie their asses off to you about LEDs, I tore Perry apart with questions and challenging everything he said. A 90 watt LED just wont cover 5 x 5, or compete with a 400 watt HPS.

He hung up on me.
hahahahah thats awesome ya i didnt wanna call up and have that happen with gotham i want good info if they start throwing shrilly shit my way im gonna get pissed they run a company that supplies these things then they should be able to truthfully answer these questions without the run around.