Let's Debate


Well-Known Member
so why do we need it if we have alterd it to suit what we think is right /?
It is a set of guidelines-laws, a recipe for a good life
If you don't like the bible read the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Tipitaka or the Torah what ever makes you happy.


Well-Known Member
yet you dont believe in them word for word? let me ask you. do you beleive in jesus christ? that he died for our sins? Do you believe it worked? do you know that many of the religions at that point in time, where based on prophetss who where all, bron on dec. 25, born of a virgin mother, died and arisen 3 days later, crucified, believed there death would vanquish others "sin". do you know these things? let me ask you to watch a movie keeping the same open mind im keeping ith you. im not being "aggressive" like my buddy over here. i want to talk. but seriously i need you to watch religulous and keep an open mind. im not saying your a fkin idiot for what u beleive. if you were like me then it wwas proably pushed on you by ur parents. its not your fault. it just takes some of us a while to come around and see the light. just because you dont believe in god or jesus or the bible doesnt mean you have to be a mean callous person with no morals. just saying.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
yet you dont believe in them word for word? let me ask you. do you beleive in jesus christ? that he died for our sins? Do you believe it worked? do you know that many of the religions at that point in time, where based on prophetss who where all, bron on dec. 25, born of a virgin mother, died and arisen 3 days later, crucified, believed there death would vanquish others "sin". do you know these things? let me ask you to watch a movie keeping the same open mind im keeping ith you. im not being "aggressive" like my buddy over here. i want to talk. but seriously i need you to watch religulous and keep an open mind. im not saying your a fkin idiot for what u beleive. if you were like me then it wwas proably pushed on you by ur parents. its not your fault. it just takes some of us a while to come around and see the light. just because you dont believe in god or jesus or the bible doesnt mean you have to be a mean callous person with no morals. just saying.
agreed thankyou , it seems to me only religious people get angry , cause they realise they can not back up any of their beliefs .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
It is a set of guidelines-laws, a recipe for a good life
If you don't like the bible read the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Tipitaka or the Torah what ever makes you happy.
well i dont need any religion to tell me rape or murder is wrong , its just something humans see as bad and unaceptable.


Well-Known Member
yet you dont believe in them word for word? let me ask you. do you beleive in jesus christ? that he died for our sins? Do you believe it worked? do you know that many of the religions at that point in time, where based on prophetss who where all, bron on dec. 25, born of a virgin mother, died and arisen 3 days later, crucified, believed there death would vanquish others "sin". do you know these things? let me ask you to watch a movie keeping the same open mind im keeping ith you. im not being "aggressive" like my buddy over here. i want to talk. but seriously i need you to watch religulous and keep an open mind. im not saying your a fkin idiot for what u beleive. if you were like me then it wwas proably pushed on you by ur parents. its not your fault. it just takes some of us a while to come around and see the light. just because you dont believe in god or jesus or the bible doesnt mean you have to be a mean callous person with no morals. just saying.
I believe Jesus was a cool guy and like all of us made in the image of God, and because of his word and deeds we learned and we have those stories to learn from today-Their were other religions predating and co existing with christianity and we adopted their dates and gods and traditions to make it easier for people to accept christianity, Their have been lost of profits.


Well-Known Member
You may as well be deaf, dumb and blind. The scales covering your eyes prevent you from the seeing the truth. So it is of no suprise to me that you believe in yourself and that said belief trumps my belief in the God who created man from dust of the earth.

PS your debate skills suck

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I believe Jesus was a cool guy and like all of us made in the image of God, and because of his word and deeds we learned and we have those stories to learn from today-Their were other religions predating and co existing with christianity and we adopted their dates and gods and traditions to make it easier for people to accept christianity, Their have been lost of profits.
so what about the religions and beliefs 1000s of years before christianity like the god zeus ?or thor ?


Well-Known Member
well i dont need any religion to tell me rape or murder is wrong , its just something humans see as bad and unaceptable.
Why if 'humans' just see it as bad is their so much of it in the world? Wouldn't it cease to exist if what you were saying were true?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
You may as well be deaf, dumb and blind. The scales covering your eyes prevent you from the seeing the truth. So it is of no suprise to me that you believe in yourself and that said belief trumps my belief in the God who created man from dust of the earth.

PS your debate skills suck
lol and your debating me with...................... man being created from dust on earth lmao , what dust was it from ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
What about them? God has been around a long time and in many forms

oh right so your using the old 'god is the same one in every religion ' lol zeus and the god of christianity are COMPLETELY different if you can explain how they are the same god then id be very freakin interested lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
You may as well be deaf, dumb and blind. The scales covering your eyes prevent you from the seeing the truth. So it is of no suprise to me that you believe in yourself and that said belief trumps my belief in the God who created man from dust of the earth.

PS your debate skills suck
so why dont we see in the fossil and dna record 'man just appearing out of dust ' ...............what we actualy see is man evolving from ape like creatures etc etc

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
going back .................if im in hell ............what happens if i dont live bad or i dont live good and i just get to 85 and die of old age like my grandad ?


Well-Known Member
How was life created? No one can do it. it does not just happen. Yes they can start with a cell but in the absence of anything they can not create something- only God can-
God created the universe and everything that's out their and he created earth and everything on it. Its a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg-either way God had to create one or the other first but in the end it doesn't really matter which he created first, the mere fact he created them is amazing.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
How was life created? No one can do it. it does not just happen. Yes they can start with a cell but in the absence of anything they can not create something- only God can-
God created the universe and everything that's out their and he created earth and everything on it. Its a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg-either way God had to create one or the other first but in the end it doesn't really matter which he created first, the mere fact he created them is amazing.

thats total nonsense you are actualy contradicting yourself.....................who or what made your god then, ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im english btw ...............and what was god doing for the eternity before he decided to make us , cos what you are saying is your god must of just allways of been there , so what was he doing for the eternity before he decided to make our universe and where was he ? coz our universe didnt exist before he made it .


Well-Known Member
thats total nonsense you are actualy contradicting yourself.....................who or what made your god then, ?
God is energy-he has always existed he never goes away only chances form, dissipates and concentrates as he sees fit-You are God like you have this energy inside of you.