What do this look like????


Active Member
Hey r.i.u, ive got some seeds i got from the greenhoues seeds, fem lemon skunk)
Anyway i decided to try out one as ive only a limited place to grow and have other plants growing at the mo, the seed germed within 2days' part of the inside shell must of stuck and stoped it for opening up and it wasn't untill i lightDSC00604.jpgly misted it with ph water that it opened, its almost 2wks old, its on 18/6 lighting, in vitamix-pro soil with hardly any nutes with is making mDSC00603.jpge think thats it starting to want some food or do it look def in something?
I would love some feedback on what you all think? thanks guys scunkDSC00602.jpg

The first two pics are of a plant i topped and rooted but there seems to be something happening, the seedling is the last pic. thanks scunk


Active Member
With the seedling, if i add more potassium it will fix it? plus how much is best to feed a two wk old seedlig? im thinking about 500-600ppm? plus the one that rooted what would be best to give that?


Well-Known Member
Never heard of your dirt. This could be the problem or it could lack of the nutrients you haven't been feed:lol: Or was you going to use nutrients?


Active Member

Up-date, as you can see the seedlings geting worse plus the plant that rooted got what looks like an mg def' the leaves on the new growth are twisted as you can see in the pics, ive got some really good nutes just coz the guy in the hydro shop said that theres hardly any nutes in the soil, ive also got some worm castings. but if its hungry then why would the new growth leaves be twisting?


What you have is a good old fashioned root lockup. I would flush with with good water with no nutes and wait 24 hours. When you flush, water until it's running out the bottom then wait about 5 min and do it one more time. The first flush will dissolve the salts and the second will wash them right out. Then while wet make sure your soil is not too compact, it looks a little tight from the pics. Just take a toothpick or whatever you have handy and loosen the soil, but just be VERY careful you don't touch a root. The next day water with 1/4 strength nutes according to packing directions, stay away from full dosages at this point. Add 1tps of hydrogen peroxide to the mix if you have no cal-mag, again if you use it use a 1/4 dose, then take 1/2 tsp of epsom salts and microwave it in a little bit of water for 50 sec and then add that to the mix. Shake really well to get the oxygen bubbles from the peroxide and feed the plants. Then saturate the leaves with plain water with a spray bottle to sweat out the remaining nutes so your mix gets taken up quicker. Then sit back and in about 72 hours your plants will be perfect. Make sure you don't over water, in soil you want to let it get dry about an 1' 1/2 deep before you water. And personally before I every feeding I water with plain water, just a little like so little there is no drainage then wait about an hour then feed.

1: Flush
2: Wait 24 hours
3: Use my mix
4: Saturate Leaves with spray bottle

Good Luck!!


Active Member
This is the soil im using' om the web page this is what it said,
made by holland hydroponics
Lightweight mix based on a tried and tested forula of top quality peat and screened spagnum moss with added wetting agents and vitacell. Vitacell is a foamed aminoplast resin that is fully biodegradable and increases air space and drainage in the substra without scrificing water-holding capacity. Vitamix-pro boosts root vitality and promotes the production of bigger harvests.


Active Member
What you have is a good old fashioned root lockup. I would flush with with good water with no nutes and wait 24 hours. When you flush, water until it's running out the bottom then wait about 5 min and do it one more time. The first flush will dissolve the salts and the second will wash them right out. Then while wet make sure your soil is not too compact, it looks a little tight from the pics. Just take a toothpick or whatever you have handy and loosen the soil, but just be VERY careful you don't touch a root. The next day water with 1/4 strength nutes according to packing directions, stay away from full dosages at this point. Add 1tps of hydrogen peroxide to the mix if you have no cal-mag, again if you use it use a 1/4 dose, then take 1/2 tsp of epsom salts and microwave it in a little bit of water for 50 sec and then add that to the mix. Shake really well to get the oxygen bubbles from the peroxide and feed the plants. Then saturate the leaves with plain water with a spray bottle to sweat out the remaining nutes so your mix gets taken up quicker. Then sit back and in about 72 hours your plants will be perfect. Make sure you don't over water, in soil you want to let it get dry about an 1' 1/2 deep before you water. And personally before I every feeding I water with plain water, just a little like so little there is no drainage then wait about an hour then feed.

1: Flush
2: Wait 24 hours
3: Use my mix
4: Saturate Leaves with spray bottle

Good Luck!!
Thanks so much my friend i will do just what you say, the soil says that more air can go into the soil mix so do i still fluff the soil up?


Actually after seeing what you are using you can just skip that step. The moss keeps it from packing too tight so just follow steps 1-4.


Active Member
when shall i do that coz the lights are off now so shall i do it when i put them on or shall i just get to doing it now? its fucking crazy coz its seems to be happening to every plant i grow, it gets as far as flowering then just falls apart.


Active Member
When you say 1/4 nutes, whats on the packet is 4-5ml/ltr so thats 100% max, so if i put 2ml into 2ltrs of water then that would make a 50% feed, and if i add an other half ltr then that would make a 25% fed, am i right??


If possible, do it when your lights just come on. When you water in the dark you could run into issues with mildew. Also, do you have an oscillating fan? I would have one blowing on your plants at all times. Not on high...just enough to shake the leaves a little. When you enter flowering you need to flush and let them get used to the new light cycle then start feeding again but at higher doses. Use peroxide in every feeding, only do the cal-mag or epsom every couple feedings. I'm horrible with unit conversion so can't help you there.


Active Member
You have helped me loads already my friend so dont worry bout that lol' is there anything else that can be used instead of cal-mag coz when i was in an hydro shop the other day, when i asked the guy who worked there about cal-mag he showed me what he had there and kept saying to me that i had a calcium problem, but like i said to him then if thats what its all about hydrated lime would sort out a cal def,


Active Member
Up-date 24/07/2011
Flushed this morning as someone told me to do last night then after 24hrs give the plant some proxcide and epsom salts if i got no cal-mag' the pics show what it looks like today' i my self think its getting worse compared to what it was like yesterday.
This seedling hasn't been fed yet, its 2wks old and in soil with hardly any nutes so do it look like lockout or needs food? i'd be really happy if you can tell me your thoughts on what you think, cheers guys scunk,



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry didn't read thru the whole thread, what food are you using and if you have fed it, how much?


Active Member
This probably has nothing to do with your post but honestly, I have had some weird shit happen when growing my plants. I grew 12, 10 were male (my experiments) and the ones I just left alone to grow without nutes all were female. I started adding nutes a week before flowering on the two females. I got rid of all the males and concentrated all my lighting on these two girls. The plant on the right, although both are in the same exact soil and have the same exact watering / nute schedule, is growing out albino. Yes, albino. A lot of the leaves growing around the bud formation (they are 2 weeks into flowering) are white as a sheet of paper, the pistils are nearly darker. Although, all of the fan leaves are green with no white. I was told put some P in it, but that didnt work. I was told check the ph, ph is perfect in soil and in drip-off. Sometimes plants just do some fucked up things.

That on the other hand looks like a different issue, but i figured id share my information w u lol