Amy Winehouse R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
according to this chicks logic, im addicted to pussy!

And anything can be turned into a drug. You probably wouldn't be doing it if it were legal.

not that I have to justify myself to a dumb euro, but I've been off methadone for years now.
Oh and Amy Winehouse is an awesome singer, but boy is she one silly british cunt.


Well-Known Member
nah, bro non taken! Well i do live by a war zone, except, im not really in the main place where all the gun battles take place! I can hear them a few miles away all the time and its pretty amazing how those big guns resonate throughout the night. I have seen what that has done to plenty of people. I have had friends and family displaced because of all the bullshit that is happening... ONe of my cousins was eating one day at a local restaurant, some random dudes paid for her and my aunts meal, when they left, the dudes told them, "we paid for your meal, now your daughter will pay us back."

Yes, you are not the only that has suffered because of war, but that does not give the right to blame everything on AMerica...

listen bro, i dont have anything against, you, the only thing i find wrong is that you care to side with a stupid fucking bitch talking all this shit about the US and our Fallen SOLDIERS! Im a cool guy, but you fuck with my country and you fuck with me! i stick to my country cause my country has everything to offer here, i dont have a feeling that will only get satisfied if i travel to discover the world... the rest of the world for all i care is filled with terrorists' and people that are dumb...

Im glad i made you laugh, i too had a few laughs as welll! Im not talking shit about where you work, what i was saying is that you talk down about the US, yet you still want to work here. Isnt that going against what you are saying here?

Alright, well treat me as a equal and lets have a civil discourse. Lets take out the swearing. I think there has been a miscommunication. I do not have anything against the individual American troops that are overseas for fighting for the right reasons. The problem I DO have is troops fighting for the money(signing bonus). I do feel bad for the families and mourn the loss of every person lost at war. I have seen the harsh realities of war. My brother is dead because of it. I do not glorify war. War is horrible since america has not ever had a dommestic war you have not seen the true horrors of war. War is not over when troops pull out. That is just the begining. Lets say you a vet. So you have seen some awful things I imagine and might even have numerous friends that died. You were wearing armor. I was not. I was traveling and writing a story for a newspaper while in Africa. You have never seen how a country eats itself up after the troops leave. Do not talk to me about war. I was in Darfur and saw the body of an 8 year old girl that was raped, mutilated, amputated with machatees, then burned alive to the point where the body was not even recognizable by her own family. Do not talk to me about war or the "justice" that american troops bring. Where was America to protect them. For every american soldier that has been killed, multiple innocent civilians have been killed by stray bullets and just a casuality of war. Remember that. Imagine walking down the street one day and getting popped. this happens on a daily basis, I realize that this will strengthen your argument on why America is the best country because this does not happen I say congrats your not a thirdworld country but there are numerous countries with the same qualifiersn then. I am not a terrorist supporter but I have lived in a warzone. Its awful the smell never leaves your noses, the screams do not leave your dream. So I guess what Im trying to say is my opinions come off my own personal experience feel free to express yours.

I have never been to America before this position opened up and I am in love with another American who works at the Uni. I had never been to N. Korea either before I lived there. I can talk badly about N. Korea to if that makes you happy. I plan on leaving. I just enjoy traveling and teaching. I appologize if I sounded rude at all through out this discussion.


Well-Known Member
that is going to be owned by the chinese soon pal.
they outlaw cannabis they will behead you for smoking it.

oh and.....

waaaaaa ...
that is TODAY, in my backyard. real life stuff, my friend.

what happens tomorrow i will deal with then.

is that pic supposed to cause some sort of reaction in me? i don't get it.

amy winehouse is DEAD.


Well-Known Member

yes, the wonderful amy whinewhore! That is something to defend and look like a dumbfuck for on a public pot forum!

I don't get it. Why the news all of a sudden. Cunts been dead for years

ohhhh amy whorehouse boohoo, she's contributed so much to music. More like contributed so much music to the trash can.


Well-Known Member
that is why i own a lot of guns!!!!! I love AMerica!!!! I would fight to the death if we ever got invaded! I think there are plenty of other America loving Americans that own their fair share of weapons! Unlike other countries that ban all firearms, America does not, therefore, if we got invaded, i think the American people would unite as a faction and fight against whoever is invading....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::-o:-o:-o:-o:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

i do not care to bother to know about other countries! i could care less what is happening! I know the world does not depend on me and i do not depend on the world, so to worry about other countries other then my own, then i would be a traitor! Such as (cough cough) yourself!

I love this. So if I care about what is going on in another country then I am a traitor? So lets say for the sake of discussion that another country invades America completely wipes out your resources. You ask for help and I respond "Well I would help you but.....I dont want to be a traitor" there is nothing wrong with becoming educated with global issues. It would be unintelligent to do so. This market place is so global that even a drought in a remote part of China can have a huge effect of the cost of goods global. This is my job. Which is one of the reasons why I am concerned with global issues. O and of coarse I live on Earth. Well call me a traitor. lol


Well-Known Member
1) Stephanie, there's no need to be such a meanie. As much as snarky comments and sarcasm amuse me, there's a point where you're just being hurtful. It appears you also attack people in anticipation of retaliation, rather to just politely make your point. That being said, the world needs people unafraid to stand up and say what they think, but also consideration- that is why I am responding to you.

I am saddened and disgusted by you admitting outright that you don't care much for marijuana and only sell it for monetary gain at the expense of others. Technically the smart thing to do is to take advantage of vulnerable drug dependents (a minority of stoners IMHO X3) but it's not the right thing. Marijuana has its potentially negative side-effects (like any substance or foodstuff) but it has brought joy to many people, like me for instance who would have starved to death had marijuana not taught me how to enjoy eating... To enjoy LIVING again. If you can't understand that, you need to get out of this business.

2) No one take blanket-statement swings at eachother. The British can be an uptight, boring, sensitive and whiny bunch at times, but do can alot of other nations. Leave it at that

3) Winehouse's death was a tragic waste of life. She had a wonderfully soulful voice and I can't deny her talent just because I don't like her character or because It is popular to jump on the hating bandwagon. She is not my style at all, her substance abuse makes me wonder how much common sense she had, yes- but she was a vulnerable young woman who made bad choices as we all do. I used to find reasons to dislike her but that kind of this is pointless and cruel. In fact we're not all that different, we went to the same school.

So yeah, please can we all just be nice now, I'm tired...



Well-Known Member
i never referenced marriage being religious! I just said it was for a man and a woman...

oly, america is NOT the best country in the world. you think we are more free here than anywhere else right? well thats wrong!

and what you say about gay people getting married is the same shit they used to say about blacks marrying whites. ppl used to say it was disgusting and we dont want our kids seeing it in the streets, because our white daughters might start dating black guys! oh no!
also i believe they did the same thing with catholics.
and if you use the excuse that marriage is a religious thing, you are wrong. how many non religious people get married? most of them still use religious marriage rituals, even though they dont go to church. why arent you saying anything about them?


Well-Known Member
not really bro, ms stone has picked a fight with an American, so i really do not think i will be nice to her or he or 'it..'

1) Stephanie, there's no need to be such a meanie. As much as snarky comments and sarcasm amuse me, there's a point where you're just being hurtful. It appears you also attack people in anticipation of retaliation, rather to just politely make your point. That being said, the world needs people unafraid to stand up and say what they think, but also consideration- that is why I am responding to you.

I am saddened and disgusted by you admitting outright that you don't care much for marijuana and only sell it for monetary gain at the expense of others. Technically the smart thing to do is to take advantage of vulnerable drug dependents (a minority of stoners IMHO X3) but it's not the right thing. Marijuana has its potentially negative side-effects (like any substance or foodstuff) but it has brought joy to many people, like me for instance who would have starved to death had marijuana not taught me how to enjoy eating... To enjoy LIVING again. If you can't understand that, you need to get out of this business.

2) No one take blanket-statement swings at eachother. The British can be an uptight, boring, sensitive and whiny bunch at times, but do can alot of other nations. Leave it at that

3) Winehouse's death was a tragic waste of life. She had a wonderfully soulful voice and I can't deny her talent just because I don't like her character or because It is popular to jump on the hating bandwagon. She is not my style at all, her substance abuse makes me wonder how much common sense she had, yes- but she was a vulnerable young woman who made bad choices as we all do. I used to find reasons to dislike her but that kind of this is pointless and cruel. In fact we're not all that different, we went to the same school.

So yeah, please can we all just be nice now, I'm tired...
