Fan Leaves turning Yellow with Brown Spots - Random Holes in Leaves - [PICS]

Hey guys I am on around my 7th week since seed on my Big Devil #2 AutoFlower and shit is starting to get real and I am hella scared cause this be my first grow ever.

Here's the details:

I am growing 100% outdoor on my deck - as soon as they germed I threw em' in their final pots (3 gallon).

I'm using Miracle Grow Organic Soil (very light nutes in it - something like .10 - .05 - .05).

Anyways, they grew fine and fast around 3 weeks or so in a few orange spots popped up on a few fan leaves and I made a thread about it:

Link to thread

I didn't do anything about it really as the problem seemed to correct itself.

Now though I am 1-2 weeks in flowering and shit is getting really as fuck.

Basically, bottom fan leaves are getting yellow and shit and its just not pretty :-(

If it helps I didn't water for probs over a week till they just started wilting cause of god damn fungus gnats - and the moment I watered today 1.5L water each the moment I water they returned :finger:

Also I've been using some cheap fertilizer from walmart 15-30-15 for flowering.

Anyways a picture is a thousand words so here you guys go:

Thanks Ya'll! :lol::sleep::bigjoint::leaf::-P



Well-Known Member
check your pH and it looks like they're starving for nutes. I had the EXACT same problem except on the top leaves.... I'm now keeping the pH consistent and feeding properly in happy frog soil using the whole FF lineup... and they're doing fine
buddy of mine has a strawberry ice in a dwc and uses ff nute and he cant pass 400 ppm before it shows signs of stress 2 weeks in flower is that normal pl help asap
check your pH and it looks like they're starving for nutes. I had the EXACT same problem except on the top leaves.... I'm now keeping the pH consistent and feeding properly in happy frog soil using the whole FF lineup... and they're doing fine
+ Rep

Appreciate you answering (think srawberry might be a bit stoned atm :P). Anyways, I'm kind of strapped for cash ATM (student) so can't really drop a ton on a PH tester. But according to water quality control or whatever for my city our PH is a very stable 6.5>6.3

I think the next time I feed in a few days I'll up the nutes a bite (yet to have any nute burn so might aswell) and maybe I'll pick up some cal-mag just incase ;)

Thanks again man!
strawberryice (indica) is tha name of tha strain its in a dwc 2 weeks it to flower it has alot of brown spots allso try to up the ppm past 400 and it sarts to get those spots any advise pls .ph 6.0 and by the next day its at 5.5 and ppm goes up like 4 ppm sorry new to this. and yup im high