First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Hell yea BKB! I normally only see him 2-3 times a week. This week I've already seen him 4 days in a row!! I get to see him today and then again on Sunday. :D So awesome. All my troubles seem to fade away when I'm with him.

The leaves are turning red. I've given them cal/mag with just about every feed/watering. I have had so many fans leaves fall off over the last week it seems odd. I wasn't expecting so many leaves to fall off this early in flower. Some of the fan leaf stems are purple, yes. Do you think that is an indication of something else? Keep in mind that I've had the ph adjusted properly for only about 3 days now.

The buds on my kush plant are getting bigger each day so I'm trying not to worry too much...
Seems to be a Mg Deficiency especially with purple stems and fan leaves falling off. Now if your having problems with your soils pH then it doesnt matter how much Cal/Mag you put in there cause its probably being locked out. You really need to get dialed in on your soil's pH to ensure proper uptake of Mg and other key nutes. I saw someone put on here a pH nute uptake chart, have you read it? Or maybe I am a little confused and saw it in someone else's thread?

I know you hate to read, but I highly recommend you read this I found about Mg:




Well-Known Member
Every 4-5 days I water, but i'm probably gonna push it to 6 now that fungus gnats are appearing.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a Mg Deficiency especially with purple stems and fan leaves falling off. Now if your having problems with your soils pH then it doesnt matter how much Cal/Mag you put in there cause its probably being locked out. You really need to get dialed in on your soil's pH to ensure proper uptake of Mg and other key nutes. I saw someone put on here a pH nute uptake chart, have you read it? Or maybe I am a little confused and saw it in someone else's thread?

I know you hate to read, but I highly recommend you read this I found about Mg:


BKB hit the nail on the head imo

First step is to get your ph dialed in PERFECT for ATLEAST a week before you start treating deficiencies.. by trying to continually treat deficiencies when you might just have a lock out since you have only owned a ph meter for a few days is just going to compound your problems.. get the ph right.. give it a little time .. the try to feed them what they need... but until you are sure its not a lock out problem... treating deficiencies is pointless imo


Well-Known Member
I saw someone put on here a pH nute uptake chart, have you read it? Or maybe I am a little confused and saw it in someone else's thread?

It might have been me.. here it is again dubbz if I never shared it with you.. dont really remember... :) Just shows where your ph needs to be at for availability of that nute


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting it Alot!!! Good shit...What I recommend you do is get some distilled water and pH it. Then run some through your soil just enough to get alittle runoff and test that pH and see what the difference is when it goes in your soil and out your soil. Then you can adjust it when you do your feeding so you are hitting 6.5pH thats where your sweet spot uptake is for all nutes! Hope that made some sense, I am alittle tired right now but thats how I would test to see where my soil is at.


Well-Known Member
bkb .. i been trying to start it all week.. just been having setbacks.. first my wifes sister came into town.. so couldnt do anything while she was here.. then we were at the hospital a couple times.. wife is due anytime with my daughter.. I bought some upgrades I need to get setup also.. I have a bunch of new nutes and supplements to play with .. I bought a dehumidifier and a 3x3 tent with 250 watts of blue mama lighting for it .. So now I will have a mamma area.. veg area and my flower.. pretty much I just wanna get everything plug and play before I start the next round because I am going to have my 3 year old .. a new born and I go back to work full time on sept 5th. So my time will be limited .. BUT I do still have 3 plants going with only 1 of my 1000 watters in flower.. they are about a month in.. Looking nice :). I will def link you guys once I get it going again... sorry bout the life story lol.


Well-Known Member
bkb .. i been trying to start it all week.. just been having setbacks.. first my wifes sister came into town.. so couldnt do anything while she was here.. then we were at the hospital a couple times.. wife is due anytime with my daughter.. I bought some upgrades I need to get setup also.. I have a bunch of new nutes and supplements to play with .. I bought a dehumidifier and a 3x3 tent with 250 watts of blue mama lighting for it .. So now I will have a mamma area.. veg area and my flower.. pretty much I just wanna get everything plug and play before I start the next round because I am going to have my 3 year old .. a new born and I go back to work full time on sept 5th. So my time will be limited .. BUT I do still have 3 plants going with only 1 of my 1000 watters in flower.. they are about a month in.. Looking nice :). I will def link you guys once I get it going again... sorry bout the life story lol.
Yeah you def are busy bro, congrats on the soon to be newborn....I am shutting down till the summer is over myself but I also have just 3 plants going. Handle your business bro and hopefully soon Round 2 will start.

Ok I am done jacking Dubz thread, my bad Dubz!




Well-Known Member
You refered to your Kush as a guy, I hope that's not the case.
I think you misunderstood bro... I was referring to my son! I got to see him every day this week which is a rarity.

Seems to be a Mg Deficiency especially with purple stems and fan leaves falling off. Now if your having problems with your soils pH then it doesnt matter how much Cal/Mag you put in there cause its probably being locked out. You really need to get dialed in on your soil's pH to ensure proper uptake of Mg and other key nutes. I saw someone put on here a pH nute uptake chart, have you read it? Or maybe I am a little confused and saw it in someone else's thread?

I know you hate to read, but I highly recommend you read this I found about Mg:


That became one of my favorite charts the instant I laid eyes on it. I actually have a few different versions of it. The ph has been on point for only 3 days so things should turn around soon, I hope. I'm not chasing anything around too much. The only thing I did was give all the ladies a small dose of humic acid last night, along with a nice foliar spray down as lights went down this morning.

Every 4-5 days I water, but i'm probably gonna push it to 6 now that fungus gnats are appearing.
The neem didn't hold them off? You can always try the potato peel! (no joke)

BKB hit the nail on the head imo

First step is to get your ph dialed in PERFECT for ATLEAST a week before you start treating deficiencies.. by trying to continually treat deficiencies when you might just have a lock out since you have only owned a ph meter for a few days is just going to compound your problems.. get the ph right.. give it a little time .. the try to feed them what they need... but until you are sure its not a lock out problem... treating deficiencies is pointless imo
Yes that is exactly what I'm doing. I know that fixing plant issues due to ph being too high or low does not happen overnight so I'm being patient. Trust me, after freaking out early in the grow I learned that there is no need to hurry.

anytime gentleman .. anything to help dubbz get this grow going as smooth as possible :).. just wanna see how it bitchin it ends up :)
You are the man. :blsmoke:

Alright... enough goofing off! Time to get a few girls upstairs for some pics! Be back soon!


Well-Known Member
LOoking forward to the pics..

DUbbz.. i know its hard to wait for things to straighten out... because you wanna fix your girls NOW lol... ive been there.. Im sure even with the little probs.. you will be MORE then happy with the end result.. I had lots of hiccups.


Well-Known Member
Greetings ladies and gentlemen! It's time for some bud porn!!

Instead of bringing each of my girls upstairs I found a cozy place just outside of their room for them to expose their tasty looking nugs. Enough with the jibber jabber, let's check out some bud porn :-P

Up first we have two of my lovely Master Kush ladies. In these pictures you will see a few shots of my red leaves. It's not a dramatic amount but they are there. Besides the red leaves, these girls are looking mighty fine!


Up next for you my Blue Cheese ladies. These girls are the most resilient plants in my garden with very little issues up to this point. I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at these ladies!! During veg these ladies plumped up faster than the others but have taken a backseat to my Kush girls in the size department. Alright, alright blah blah... Say Cheese!!!


...and last but not least are the Lemon Skunk ladies. These girls were quite disappointing for a few weeks, to the point that I almost gave them away!! I sure am glad I decided against that idea since they have definitely made a turn for the better. Minus the bear claws these girls have quickly changed my outlook on their future. They smell AMAZINGGGGGGGG!!! These plants will be my personal smoke without a doubt!


I used my Droid 2 to take these pictures. Before I was using a Samsung Omnia. Not sure sure why but I could have swore the omnia took better pictures. Turns out I was wrong? The picture quality should be much better than any of my previous pictures.

It's the middle of flowering week 4 and there you have it. Any opinions, advice, suggestions or feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone for checking out my grow! To all that have helped me closly... a special thanks to you guys/girls. If you like what you see then pat yourself on the back. I couldn't have made it this far without you.

Dubbz :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Brown chicka brown brown.....looking good bro!!! MJ plants are so forgiving! Patience and learning form mistakes= Successful Grows! You are on your way my friend!

The Lemon Skunks are probably clawing cause they might be root bound, another thing that makes leaves claw is a too much "N" which from the color of your plants i doubt its that. Dont ever give up bro, you are rocking them out right now! Its a task keeping plants in perfect condition, I have problems occur all the time, just keep trying and learning them!

Night bro...I get the little ones tomorrow, need my rest.




Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas. The next two weeks are going to suck. Where I'm going from here is still in the air. One thing I do know is that my plants will have a home to finish out their cycle in. It's funny, I'm more worried about finding them a new home than myself lol I'm also wondering if I should move them next week or wait til the last possible day in the house. I'm thinking the sooner the better just in case I run into any snags.


Well-Known Member
i say the safest way, better to wait if it will be safer , but if your moving into an apt ad say late after the guys have done all the checks n shit cuz i remember after moving into shoregatee the maintainace guys came in a few times to finish up some things.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is taking them into his house, but that's not where I will be staying. That's the part I'm unsure of.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what an absolutely mind blowing bud porn show.. you really outdid yourself this time dude. I had chills up and down my spine through out the entire show. YOur going to pulling some maJOR weight from this grow. im thinkin 2 lbs at least.. shit all them lemons ..lord have mercy!!! lmao

well its Finally fuckin friday .. your NEXT!!!!! :joint::joint::joint::joint:
HEres the Party BALLoon!!
(think bursting blueberrys with a pop rock sock to it) lol

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Well-Known Member
Damnit! You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr.Amber Trichome again.

I owe you some +rep Dat... you just made my day. Thank you for that. You are far too kind :)