Let's Debate

Charlie Who?

Active Member
I just told you God was great.
I'm in the other thread to.
Vagina is the center of the universe and proof God exists-pussy makes people and God made pussy.
Thus, the enduring respect for the Great Mother. Is it an accident that men spend their lives striving to get back IN to the Great Pussy from whence they came?

The "sex drive" is actually Man's attempt to re-unite with God, Herself. Fortunately, every Woman carries with her this Sacred Portal to the Goddess.

Seriously....dont you see that the moment of orgasm/ejaculation IS the Big Bang? In Human-size terms? To be IN that moment of mindless-but-complete creative ecstacy IS the closest we can come (no pun intended) to being WITH Her at the moment She said, "let there be Light"?

Why do men strive to become rich? To get pussy. Why does a man buy a Rolex? To get pussy. Why does a man go to war? To get pussy. A man will do pretty much anything, lie, steal, cheat, whatever it takes.....for Pussy. Pussy is The Holy Grail. Why?

Any man who believes in Pussy believes in God. He just doesnt know why. It's because on a primal level, every man knows the Goddess is Everything. The Pussy represents the Goddess, the Giver of Life, The Great Mother. The oldest of the Gods of Man. We all came from it....and spend all our lives trying to get back into it. The reason is symbolic. We may THINK, "Man...Im sure horny. I sure need me some PUSSY!" But IF we were able to really see into the depths, deep into the layers of the Onion (so to speak), we'd know what we really crave is to be re-united with God, if for only a few seconds. In this physical body, a couple of seconds of extacy and a squirt orr two is the best we can do to Create. it's a poor, tiny substitute for the Real Thing, the Creation of a Universe....but hey, it's better than nothing and it drives us from puberty til death.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
I think sativa needs. Some legit lsd, with dmt on the come down, trust me, u will. Really walk with. Someone then! Might not be "god", that's cuse it is. Spirit!
Actually...this is how I came to Know God. I was tripping on some Windowpane acid in about 1970 or so, in a park with some other folks, also tripping. There was a picnic table and on it was a slice of watermelon.

I was sitting there, HEAVY tripping, gazing at the slice of watermelon.

I noticed the melon went from the deepest, most pure green on the outside...to the purest, clear, vibrant red on the inside....opposite colors on the color wheel. Yet....that transaction from purest green to purest red happened in less than one inch of actual space. ONE INCH....for color to go across the entire spectrum.....in what I suddenly realized was just ONE tiny, daily Miracle. Who even notices a watermelon rind? Yet, EVERY watermelon held the potential for somebody to simply SEE it's magnificence. It's quiet and humble ability to cross the color spectrum from opposite to opposite within ONE inch....and without a single clear point at which I could see the change.

I mean....THERE it was! A Miracle of Perfection, right there for MY eyes....in a humble fruit left casually on an old wooden table ion a park.

Not a big fancy cathedral....not a huge, expebnsive church...just an old wooden table. No huge crowd of adoring worshipers. Just me. One Hippy kid, sitting alone at a tabl;e, whose eyes had been Opened enabling me to See. And I knew, in that moment that God was subtly lurking everywhere.

Perfections. Amazing and subtle....the entire spectrum of color going from one extreme to the opposite withing one crumm inch of sheer Perfection, quietly, subtly, calling no attention at all. The Miracle just Was. Available to any who chose to See, willing to not be seen at all.

And I knew, in that moment, that I was looking at a watermellon slice....but was Seeing God.


I then moved my focus...all around me. The trees, the lake, the clouds, the blue, blue sky.....and I Saw It there, too. IT was everywhere, there for the Looking.

But first, ya gotta See.

So, when someone fails to See....and says, "There aint no god...." I say," YES, there is. And IT's everywhere around you......IF you can See.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
even if what your saying is true wich i highly doubt it is , what you are saying is i need a drug only discoverd in the 1946s to see god lol you my friend are stupid
No, that isnt it, at all. LSD is ONE way to Spirit. NOT the ONLY way.

Ever heard of a "Whirling Dervish"? Probably not. A Dervish is a branch of the Hindu religion, and the prqactiocioners spin. For hours. They just spin and spin, whirling in a circle. Sometime as they spin, they are overcome with Spirit, transcend to another plane and experience God.

In west Africa, practicioners drum and chant and dance. Some of them will be filled with "Spirit" and taken over.

In Appalachia, some Christians handle poisonous snakes. They are taken over by, filled with, the "Holy Ghost" and believe the snakes wont bite them, or if they do, cannot harm them....because they are filled with the Holy Ghost.

The Indian Fakir meditates to the point of reducing his heart rate to less than 10 beats per minute and can stay in a box under water for ten minutes or more, evidently not needing air, because he is temporarily not IN his physical body and has left it behind.

Every sdingle culture has it's ways and rituals to find Spirit. Whirling, drumming, chanting, candle or fire gazing... all work. So does ingesting peyote, mushrooms, LSD, MJ and other sacredd botanicals.

In other words, regardless of where you are or what is available to you, everybody has a way to transcend the "daily" reality and attain the Higher Plane.

Acid is just a whole lot quicker and easier than years of meditation, hours of whirling or snake handling, LOL.

Catholic priests and nuns in the Middle Ages used to beat themselves with whips, "flailing the flesh", to promote a state of sltered consciousness in which they could experience God.

I kew this chick who was a serious submissive. Her thing was having her boyfriend Master stick fishhooks thru her clit. I swear Im not lying. I actually witnessed this ritual. he stuck several hooks thru her clit, then another six or eight hooks thru each labia, then laced her cunt closed with a leather thong threaded thru the fish hooks.

Again, I swear on my son Im not kidding.

I asked her WTF???

She said that in her willingness to enfure severe pain, her mind would leave her body and she would be transformed, transcend to a plane above pain and physicality. In this space, she would "know God".

Now... MY personal experiements might have led to giving or receiving the occasional spanking, LOL....but sticking a fish hook thru ANY body part of mine is pretty much OFF the menu. All I know about this is what I actually saw and I can say with certainity that this chick seemed to be "above" pain or "outside" it or whatever, because she never made a sound nor a grimace. In fact, for several minutes after the guy had cut off the hooks and removed tmem, she seemed to be "gone". Not asleep...just Not There. I'll never forge that shit.

Id way rather take a hit of acid, personally.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
yeah shame only YOU had that experience ....try convincing someone else that you had that experience ...........its like my friend reckons he was abducted by aliens .
Do you think that matters? If somebody else gets it?

trust me, I KNOW nobody will get MY realization of God by hearing about MY watermelon experience. That's irrelevent, completely.

That's the whole problem, really. NOBODY can share their own experience of God with anybody else. This phenom is described in the Bible by the story of Paul, who was "struck blind" by his vision of God on his walk to Damascus. he was able to TELL others about his experience....but nobody else was "struck bline" by HEARING Pauls experience.

This is how the "Gnostic Christians" came to be. (Gnostic" from the greek, "Gnosos", meaning, "knowlledge")They believe that EVERYBODY must have his OWN personal experience of God....and that no amount of study or reading or hearing other people's experience is worth shit. I tend to agree. For me, it was a watermelon rind. For Paul, it was being struck blind. But neither the people Paul told his story to, nor the people I have told mine to will be transformed/transcend by hearing the story.

The point is that anybody CAN have his/her moment of Transcendence at any moment---by any means. For many people. haviong their first child is transforming, spiritually. For others, falling in love is key. For others, coming very near to dying does it. The point is, something can happen at any given time, in any life, that changes that life, forever.

Yours just hasnt happened, yet.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
My friend, I've read the. Bible 4 times, y so closed minded? And spirit and God are not the same, u are god, and spirit is everything, but I don't expect u to get that, being all close minded!
FWIW, I GET it that YOU get it. He doesnt get it and may never, LOL. But YOU do.



Well-Known Member
ok smart ass, why or how were we selected to be put on this specific planet? why this solar system? Why this sun? Why was the sun the center of the solar system? Why is the sun the color it is, not something different? why were you not born hundreds if not thousands if not millions of years ago??

answer me that

i cant wait to see what you have to say

prove to me your imaginary friend (god) exists :hump:and i will prove he doesnt .............im a devout athiest to every god any human, has ever thought of .
your god is evil , homophobic , and a disgusting mess when compared to modern day thining

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
at charliewho ................never read so much nonsense in all my life lol a slice of watermelon is god ,? everything around us is god lol

anyway i really cant be arsed to go into all that , if you have had a personal experience with God <sniggers> then that is fine just dont for one minuite expect anyone to believe you or take your word for it , and it still dosent prove anything to anybody .
just because you cant explain something dont assume a god has to be behind it , years ago people thought a lightening strike or a flood was an act of god .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
ok smart ass, why or how were we selected to be put on this specific planet? why this solar system? Why this sun? Why was the sun the center of the solar system? Why is the sun the color it is, not something different? why were you not born hundreds if not thousands if not millions of years ago??

answer me that

why do you suddenly expect me to have an answer to all your questions ?

reading the theory of evolution properly answers a couple of your questions .

you do realise the sun will die out soon and there will be nothing left of this planet or solar system and no little god will stop it from happening , its happening all the time all of the universe .

i cant wait to see what you have to say
just because we mere humans cant explain everything , it still dosent give any evidence of a God .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Do you think that matters? If somebody else gets it?

trust me, I KNOW nobody will get MY realization of God by hearing about MY watermelon experience. That's irrelevent, completely.

That's the whole problem, really. NOBODY can share their own experience of God with anybody else. This phenom is described in the Bible by the story of Paul, who was "struck blind" by his vision of God on his walk to Damascus. he was able to TELL others about his experience....but nobody else was "struck bline" by HEARING Pauls experience.

This is how the "Gnostic Christians" came to be. (Gnostic" from the greek, "Gnosos", meaning, "knowlledge")They believe that EVERYBODY must have his OWN personal experience of God....and that no amount of study or reading or hearing other people's experience is worth shit. I tend to agree. For me, it was a watermelon rind. For Paul, it was being struck blind. But neither the people Paul told his story to, nor the people I have told mine to will be transformed/transcend by hearing the story.

The point is that anybody CAN have his/her moment of Transcendence at any moment---by any means. For many people. haviong their first child is transforming, spiritually. For others, falling in love is key. For others, coming very near to dying does it. The point is, something can happen at any given time, in any life, that changes that life, forever.

Yours just hasnt happened, yet.

so if you were born on a isolated island away from any religious input , would you still put that experience down to a magical god ?


Well-Known Member
prove to me your imaginary friend (god) exists :hump:and i will prove he doesnt .............im a devout athiest to every god any human, has ever thought of .
your god is evil , homophobic , and a disgusting mess when compared to modern day thining
So you suppose we're just billions and billions of years of random chemical reactions??Jesus, scratch that, you got a lot to say and it probably doesn't matter to me.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
So you suppose we're just billions and billions of years of random chemical reactions??Jesus, scratch that, you got a lot to say and it probably doesn't matter to me.
what youd sooner believe we were created 6000 years ago by a super human god lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
at charlie who ....................lol so everyone will get one of these personal experiences with this god of yours or is it only special people like you ? my mum has not gotten one yet and shes in her 80s

i think your halucinating .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
at olylifter420 ........our planet is the perfect distance from the sun for life there a billions of suns out there and the chances are other planets exist exactly the right distance away from there suns we just cant see them , humans arent smart enough yet .
Our sun is dieng out and will not last forever .
the sun is the coulor it is to us because of the gasses etc all being burnt .
most of the planet was coverd in water , life came from the water ,its taken billions of years of evolution to get where we are today humans didnt just walk out of the water lol you need to do some research .
i dont really get what your asking , i learnt the answers to that in primary school .


Well-Known Member
yea sure charlie whatever u say,to each his own.there is no proving to be done,and youre helpless to prove anything no matter how many rebutals you muster.


Well-Known Member
A person is basically intelligent, but put a bunch of them together in a room, and they all turn dumb. This is what religion is - a stupidity get-together. This is the Catholic Church, the Christian Right, the Jehova Witnesses, the Mormon Church, Hebrew Religion, the Jewish thing, even the Buddists and of course let's not forget the grand poobah of the nutbar convention, those whacky head-whackers the Muslims (the epitome of extremism). Most, if not all, believe in this, that and the other. And they're all fighting and bickering of what this, that and the other is, to the point of killing millions over many centuries, all in the name of some old bearded guy in sandals, who was probably just a burnt out hippie with schizofrenia.

Then you have those other dingleberries, the ones who join cults and follow blindly the ramblings of a con man just looking to have sex and drive around in Bentleys. Or drink poison in some jungle or follow him up to an alien spaceship riding the coat-tails of a comet far out in space. Religion takes patience, but a lot of hatred and fear and leading the morons into the fire you'd need a charismatic bufoon with all the personality of a used car salesman to teach you the ways of humble righteousness, while he takes your hard earned paycheque and wheel chairs to fund his extravagant lifestyle of the rich and pervy. A fool will believe in anything if it's foolish enough and die for it. And the lowest common denominator is religion based on fear, a promise of an ever-lasting life where there is no hard labour or taxes or shitty wives denying you sex on Wednesday nights (this is where the Muslims are promised all them tasty virgins - chalk it up to horny young men who're not allowed to drink) all the while worshipping at the feet of a dude in a golden robe with a funny hat who lives with the other funny hats in a palace built on the sweat and toil of the foolish who paid for it all. Makes you want to start a religion yourself.

So what is this god thing? Simply put, I am god. Me. I'm not your god or anyone else's, not even my own son's, though I'd like him to think that. Being my own god doesn't mean I can part waters or turn water into wine, I would like to. I am a free thinker, I have free will, I believe in a happy life filled with all sorts of endeavours, sillyness, sex and getting looped on goofy weed and perhaps at the end of it all, I'll go to some place, be that my back yard, a favourite fishing spot, my wife's nipple area, or an IHOP for a stack of mile high angle cakes with heavenly syrup. Who knows. I'd like to be able to go on, but I don't think it's going to be in some chocolate box scene where I'll lie down with a man-eating lion and hang out on the western slope of a grand canyon-like scape with David Koresh or a misguided desert wanderer named Moses. Nope, that whole bullshit experience is merely an attempt at providing an escape to the weary who've been duped or brainwashed into believing it. God - the god in the bible - is an invention by silly apes too lazy to climb a tree for a piece of fruit, so they came up with this notion in order to con the other silly apes into taking their word for it.

Uh oh, I'm a blasphemer and I'm going to hell and damnation. Bla bla ali bla bla


Well-Known Member
Sativa has pretty weak debating and reasoning potential- must not have been particuarly gifted by God in that department
I thought he was supposed to be the great debator?