The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
it'll lower your yield drastically billy.
Well Ive got a small 8 grow. Im going to to them a 24hrs week veg. Im going to try this method m8, just as an experiment. It will lower your leccy bill by 33% if my maths are right. Ill start a thread about it. Ill put them under 2x600w when I flip them to 6/12


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt mind seein how it works out for you bill should be interestin mate
Feelin pretty fresh for a sunday morn me, hows you lot????


Well-Known Member
surely you wont be able to know if the drop in yield was worth more or less than save on electricity bill unless you've done a run of the same strain etc? i dunno, you'll probably notice in the first few weeks of flower anyway.

i feel brilliant pukka, slept my hangover off and got the day off so its all good. what spec you thinkin for your veg box?


Well-Known Member
surely you wont be able to know if the drop in yield was worth more or less than save on electricity bill unless you've done a run of the same strain etc? i dunno, you'll probably notice in the first few weeks of flower anyway.

i feel brilliant pukka, slept my hangover off and got the day off so its all good. what spec you thinkin for your veg box?
Yeh mate i never work sundays unless im on double money lol i just get mashed and relax all day, while the mrs sorts the roast out ;)

Spec im just gunna use the 4 x 45w blue cfls ive already got might chuck another 1 or 2 of them in, there only £10 ago with the holder off ebay, all sides covered in some kinda mylar stuff, got a big bathroom fan from work for extraction, gunna make it air tightish so then im just gunna have some duct into the bedroom for fresh air, a small desk fan in there, then 1 small side for clones and the rest for older plants in the 1L airpots, might end up with a small bowl with a rag in for humidty but dont no yet, the space is 80Hx80Wx60D cm im gunna chuck some pics in my thread later of the space and my butter, bro!


Well-Known Member
Well Ive got a small 8 grow. Im going to to them a 24hrs week veg. Im going to try this method m8, just as an experiment. It will lower your leccy bill by 33% if my maths are right. Ill start a thread about it. Ill put them under 2x600w when I flip them to 6/12
typical tight arsed scot!!!you'll be using candles next ya miserable cunt....btw did you try tae phone earlier and did u hear anything aboot that thing we spoke aboot mate?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
heres afuckin laff. jist found out one of my good mates, my brothers best mate has been bangin his girl, she's my girls sister. this has all been dropped on my lap. my brother had split with her but is now tryin to get back with her, my girl has told him about it but he' sin denial. ah ah swear tae god ahm gonny end up doin sumcunt in. ah really dont need this kinda shit.
Two sisters in the shower... not much of a better way of getting ya brother over his denial


Well-Known Member
it'd have to be the showers at the local swimming baths......pair of fat cunts wouldny fit in anywhere else. lets put it this way when the go on holiday they avoid norway and japan.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Thar she blows!

Just read that weed bust, i loved how the police chap making the statements said he was very pleased that they seized it before it could be sold within the community. Kinda sounds like it's being done for the sake of the community. So what if a community arises who think otherwise? It was seized cus it was illegal, has fuck all todo with the communities wellbeing :D

Yet more subliminal "snitch on your friends family and neighbors" message as well, a telephone call from a member of the community has fuck all to do with a search warrant so far as evidence and the law is concerned. Shall we all together phone up the police and say we've spotted a cannabis grow operation at Chequers, bet no judge would take that into account for a warrant, so why is a statement from A vs B valid as grounds for a warrant, but for A vs C it would be not.

Join the UK rebels! The tax man doesn't just get to apologize for treating us so terribly, we say not good enough and withold our taxes the cunts. Not that any of you pay taxes lolol


Well-Known Member
for th first time in ma workin life i get a tenner an hour then they go take 400quid of my wage wtf
jeez bam!!!! dont you read any of my posts!!!!!!????? DONT FUCKIN WORK. it only encourages the government to expand to find new and pointless ways to rip you off. for almost 5 years continuously i've been an ' avid horticulturalist' and 'exotic pharmacists' so far ive never paid tax on any of the aforementioned and all i have to do is 150 hrs comm service, im on a permanent sicky(bad back and alcohol probs,......try disproving that ya dwp fuckers). the system is there to be screwed if u dont believe me then take a look at the Times job section and see what top execs get paid and what politicians squeeze oota us. THEY CAN ALL GO AND SUCK MA GINGER STANE POKE.


Well-Known Member
happy birthday to me , next years the big 4-0. ahm off tae the pub now.....tae spend ma government sponsored income..


Well-Known Member
Pipe and slippers time Dura. You cannot look at birds under the age of 25 now or run the risk of being labelled a pedo, like you would care tho. Beast

Anyway hows things in the rest of the UK. Im bored. Fucking hate Mondays. Usually go golfing but weather is pish