nitwit of the house

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I think that the funniest part about all of this is that Jeff F is a-ok with Bill Kristol.
Bill Kristol = Another NeoCon that has to go.

Personally, I can't stand the guy. I watch him on the Sunday morning shows and all I can think about is: I wish Judge Nepolitano would wipe the smirk off of Kristal's face in the way that only a 5' 5," 220 pound, New Jersey Italian would do ... a baseball bat to the knees. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So then, you're completely happy with having "local" government telling you what you can, and what you cannot, put into the mouths of your children? Would you like them to dictate which brand of toilet paper to use as well?

show me where it says parents can not choose to put the most unhealthy shit imaginable into their children's bodies. they can. they just won't get a toy in the happy meal in that case.

they can still order the healthy meal, get a toy, and order some greasy fries on the side for their chubby little kids.

you are so fucking deluded on this issue that you can't see straight.

i love the smell of ownage on a hot summer sunday afternoon.


Well-Known Member
here is the point buckie. the law was passed by GOVT on a private business.

i know its hard for anything to get into that cranium of yours, but this isnt as if the people walked in and said, we aint shopping here no more.

a couple of loons get elected, and they go into private business to tell them how to run it.

then the business goes down, the property owner, a private citizen, looses his rent on the property or his ability to make a living, and closes down and moves out. why? cuz big brother told him he couldnt advertise the way he has for 60 fuckig years.

its not about the happy meal you liberal dopes.

are you seriously this oblivious to freedom and how the govt destroys it?

liberty....give it a try.
i'm sure a single law passed in a single city will spell the inevitable end of mcdonalds juggernaut. :dunce:

the people elected the board of supervisors, the board of supervisors acted on behalf of their constituents, and in their best interests.

do you make sure to feed your kid shit from a grease fryer every day? or do you feed them healthier fare?

besides, like you small government, local decision level advocates say: if you don't like it, move to the next city/state that does allow it.

this notion of decisions being made on a local level seems just great until it doesn't. you fucking amateurs.


Well-Known Member
Bill Kristol = Another NeoCon that has to go.

Personally, I can't stand the guy. I watch him on the Sunday morning shows and all I can think about is: I wish Judge Nepolitano would wipe the smirk off of Kristal's face in the way that only a 5' 5," 220 pound, New Jersey Italian would do ... a baseball bat to the knees. :blsmoke:
violence as the answer to disagreement with someone expressing their freedom of speech?

i may not agree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it.

you guys are GRAND.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
^^^ It all starts out banning something like a little toy. Then its sugar, then its the fries. Next the burgers. Then the whole country goes down the shit hole.

When they outlaw McDonald's coffee, I'll be swinging my baseball bat.

By the way, anyone else like McDonald's coffee? It makes Starbucks taste more like shit than it already does.


Well-Known Member
^^^ It all starts out banning something like a little toy. Then its sugar, then its the fries. Next the burgers. Then the whole country goes down the shit hole.

When they outlaw McDonald's coffee, I'll be swinging my baseball bat.

By the way, anyone else like McDonald's coffee? It makes Starbucks taste more like shit than it already does.
they did not ban the toy.

again, you are so deluded and foaming at the mouth that you can't see straight.

more ownage on a hot summer sunday afternoon.

i don't drink coffee, so no comment.


Well-Known Member
we must stop the impending beef ban!


you really should listen to yourself sometime. ya know, just for a laugh :lol:

jeff f

New Member
I think that the funniest part about all of this is that Jeff F is a-ok with Bill Kristol.
incoherent much? dope

but i will bite, you troll fuck, show me a post where i ever supported afformentioned dickbag. just one stupid.

anyway, another freedom loving lefty is too stoned to stay on topic.


Well-Known Member
See, now here we have another leftie completely devoid of a sense of humor. Does the phrase "tongue in cheek" mean anything to ya, Uncle Buckie?
so now you are telling me that you weren't telling lies and going off on a slippery slope, but simply mocking the absurdity of your own line of argument?

i can accept that. your line of argument in this case is indeed absurd and worthy of mockery.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member

this bitch is a fucking fool. i find it hard to believe that she made it as far as she has in life.

i guess it just goes to show, if you marry a rich person, the sky is the limit
incoherent much? dope

but i will bite, you troll fuck, show me a post where i ever supported afformentioned dickbag. just one stupid.

anyway, another freedom loving lefty is too stoned to stay on topic.
Ethos, pathos, logos.

jeff f

New Member
i'm sure a single law passed in a single city will spell the inevitable end of mcdonalds juggernaut. :dunce:

the people elected the board of supervisors, the board of supervisors acted on behalf of their constituents, and in their best interests.

do you make sure to feed your kid shit from a grease fryer every day? or do you feed them healthier fare?

besides, like you small government, local decision level advocates say: if you don't like it, move to the next city/state that does allow it.

this notion of decisions being made on a local level seems just great until it doesn't. you fucking amateurs.
we already know you hate mcdonalds.

let me paint the picture a little clearer. crayons maybe needed cuz you are real thick when it comes to liberty.

a business, owned by a citizen of the community, has to change his business, because goons say he has to.

customers drive to another close by location, out of the city cuz the kid wants a fucking happy meal toy.

no toy mcdonalds looses customer.....profit base across town, billies breakfast, thrivig business, has to stop handing out toys with meals. repeat cycle one. billy business suffers, bill moves packs shit to go somewhere business is base shrinks again.....home values decline......multiply the happy meals by stupid green rules, more regulation on steel companies, oil companies, car makers, trucking companies, and WHALA detroit.

i just outlined the liberal politician motus operenda on most major cities. make stupid rules and run business and money out, change homes into section 8 hud housing. move leeches in. yep, your plan is working perfectly....dummy.

and i dont believe for a minute your this stupid. you are trolling. dick

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I don't lie, Uncle Buckie ... I just shit on your inane sense of politics.

From the Los Angeles Times, November 2, 2010:

San Francisco bans Happy Meals

The city's board of supervisors votes to forbid restaurants from giving away toys with meals that have high levels of calories, sugar and fat.

November 02, 2010|By Sharon Bernstein, Los Angeles Times

San Francisco's board of supervisors has voted, by a veto-proof margin, to ban most of McDonald's Happy Meals as they are now served in the restaurants.

The measure will make San Francisco the first major city in the country to forbid restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that contain more than set levels of calories, sugar and fat.

What say you now, Uncle Buckie?


Well-Known Member
we already know you hate mcdonalds.

let me paint the picture a little clearer. crayons maybe needed cuz you are real thick when it comes to liberty.

a business, owned by a citizen of the community, has to change his business, because goons say he has to.

customers drive to another close by location, out of the city cuz the kid wants a fucking happy meal toy.

no toy mcdonalds looses customer.....profit base down.....thrivig business moves packs shit to go somewhere business is base shrinks again.....home values decline......multiply the happy meals by stupid green rules, more regulation on steel companies, oil companies, car makers, trucking companies, and WHALA detroit.

i just outlined the liberal politician motus operenda on most major cities. make stupid rules and run business and money out, change homes into section 8 hud housing. move leeches in. yep, your plan is working perfectly....dummy.

and i dont believe for a minute your this stupid. you are trolling. dick
the town goes under because there is not toy with french fries?


i think it would be cheaper for them to order the healthier meal with a side of fries than to drive to the next city over :dunce:

i think YOU must be trolling. after all, i am not the one calling others "dicks" and asserting that encouraging (not mandating) healthier eating habits will lead to the demise of an entire city.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
So the 20 or so (combinded total) McDonalds and Burger Kings in SF are not serving toys...whoopty do...

Quick, rally the Freedom Fighters, Lady Liberty is going down...on Nancy Pelosi!

jeff f

New Member
Ethos, pathos, logos.

hey twit, i didnt support krystal at all dopey. the article was about polosi. the op was about pelosi. the quotes were from pelosi. had nothing to do with krystol.

it wouldnt have mattered if mickey fucking mouse wrote it you fool, the topic is about pelosi. your fucking dumb.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
That's right, jeff. And you can bet that Mickey-fucking-Mouse is all pissed off about the banning of the McDonald toys too. Hey, he, like you and I, understand the left's penchant for pushing us down the slippery slope. First its the McDonald toys, then ... oh crap, don't say it ... then it will be MICKEY MOUSE!!! :cry:


Well-Known Member
I don't lie, Uncle Buckie ... I just shit on your inane sense of politics.
take that statement, reverse it, and it will be true.

because i am the one that just shoved a rake up your ass sideways.

you tried to act like this was a decision made in DC. i informed you that it was actually made at the most local level possible, something you ron paulophiles seem to masturbate to.

go back and read the thread. i was the first one to make the distinction of what this legislation actually did. thus, your article is not needed.

nor are your lies.

nor are your exaggerations.

nor are your slippery slopes.

so you and your "freedom and liberty loving" righties can go cower in retreat, as i have exposed each of your idiotic statements for what they were.

jeff f

New Member
the town goes under because there is not toy with french fries?


i think it would be cheaper for them to order the healthier meal with a side of fries than to drive to the next city over :dunce:

i think YOU must be trolling. after all, i am not the one calling others "dicks" and asserting that encouraging (not mandating) healthier eating habits will lead to the demise of an entire city.
so anti business policies dont cause business to leave cities? is that what you are saying? NOW THATS FUNNY. you should get around more.

your small mind still has to concentrate on the toy. its not about the fucking toy.

just wait untill you go legal. bet you will be the first one bitching when they crack down on you and the way you conduct, advertise, profit. actually, you already are getting cracked down on but your too stupid to make the connection.

you have no ability to critically anlyze this because your still just a dope pusher. just wait to you become legal. i will be right here to say, I TOLD YOU FUCKING SO.

trig, do you have adhd or add?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Basically, you have no standards - and that's a big hinderance towards a halfway decent debate.

In order to support your own assertions, you need to be able to support your evidential backing (which you can't do). Thus, it is pointless to make assertions with evidence that you simply can't support.

When your argument collapses, attack.