The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Flushing is heavily debated as it is, let alone how long to flush for. Flushing isn't a single flush, flushing for harvest is continous feeding and flushing of just water, a single flush and you could still end up with a load of crap in the soil. I have seen little to zero difference between flushed and non flushed, all tates the same and burns the same for me.

For the fellow waiting on me, i got off my arse and packaged some things up, should have it stamped and posted by tomorow, slowly getting there :lol:

Here is an example of why i always try and scrog my cheese if i have the option


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wot nutes u use ttt? and u say u dont notice much difference without flushing?? hear it crackles and harsh if dont? interesting as i on last bit cheese and skint and dying chop chop. i flushed for twenty mins or so filed pot bout 20times so should b ok. hear u ment flush 6 times the pot size i did alot more b sure


Well-Known Member
Nice bit of cheese on that lady if i dont say so myself ttt !! Its funny i neva tire of seeing cheese late in flower but cant stand them in veg or early pistal formation i ve not added to my journal for a few days because it bores me saying the same old thing lol that its growing while slowly upping my nutes lol!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wot nutes u use ttt? and u say u dont notice much difference without flushing?? hear it crackles and harsh if dont? interesting as i on last bit cheese and skint and dying chop chop. i flushed for twenty mins or so filed pot bout 20times so should b ok. hear u ment flush 6 times the pot size i did alot more b sure
I just use Canna flores A + B. Only crackling i've ever had from weed was because there was hair in it or when there are seeds in it. I find all smoke tastes harsh so am not quite able to give a judgement on that, and people say that curing removes the harsh taste of weed and makes it smooth and tasty, come 4 weeks from dry i'll be damned if there's cheese still in the jars :lol:

Nice bit of cheese on that lady if i dont say so myself ttt !! Its funny i neva tire of seeing cheese late in flower but cant stand them in veg or early pistal formation i ve not added to my journal for a few days because it bores me saying the same old thing lol that its growing while slowly upping my nutes lol!!
The camera plays tricks. Imagine if you will that the tall cola is backed againt the wall, what you see is what you get, there's no other side to the plant, tis gonna be a pretty dismal yield i think, probably no more than 2 ounce from how it looked this evening.
That' why i ditched my journal, i only had relevant stuff to update it with once every 2 weeks or so so keeping it alive with pointless crap inbetween, couldn't be bothered :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nutes is one of those things. Take Fdd, he'll often apparently chuck any old shit into the mix if they have aprpriate NPK ratios.


Well-Known Member
the way I figure is

soil nutes = soil nutes

hydro nutes = hydro nutes

the brands may differ slightly but as long as your using the right medium they'll all get you to the finish if you feed them right.


Well-Known Member
hi ladies, great birthday, got a serious doing head caved in face all smashed tae fuck back of skull smashed as well, on onlooker claimed the guy was trying to kill me, repeatedly smashing my head on abrick and crushing my windpipe. couple of onlookers managed tae get my tongue oot ma throat. all in all a very good birthday, i look like the fuckin elephant man!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hi ladies, great birthday, got a serious doing head caved in face all smashed tae fuck back of skull smashed as well, on onlooker claimed the guy was trying to kill me, repeatedly smashing my head on abrick and crushing my windpipe. couple of onlookers managed tae get my tongue oot ma throat. all in all a very good birthday, i look like the fuckin elephant man!!!
happy b day to u. sounds interesting night. who started the aggro ?
wen drying u ment do in a dark room right?


Well-Known Member
happy b day to u. sounds interesting night. who started the aggro ?
wen drying u ment do in a dark room right?
not sure, i only know the guy by rep, he's a serious psycho with a lotta previous for using knifes, axes and shit. ive been told he started on me but i put the head on him, only prob was i was absolutely and utterly smashed, totally unable tae defend myself. its all over my facebook, think ive got a fuckin enormous team of people wanting to 'vanish' the fucker. its nice to be liked!!lol


Well-Known Member
hi ladies, great birthday, got a serious doing head caved in face all smashed tae fuck back of skull smashed as well, on onlooker claimed the guy was trying to kill me, repeatedly smashing my head on abrick and crushing my windpipe. couple of onlookers managed tae get my tongue oot ma throat. all in all a very good birthday, i look like the fuckin elephant man!!!
This requires a pic.


Well-Known Member
not sure, i only know the guy by rep, he's a serious psycho with a lotta previous for using knifes, axes and shit. ive been told he started on me but i put the head on him, only prob was i was absolutely and utterly smashed, totally unable tae defend myself. its all over my facebook, think ive got a fuckin enormous team of people wanting to 'vanish' the fucker. its nice to be liked!!lol
Being too drunk to defend yourself is one of the worst things in the world. You feel like such a cunt the next morning. It happened to me years ago and it still vexes me.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not sure, i only know the guy by rep, he's a serious psycho with a lotta previous for using knifes, axes and shit. ive been told he started on me but i put the head on him, only prob was i was absolutely and utterly smashed, totally unable tae defend myself. its all over my facebook, think ive got a fuckin enormous team of people wanting to 'vanish' the fucker. its nice to be liked!!lol
wel good luck with the revenge man. least u only battered tho mate these things have habbit going overboard. lucky passer bys helped u out or u could choked n b a goner. anyways i thought u was chilling out after the court rulings.


Well-Known Member
Got twatted myself when i lived in peckham, i was in my local and it had kicked off earlier and id forgoton about it and carried on drinking, this cunt starts talking too me at the bar then bang.. cunt sucker punched me right in the boat then him and his mates all jumped in, did i ache the next day lol fucking eye swelled right up a coudlnt see outta it for days. Found out through the barmaid who the main geezer was and battered him a week later with a lump of wood. Revenge is sweet.

Was round a family members house over the weekend in east london for barbie and few beers got talking to fella and he was saying ozs go for 240 all day long over there, i know where my surplus is going from now on.