Poll for ALL Presidential candidates 2012

Who would you like in the White House 2012

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 32 37.6%
  • Michele Bachmann

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Jon Huntsman

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 41 48.2%
  • Tim Pawlenty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Herman Cain

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Choice not on list ( tell us in message)

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to put up OR shut up. You started this poll so you could show everyone how popular Obama was, well it didn't work, RP is the most popular. It kind of blew up in your face and now you have your pride hurt cuz the poll didn't work like you expected.
Too bad it doesn't count for shit huh?

Enjoy the Primary. Maybe you can get a Romney/Paul ticket. Think RP can play second fiddle? How old is he anyway?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to put up OR shut up. You started this poll so you could show everyone how popular Obama was, well it didn't work, RP is the most popular. It kind of blew up in your face and now you have your pride hurt cuz the poll didn't work like you expected.
perhaps the most popular amongst angst-ridden paranoid stoners going through their ayn rand phase. :lol:

as for the general populace, still pulling about 8.2% and trailing bachmann and palin :shock:

toast, anyone?


Well-Known Member
perhaps the most popular amongst angst-ridden paranoid stoners going through their ayn rand phase. :lol:

as for the general populace, still pulling about 8.2% and trailing bachmann and palin :shock:

toast, anyone?
exactly, I dont see what all the fuss is... So Paul won a poll with 82 voters on a weed growing website full of libertarians... and that translates to the rest of the country, how?

I mean, this whole exercise seems so pointless...


King Tut
exactly, I dont see what all the fuss is... So Paul won a poll with 82 voters on a weed growing website full of libertarians... and that translates to the rest of the country, how?

I mean, this whole exercise seems so pointless...
It simply coincides with the other polls i've viewed recently.


Well-Known Member
At what point does one decide that all these polls add up then?
go do what i am doing right now: checking page 265 or so of the archive. https://www.rollitup.org/politics/index270.html

notice how you ron paul spammers were out in full force then as well, spamming up the forum with ron paul spam, boasting about how well he did in this debate, that poll, conspiracy this, conspiracy that.

it gets old.

ron paul supporters are prolific spammers. i would not be surprised if you and deprave were directing traffic to this poll in some hopeless, fruitless effort at boosting his failing campaign.

he is at 8.2% on average, trailing to palin, bachmann, and others. NO CHANCE. get it through your head. these polls are the result of a prolific ron paul spammer fan base.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to put up OR shut up. You started this poll so you could show everyone how popular Obama was, well it didn't work, RP is the most popular. It kind of blew up in your face and now you have your pride hurt cuz the poll didn't work like you expected.
dude Im wise enough to know what his poll really shows...for both Obama and Ron...are you ???? I guess you really are one of these Ron Paul zombies...I tell you what go take these poll results to the RNC and let them know that Ron Paul should get the nod...Pride over a online poll on a weed growing forum..What kind of life you live...I take pride in my children and family...that had to be one of the dumbest comments you ever made...hope you don't really believe that...My actual goal was to see just how many crazy votes BOTH would get..it has not gotten to what I thought yet..so keep voting...anywoot you never got back with me on the bet..now I would love for you to accept unless you are scared and really know the thruth...my sig against your sig..I say Ron Paul will not get the nod...what do you say...I MEAN HE IS WINNING ALL THE POLLS...lol


Well-Known Member
exactly, I dont see what all the fuss is... So Paul won a poll with 82 voters on a weed growing website full of libertarians... and that translates to the rest of the country, how?

I mean, this whole exercise seems so pointless...
actually before the primary is over I want his vote count to reach over 100...come on Ron Paul groupies...get to it


King Tut
Look guy another vote for Ron Paul...easy bet to win or do you really think he won't ????
i want him to win. i support him to win. i will campaign for him to win. i will do everything i can to help him win.

i don't care if he CAN win, i want him TO win. i have found nobody else that has the record to match his. None. Some may be a little similar but without the track record or experience. And i will NOT vote for anybody that will continue the status quo of war mongering, spending, destroying and trampling on our rights, giving up our sovreignty, and leading this nation in a direction that i do not like. Both parties are doing it and he's sleeping with the Reps. Well, he was. They know he's awake now.

i refuse to compromise on my voting ethics. Whether i agree with everything or not, i will support the candidate who will tell me the truth. And whether you believe everything he has said or campaigned for you must admit that he has been more honest than any other candidate in the race imo.


King Tut
go do what i am doing right now: checking page 265 or so of the archive. https://www.rollitup.org/politics/index270.html

notice how you ron paul spammers were out in full force then as well, spamming up the forum with ron paul spam, boasting about how well he did in this debate, that poll, conspiracy this, conspiracy that.

it gets old.

ron paul supporters are prolific spammers. i would not be surprised if you and deprave were directing traffic to this poll in some hopeless, fruitless effort at boosting his failing campaign.

he is at 8.2% on average, trailing to palin, bachmann, and others. NO CHANCE. get it through your head. these polls are the result of a prolific ron paul spammer fan base.
Shit bro! Wish i knew how to do so. But no, i haven't directed anyone here :)


Well-Known Member
i want him to win. i support him to win. i will campaign for him to win. i will do everything i can to help him win.

i don't care if he CAN win, i want him TO win. i have found nobody else that has the record to match his. None. Some may be a little similar but without the track record or experience. And i will NOT vote for anybody that will continue the status quo of war mongering, spending, destroying and trampling on our rights, giving up our sovreignty, and leading this nation in a direction that i do not like. Both parties are doing it and he's sleeping with the Reps. Well, he was. They know he's awake now.

i refuse to compromise on my voting ethics. Whether i agree with everything or not, i will support the candidate who will tell me the truth. And whether you believe everything he has said or campaigned for you must admit that he has been more honest than any other candidate in the race imo.
dude calm down..you starting to scare me....he will win...just look he winning right now...Obama stuck on 32 and Ron keeps getting more votes..he winning...oh did you mean for POTUS in a real election ?????sorry he does not have a chance in hell getting the nod from the Republicans so I guess you will have to vote for someone else in the general elections


King Tut
dude calm down..you starting to scare me....he will win...just look he winning right now...Obama stuck on 32 and Ron keeps getting more votes..he winning...oh did you mean for POTUS in a real election ?????sorry he does not have a chance in hell getting the nod from the Republicans so I guess you will have to vote for someone else in the general elections
Yep. Talking about POTUS. No compromise for me.


New Member
Pride over a online poll on a weed growing forum..What kind of life you live...
So Hypocritical, Seems to me you and uncle buck are the only ones actually taking this poll seriously as in going off on tantrums and tangents. Everyone else is positive, you guys are the negative ones. Anger, Sadness, and Denial, on every page of this thread from the Obama supporters. Its time you get to the next stage in your recovery, Acceptance. Break your shackles and be free, stay positive.



New Member
go do what i am doing right now: checking page 265 or so of the archive. https://www.rollitup.org/politics/index270.html

notice how you ron paul spammers were out in full force then as well, spamming up the forum with ron paul spam, boasting about how well he did in this debate, that poll, conspiracy this, conspiracy that.

it gets old.

ron paul supporters are prolific spammers. i would not be surprised if you and deprave were directing traffic to this poll in some hopeless, fruitless effort at boosting his failing campaign.

he is at 8.2% on average, trailing to palin, bachmann, and others. NO CHANCE. get it through your head. these polls are the result of a prolific ron paul spammer fan base.

Not one damn link to this thread on the internet, like I have time to do stupid shit like that , Why oh why do I continue to entertain your negative posts? I guess its fun


Well-Known Member
So Hypocritical, Seems to me you and uncle buck are the only ones actually taking this poll seriously as in going off on tantrums and tangents. Everyone else is positive, you guys are the negative ones. Anger, Sadness, and Denial, on every page of this thread from the Obama supporters. Its time you get to the next stage in your recovery, Acceptance. Break your shackles and be free, stay positive.
Dude you made this comment on me talking to someone else who said something wiseass...Now I can't defend myself..WTF I though Ron Paul was about liberty and freedom..Do I not have the right to defend..oh I guess not because I'm not a Ron Paul groupie... Why would I be angry sad. or denial ( about what)..I have fun bashing you guys..as I'm sure some have fun bashing me...ITS THE POLITICAL ARENA ON RIU..ding ding ding...hey have you heard I'm taking sig bets on Ron Paul not getting the nod from the Repukes..my sig area for your sig area...Loser has to put whatever winner tells him in his sig for 90 days...fun fun fun...want in seeing how Ron Paul is winning every poll...I mean you showed the proof yourself...sooo we got a bet ????