Active Member
that women will get 1%, proving that 1% of Americans are retarded, but able to vote.....
This ^^^^^^^^^^
that women will get 1%, proving that 1% of Americans are retarded, but able to vote.....
I got an email today from my RP supporting step-son. A long email from RP campaign about the dishonest federal government.
I had to remind my step-son that Ron Paul has been part of that dishonest Government for over 20 years and hasn't done a damn thing about it. I can only hope that it sinks in for him.
RP has had plenty of time to help fix things in DC. The fact is he hasn't done jack shit.
People need to remember that.
In 2008, Sean Hannity claimed that Ron Paul supporters were spamming the post debate polls and that was the only way Rp could win. It was shown that was incorrect because you can only vote once (I tried it to see for myself and it would not let me vote a second time).
This isn't American Idol or MLB Allstars, where you get to vote 10 times or more, so blaming RP's success at straw polls and such on spamming just isn't accurate. Even the polls on RIU won't let you vote more than once, so I would think that these other polls would have the same capability as an internet forum.
You just epitomized what is wrong with this country, Scapegoating. In case you hadn't noticed it takes a majority to win a vote in Congress. Congress is to blame, but RP is not.I got an email today from my RP supporting step-son. A long email from RP campaign about the dishonest federal government.
I had to remind my step-son that Ron Paul has been part of that dishonest Government for over 20 years and hasn't done a damn thing about it. I can only hope that it sinks in for him.
RP has had plenty of time to help fix things in DC. The fact is he hasn't done jack shit.
People need to remember that.
We don't. I have NEVER received a link or a message from someone asking me to check out a poll or vote on this or that. IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!yeah, it's not like ron paul members stick around together on a few sites and share links with each other to go vote on this poll or that one.
We don't. I have NEVER received a link or a message from someone asking me to check out a poll or vote on this or that. IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!
If that were really the reason, you could use that for every poll in existence, and in fact the MSM has, but then again couldn't all RP supporters say the exact same thing about Obama supporters? FUCK YES. Does it make it true? No.
Attack the man, attack the man, don't attack the position, after all its so hard to win against the light of truth.
I don't know what you would expect ONE man could do on his own.
He would still be one man as President. With 2 parties controlling Congress that hate him. Ron Paul would be a Lame Duck President from the first day in office. Regardless of what you think of his ideas, he wouldn't be able to get anything done in the White House just like he hasn't been able to get anything done in Congress. Sad but true.
The problem with Ron Paul supporters is that they think he is the second coming of Jesus and that every single idea he has is a good one. That's impossible. But you'll never get an RP supporter to admit it.
And he's old. Older than McCain when he ran. Better have a solid VP pick or he doesn't stand a chance.
I do hope he wins the Primary though as Huntsman doesn't seem to have a chance. The others are simply bonkers.
Being a realist I'm forced to look at this realistically...How the hell will Ron Paul get out of the Republican primary ???? His named is never mentioned in the same sentence as Romney or even Bachmann's.Perry's name is making more noise with the Repukes and he has not officially said he running.The Republicans don't want him to be the nomination, but yet he still made a choice to run as one..WTF..Everyone that understands politics know he will not get that nod as a Republican, for one reason being of what he did in 1988, which only leads us to question why did he not just run independently at first...THIS WAS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO IT...Seeing how he did not can only lead me to believe that he really didn't want to be POTUS he only wanted to get a message heard...I love a good message but I also love a winner that can get that message into actions and Ron Paul fans I love your support for your guy, but it comes a time when you have to realize what will and won't happen...I don't know if Obama will win, but I do know that Ron Paul will not..
Again THE TIME WAS RIGHT FOR A THIRD PARTY TO WIN WITH THE RIGHT CAMPAIGN....Everyone hates the Repukes just as much as they can't stand the you say what you want, but if Ron Paul is drawing so much love as these online polls would suggest he could have been the one to make it as that third party...I mean he has the name and would he not been a movement .How do you stop a true movement???? You don't get with it or get out the way...He would have had a much better chance then he does running as an Repuke, but its too late now. So all this talk about why he couldn't do it only tells me that you admit that he is not strong enough to be called a movement...Simple, the Ds and Rs have rigged the election process where an independent or third party candidate does not even stand a chance of getting heard. Most people do not know there are third parties, let alone what they stand for or who their candidate is.
RP's message is appealing to many in spite of him running as a republican. It's the message of freedom and independence that his supporters like. Add to that, the messenger is someone who has shown by example that he is incorruptible and will not sell out his beliefs. RP is the exception, not the rule in Washington.
Everyone hates the Repukes
Are you a paid Republican London? Sure sound like one.
Again THE TIME WAS RIGHT FOR A THIRD PARTY TO WIN WITH THE RIGHT CAMPAIGN....Everyone hates the Repukes just as much as they can't stand the you say what you want, but if Ron Paul is drawing so much love as these online polls would suggest he could have been the one to make it as that third party...I mean he has the name and would he not been a movement .How do you stop a true movement???? You don't get with it or get out the way...He would have had a much better chance then he does running as an Repuke, but its too late now. So all this talk about why he couldn't do it only tells me that you admit that he is not strong enough to be called a movement...
Do you think you know more about running a political campaign than RP?
Actually yes...I would have done a much better job for Ron Paul just by using some of what you guys say on here ...and guess what??? I would have done it all with the aid of youtube and other social media..." HI I'm Ron Paul..The D and R seem to have a lock on the country..Not much of a choice..Do you love freedom.???.Well whats happening to yours ????? What happened to the hope and change.???? Join the movement..!!!! I would have placed a video like that announcing my independent run...with info on sending donations of course..Then I would have took my message to the Daily show and Stephen Colbert..Hell I would have all fans join skype and we talk to each other.spreading our message..and sometimes you might be able to reach Paul directly(Free).JOIN THE MOVEMENT..JOIN THE MOVEMENT !!!!.ahhhh but now its too late...He soiled himself running as a if he did it, it would seem as an after thought...There you go putting words in my mouth, once again. Everything you said is nothing but opinion and conjecture. Do you think you know more about running a political campaign than RP? If so, then step up and run for office.
I know, if Ron Paul appears to be at a loss (not likely) then i am voting for soetoro.Yeah, you're right. It would be better to have a second Obama term. That way he can finish off "getting things done" like getting into another war or two, bailing out some more corrupt banksters, piling on more debt, stealing more of our liberties, doing even more of Israel's dirty work and selling us out to those who would enslave us.
Or... maybe a different, more centrist, more palatable, more compromising republican defeats Obama, then... the same thing happens.