Past 3 days of Growth....still slow???? 1st time grower in need of help

Ok so Ive changed my lighting from a 250w hps to a 150w cfl as instructed by the helpful people on this site.and have been watering my plant only when soil is completely dry but it still seems to be growing painfully slowly and compared to other peoples 19 day old seedlings it looks like the runt of a litter. Anyway here are 3 pics one from each of the past 3 days if this is slow growth does anyone else have any ideas of what could be causing this??01.jpg02.jpg03.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look healthy! Once they pop open and I have a root coming out of the seed about
1/4" -1/2" I would plant'em in a 18 oz cups! All that tray is for is just to germinate the seed!
Those trays are so small I wouldn't even mess with them! Then transplant, some growers go
18 oz then a 1 gallon then 3 or 5 gallon! Then other grower go from 18 oz cup straight to
the 5 gallon pot! My avatar is about 20 days old there!

Well-Known Member
Yeah a 20L should be fine. My clone is in a smaller one till the roots grow in, then im transporting it to a 10 gallon and its only 7 inches tall :D. Plants are like snakes; the bigger cage they get, the bigger they grow.


They look healthy! Once they pop open and I have a root coming out of the seed about
1/4" -1/2" I would plant'em in a 18 oz cups! All that tray is for is just to germinate the seed!
Those trays are so small I wouldn't even mess with them! Then transplant, some growers go
18 oz then a 1 gallon then 3 or 5 gallon! Then other grower go from 18 oz cup straight to
the 5 gallon pot! My avatar is about 20 days old there!
Ghetto, How big is the pot you're using in your avatar?

another day and still no growth I repotted last night into my 20 litre pot and put her back under the hps but seems like she has not grown at all in the past 24 hours and she is looking less healthy as she as yesterday. Any ideas anyone??? I will owe a life debt to anyone who can figure out this conundrum for me. I am also having trouble with heat since i put my hps back on it is 100f. any tips how to reduce the temp? anyway heres todays pic



another day and still no growth I repotted last night into my 20 litre pot and put her back under the hps but seems like she has not grown at all in the past 24 hours and she is looking less healthy as she as yesterday. Any ideas anyone??? I will owe a life debt to anyone who can figure out this conundrum for me. I am also having trouble with heat since i put my hps back on it is 100f. any tips how to reduce the temp? anyway heres todays pic
I'm no expert but based I've read on this and varies other forums, 100*F is way to hot. You should be at about 80*F. Also I'm pretty sure your gonna have to give a nice detailed description of your grow space in order for one us to help you get them temps lowered. But you definitely need rig up a way to exhaust all that hot air coming from your HPS. Good luck and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so Ive changed my lighting from a 250w hps to a 150w cfl as instructed by the helpful people on this site.and have been watering my plant only when soil is completely dry but it still seems to be growing painfully slowly and compared to other peoples 19 day old seedlings it looks like the runt of a litter. Anyway here are 3 pics one from each of the past 3 days if this is slow growth does anyone else have any ideas of what could be causing this??View attachment 1718384View attachment 1718385View attachment 1718386

put a clear bowl or something upside down over the sprouts, i have a grow going on as we speak and im a little bit ahead of you, my sprouts first popped out and i noticed they really picked up speed when i put a upside down sandwich bag over the red dixie cups, the plant leaves are too small to absorb and light energy in my opinion at that point, they just want heat and moisture, cover the seedlings and maybe transpalnt them to a larger a matter of fact, just click on my signature, the seedlings are growing real fast now....then you can come back and rep me if u like, im tryna fill up the bars , LOL