PiCs oR iT Never HaPPeNeD.!!.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Sonoran hot stoner food ever.

never had Syzzzzzzrp b4 though. They dont give t out in VEgas or bases of op.
I like the Chilean version. They call it Completo. And they mean it. They put avacados, tomatoes, mayo, bacon, lettuce, beef franks, and whatever else is handy. Fucking delicious. My last job I had a co-worker that went on a mission to Chile and ended up marrying a native woman from his mission area. They invited me over to eat all the time. The food was so good. :)


Well-Known Member
neat [video=youtube;PslNmhjpolY][/video] spark my bowl with this bad boy.


Active Member
ziplock bag of kush double cup full of drank, i get so damn trippy in my mind i go blank... juicy j is the shiiit


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;m7bKZh5H9UU][/video] Screw the 1st 10 second of video.. WHAT THE FUHK MAN.. . #?* I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC WITHOUT YOUR BEAR COSTUME.


Well-Known Member
That was GREAT!!!
WTF they should just throw that dude in jail, we ALL know he fucks kids on the
reg right?? like is there any question about it?...lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

his slack jawed no back teeth grin make me feel dirty....