Ron Paul The New Messiah?


Active Member
Sure there is a lot about Ron Paul not to like, but I think the good out weighs the bad.

The racism stuff I think is a little overblown. Libertarians and Free Marketeers don't believe in regulating business, so they don't agree with those parts of the civil rights act. The argument is that you don't need to tell businesses not to discriminate because they wouldn't do it anyway for fear of alienating their customers. I don't agree with it, but I don't find it racist. I heard that he's associated with some racists somehow, but I don't know much about it.

He's also terribly naive on free trade. Free trade may look beautiful on paper, but the mathematics of it don't take into account corruption or currency manipulation.

His foreign policy is very appealing to me and I think his position on the Fed is essential to regaining control of our country. I've reached the point where I believe the FED has a bigger impact on our daily lives than our government does. Try to imagine starting a country from scratch. The fist thing you would need to establish is the currency. That's the basis of everything we do. Right now we have a private company inflating the fuck out our currency and they're distributing it to all of their corporate buddies. We don't even know all of the people they're giving it to because they don't have to tell us. The fact that Ron Paul will attempt to end the fed is reason enough for me to vote for him.

I don't think moving back to the gold standard is good idea, and I'm a little worried about some of the things Ron could do with trade and the social safety net, but that's why we have a congress. I'm hoping that they'll prevent anything too extreme.


New Member
Well at Least you put some thought into your answer bedspirit

I disagree with your support of him. But you have put forth a reasoned answer


Well-Known Member
If you read into it, the racist stuff that came out in 2008 was untrue. It was a ploy to keep him "unelectable". He is no longer a "fringe candidate" because people are waking up to what he has to say. The media continues to sabotage him but he still shows up at the top of all the polls. Hopefully we can get him in office. His policies are 100% legit. He is not bought and paid for, and one of the only candidates who wasn't formally a lawyer.
1. Have a free market.
2. Don't raise taxes.
3. Sound money.
4. peaceful foreign policy.

That is how a Country becomes healthy. Austrian Economics > Keynesian Economics.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, he wants to legalize marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Well at Least you put some thought into your answer bedspirit

I disagree with your support of him. But you have put forth a reasoned answer
The first time you've said something like that and it's only because he said points where he thought Ron Paul was wrong. You have been presented with many reasoned arguments and have failed to even let them bounce around in your brain for even a minute because they don't state what their opposition to Ron Paul is. You need to refer to an earlier thread by londonfog (I believe, or UB, one or the other) where many of us Ron Paul supporters had talked about the views of Ron Paul that we oppose, or don't agree with fully. Stop being so ignorant and labeling us as blithely following a man we view as "god."

bedspirit said:
Sure there is a lot about Ron Paul not to like, but I think the good out weighs the bad.

The racism stuff I think is a little overblown. Libertarians and Free Marketeers don't believe in regulating business, so they don't agree with those parts of the civil rights act. The argument is that you don't need to tell businesses not to discriminate because they wouldn't do it anyway for fear of alienating their customers. I don't agree with it, but I don't find it racist. I heard that he's associated with some racists somehow, but I don't know much about it.

He's also terribly naive on free trade. Free trade may look beautiful on paper, but the mathematics of it don't take into account corruption or currency manipulation.

His foreign policy is very appealing to me and I think his position on the Fed is essential to regaining control of our country. I've reached the point where I believe the FED has a bigger impact on our daily lives than our government does. Try to imagine starting a country from scratch. The fist thing you would need to establish is the currency. That's the basis of everything we do. Right now we have a private company inflating the fuck out our currency and they're distributing it to all of their corporate buddies. We don't even know all of the people they're giving it to because they don't have to tell us. The fact that Ron Paul will attempt to end the fed is reason enough for me to vote for him.

I don't think moving back to the gold standard is good idea, and I'm a little worried about some of the things Ron could do with trade and the social safety net, but that's why we have a congress. I'm hoping that they'll prevent anything too extreme.

I'm glad you support Ron Paul. That being said; the real thing that looks on paper is regulation, not free markets. When put on paper free markets can be labeled with all the evils (as you did) such as greed/corruption. Regulation on paper seems to always show a magic fix to all of those problems. Remember that. Currency manipulation is caused by the federal reserve, which Ron Paul wants to end (Reason why it's not included in free market "mathematics").


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul wants to release tens of thousands of minorities from prison who have been incarcerated for non violent drug possesion , Obama doesnt.

Obama is a racist just like Dukeanthony.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul doesnt think FEMA is necessary and I agree with him. Trailer park conservatives from the south are the ones that keep voting for republicans and tea-publicans who are against any type of climate change legislation. Ironically these are the people the hurricanes hit.


New Member
by climate change legislation are you referring to legislation that would change the climate as in like the climate of our society or like global warming legislation or what? You really lost me on your last couple of sentences. If you mean the latter Id have to disagree with you regarding the emphasis you put on this, for the former I agree with everything you wrote.


Well-Known Member
by climate change legislation are you referring to legislation that would change the climate as in like the climate of our society or like global warming legislation or what? You really lost me on your last couple of sentences. If you mean the latter Id have to disagree with you on the level of importance, for the former I agree with everything you wrote.

Climate change = warmer ocean temps = stronger hurricanes


New Member
Oh hypothetical hurricanes are a pretty big concern of yours eh? thats cool man, some girls were over here talking about starting a fund to get prosthetic leg for a dog last night, cute stuff, and whats going to fix this for us? carbon taxes? you mean the same type of legislation that promotes big corporations to pollute more? (aka climate legistlation)...I don't think so


Well-Known Member
Oh hypothetical hurricanes are a pretty big concern of yours eh? thats cool man, some girls were over here talking about starting a fund to get prosthetic leg for a dog last night, cute stuff, and whats going to fix this for us? carbon taxes? you mean the same type of legislation that promotes big corporations to pollute more? (aka climate legistlation)...I don't think so

Let me guess, you're from the south and you think Glenn Beck is a smart guy.


New Member
Only we the people can fix the environment and only if we are empowered to do so, Legalizing Cannabis and promoting its development into alternative fuels and materials would be a good start and it would help the economy.


New Member
Nice try Im from Detroit and I actually think Glenn beck is a really dumb guy and a habitual liar. Sorry If I hurt your feelings but just look at the history of 'climate legislation'. The Democrats and Republicans both have it right in one aspect of this each. The Democrats say Global Warming is real, and they are right. The republicans say global warming is a scam and they would also be correct. Global Warming is real, it is scientifically proven, however, its also used to scam people for money and power in government VIA "CLIMATE LEGISLATION", the republicans are in on this one also, just look at bush's clean energy act lmao...clean corporate welfare act is what I would of called it.

And the republicans also use this when they disagree with the democrats, they say Global Warming is a scam just to be sensationalist and appeal to people, just as the democrats do, one big circus fucking side show, thats what global warming is, its not really that fucking important, there is much more pressing matters that will allow us to get to the environmental issues, the drug war and monsanto for instance, or perhaps the FDA raiding farmers, might be a good start to let people grow and sell their own shit instead of eating mcdonalds.


New Member
Watching Al gore drone on about global warming for hours on end is akin to going to a Time Share Seminar

Actually if the methane theory was true then the increase in methane released into the atmosphere from more mcdonalds eating and less organic eating then this could be the direct cause of global warming, maybe if we all start growing our own food it will go away? Yes I went there.

On that note: perhaps because of the way we house and slaughter our cattle that they release more methane because they are overweight and have illness?