How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??


cut out an area in a tight grove of 40+ft christmas trees allmost created a small room. if winds get to bad there coming inside, there too large to cover


Irene missed us here down in Florida. I wouldnt worry about your plant to much and evacuating is silly unless its like a category 3 not barely making category 1


Well-Known Member

I believe I'm good to go.

Hope we're all just overreacting.
Great idea, and good luck. I keep telling myself the same thing (overreacting)
I just finished protecting mine too, it took me almost 8 hours to build the structures. I am physically beat. I hope my girls survive. Time to eat, then the pictures...

I think I am going to name this stuff Rocket'll see....


I bought a few stakes from the hardware store today just in case. Wasn't gonna bother even after buying them, but looked out my window during a gust of wind, and then thought "ruh roh!" ran outside and secured each to a stake. Pretty happy with my decision to not ignore what could happen...


New Member
IMO i would stake bedding sheets over the plants tight and pray chicken wire or anything to stop it from moving would be my guess or go to homedepot and by lumber and build yourself a garage lol


Well-Known Member
I was going to use the weed cloth around the plant as well (hehe), but since we are going to get 16 hours of heavy rain, I thought that the air blowing through them would be good.
I used bird netting to wrap the plants like Christmas trees.


Well-Known Member
I had a 75mph storm hit my plants with no support. they were on the ground during the storm and sprung right back up in no time.


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Well-Known Member
Almost half way through the storm! The winds are starting to get dangerous.

I am not a religious person, but you can believe I am praying for my girls right now!!!


Well man you got real lucky! I had a 4Ft bitch she was REAL bushy . . I went out today and the winds pulled her out the ground! I started to fucking cry & my second bitch snapped at the main branch but its still alive I hope she makes it. FUCK Irene!!!!! :(
My 2 girls survived. I'm feeling very lucky. I know how you feel though Dopeswaqq. I've lost entire crops before because of hurricanes. Those things love to come around in late August/September when all your hard work is starting to pay off. Hang in there man.


I have couple girls leaning over pretty heavily. Nothing broken though and now we have at least a week of clear weather forcasted for them to dry out and regain conciousness.


Well-Known Member
The hurricane was much weaker than expected and all of mine survived. I really prepared them well, though. Took all bracing down only to be hit with some pretty serious winds, but nothing broke. It helped to dry them off after being all christmas-tree'ed, actually.
All in all, I am happy, and the one branch I broke throughout the whole process will be a nice sample of what is to come in another month plus. Woot!