People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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New Member
ok this is getting to close to gayness someone play some music and nothing with nuts and dicks in lyrics please


Active Member

heres a killer high dicks or balls


Well-Known Member
because its a good song to smoke to.this isnt gay porn forum lol you want 3 doors down and to the right
Go to page 17, you must have missed the video of the guy getting his balls shaved! I think you just walked into the room 3 doors down!


Well-Known Member
Yeah your a dick head I was going to pay oaksterdam $250 $300 to learn how to grow for a 2 week class fuck that im doing SOG right now Al B fuct style I lern everything from riu by asking the stupidist question and all kinds of ppl was here to help me out regardless make your contributions dick head I answer any question anyone or noob has because I was there too thats what this site is about you better answer what what color is MJ ass hole, or leave I seen a thread of someone seriously asking can you grow weed off of fire light lol. Ppl still gave an ligit answer.Understand? This is RIU son we help each other grow regardless! And yes that was a metaphore.
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