Negative! Still in left field good sir.Some people, like underage kids that are stupid enough to come on this forums do ask stupid questions.
But then again there are many adults with no type of experience around technology, electricity, and growing bulbs and probably no experience with growing techniques, soils, nutrients, and other more advanced growing questions with PH levels, PPM meters, cloning gels, and general questions that most of us grower know. From soil, water, nutrients, lights, air, to temperatures, humidity, best grow bulbs, longest ballast lifes, best reflector, best exhaust fan, best carbon filter company, and even best organic pest killer.
There is honestly alot to learn if your trying to get the most potent buds, and sometimes you gotta answer a stupid question to help them answer stupid questions later. Try not to live hating too many things bro, it'll go alot smoother and you'll be able to ignore stupid shit in the future.
Try again...