NY outdoor grow (help appreciated)


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I'm stoked to hear she's untouched, +rep for Irene surviving Irene, and let's get another in there for choosing a great name. :) stay high
gotta give some luv first I'll be back to throw out that 2nd rep
Very nice bro....looks like those buds are going to be really compact. I think yours and mine are at about the same stage in flowering. The next month or so should be a lot of fun!! Just wait till those calyxes start swelling.


Well-Known Member
Very nice bro....looks like those buds are going to be really compact. I think yours and mine are at about the same stage in flowering. The next month or so should be a lot of fun!! Just wait till those calyxes start swelling.
i agree its killing me they havnt started swelling yet ;-)


Well-Known Member
UPDATTTTTTTTTTTTTTE IT HAS TO BE A KUSH STRAIN ANY HELP?????????? has a DEEP strong kush smell SHIT lol and purple and DAMN i know its some kinda kush lol , any insight ???????? well heres "IRENE" :clap::clap::leaf: sorry for the wait but it was worth it i think ;-):leaf::leaf::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
hell ya buddy!!!! Now who's the one that's jelouse... me! :mrgreen: Like I told you before I love me some purple... :idea: we'll have to figure out some sort of east coast west bud exchange program :leaf: lol
How much longer do you think you have? stay high


Well-Known Member
yah i was like SHIT lol i didnt expect to see her like that ;-) guess what you put in you really get back about end of sept for sure first week of oct latest! :leaf: :blsmoke: hows yours?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's about what I figured, I'm stoked for you. My babies are looking pretty good, I fed Wilma and Betty some molasses today so I'm hoping that they'll start plumpin up. I figure I have 30-40 days left on both of them and probably 50-55 days on my sour D. Although I'm going to harvest my burnt crispy in about 10-15 days.
And this is why you need to do an indoor grow as well.
I'll have harvested 3-4 grows by from april to oct.
although an outdoor grow that gets big enough can produce over a 1lb if you do it right. I plan on doing 1 or 2 outdoor next season. we'll see how it goes


Well-Known Member
thanks : ) me too even more now , and thats great keep posting pics when they make some changes ! and hows the burnt crispy lookn ? any pics? and i wish i had the space not so much i dont have space but thats a HUGE risk to take ive still been thinking about it but would like to get something better than my 42 W cfls i got but theyve worked before so maybe ill try 4 or so seeds and see what happens ? ;-) , just a thought, and lucky how much you think youve pulled off ? oz's , pounds , KILOS lol ;-)? and yah im wondering how much mine will yield ?? really anxious hoping for atleast a QP , but maybe more ?? or less? anythings good tho :)


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure 42 watts is really gonna do it. but if it's just too risky then just don't. yeah a qp would be nice! she looks like she's a good size plant. you need to put something next to her so we can see how big she really is.
From my first grow which was 3 sour d plants produces 3.25oz. I thought that was pretty good for my first time. My burnt crispy is my 2nd grow and i'm thinking 1.5-2oz. Wilma and Betty it's still hard to tell but i'm hoping for 2oz of each, and i'm really not sure what my sour d clones will generate, maybe 1oz between the 2? so from the 3 grows i should pull about 8oz. and I hope I can double that with my next 3 grows...


Well-Known Member
well i have more im just saying thats what watt they are! , its worked before so i know im good :) and yah i dont think im gunna till i move somewhere else but outdoors seems better anyway ! and less work in my opinion and less to worry about and if its found less ties back if you do it right , and what do you recconmed to put next to her ? ;-) and damn half pound wouldnt be bad ;-) im hoping ATLEAST 2 ounces i would be happy :) but even more would be wonderful then again as long as i can make it till harvest and can get her back safely thats all that matters!


Well-Known Member
getting her back safely is going to be important ;-).
I don't know... how about a chair or something. Although I haven't done one I totally believe you when you say it's way easier to grow outside than inside. It is a lot of work as far as I'm conserned. When I first started it seemed like it was a full time job. Now that I'm learning and stuff it seems a little easier and less time consuming. I just want to plant a seed and water it and spray it with bug spray every once in a while. No timers or fans or lights to fck with. I'm ready to start an outdoor grow now:eyesmoke: lol


Well-Known Member
hmm that might seem a bit suspicious LOL it would have to be something i could not make very noticeable getting up there , etc. and yah its alot of work but easiest to me i guess once you get use to it its like nothing ! , and yah the more you learn the more its just like a part of your day like eating food ! , and lol DO IT i promise you you wont be disappointed it may be a little more mind blogging and more bugs , etc you'll have to watch for and what not but its DEFF more worth it :leaf: :blsmoke:
I just love growing in general. Its definitely my favorite hobby. Too bad we have to go to insane lengths to keep everything hidden. I wish I could just grow like 10 plants on my back porch every year (I have a large back porch). 20-30 gallon pots for each plant. I would never run out of pot. That would be nice....maybe one of these days.