Message To April : )

its just how i feel. you should know that i am not stupid, nor uneducated. i can hold my own. but i will never change how i feel, even if there is good evidence for something

and this reasoning is how your educated . . . the i dont ever have to change even in face of overwhelming evidence . . .?

stop the sob story go live in impovershed africa and learn what real sacrifice or truama is, WHINY LITTLE YOUTH and their entitledment BS, my life wasnt easy like TV i have a chip on my shoulder

my sister at age 9 had her dad die, happened in front of me, i was beat most of my childhood and forced to take ridilin (so i dont remember the beatings, they said i was off the wall, hmm ridilin )

so what it means nothing we are not unique snowflakes neither are you
No. Youre bitter relationship with Meta spilled over into this thread. Then that spilled over into dLoc's thread. Then it came back to here. And then a dick measuring contest of bud erupted.

hey i came in at the end so playing catch up
but that is a good description of what i seen
whe dont u guys stop for a minute smoke something then u can come back say a few random nice things about april then move on
crypt, i didnt provoke any of that... i dont control what they do, dont put it on me, lets just go back to april!

as for samwell, you have no idea. so lets just keep our personal trauma to ourselves