People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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New Member
i love this place
kevin why are you changing words of what i post
last night i noticed someone added to what i posted on a thread you where on and thought i had been hacked

dude if i say something that breaks rule delete it but dont speak for me :cuss:


Well-Known Member
kevin why are you changing words of what i post
last night i noticed someone added to what i posted on a thread you where on and thought i had been hacked

dude if i say something that breaks rule delete it but dont speak for me :cuss:
how do you know you weren't hacked? you complain of being hacked from time to time, hell I never really know when it's you or when you are hacked.... LOL


Well-Known Member
it does get irritating but im a n00b who thought i could grow an lb with 12 cfls...hahaha.

When i started i used nothing but cfls, power strips, those little attachments to plug them into said power strip and beyond that just some soil, nutes and beans...that was literally it...oh and a fan...

i didnt get into flowering before i decided to swap out the cfls for a HID light and never looked back...

People think they can just plant a few seeds and BOOM 20lbs because, "hey its a plant, it'll just grow huge on its own with water" not true...

you gotta put in the work if you want the reward. sure cfls are good for those who don't smoke much or often as you can get a few zips with cfls no problem however i dont grow just to support my own habit. i also have 3 friends and my gf who all prosper off my growing. between the 4 of them they cover all my growing costs (for the most part) so i dont mind sharing the wealth. works great for me and i still get enough to where i can pretty much smoke without worrying about running out.

i haven't been dry in 3+ years now haha. :)

but the n00bs: read, read, and read some more. i read forums for about 9mos on growing before ever planting a bean and i started with some bagseed (which is indeed the way to go...dont pay for beans unless you know what you're doing or it'll be a huge waste)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
it does get irritating but im a n00b who thought i could grow an lb with 12 cfls...hahaha.

When i started i used nothing but cfls, power strips, those little attachments to plug them into said power strip and beyond that just some soil, nutes and beans...that was literally it...oh and a fan...

i didnt get into flowering before i decided to swap out the cfls for a HID light and never looked back...

People think they can just plant a few seeds and BOOM 20lbs because, "hey its a plant, it'll just grow huge on its own with water" not true...

you gotta put in the work if you want the reward. sure cfls are good for those who don't smoke much or often as you can get a few zips with cfls no problem however i dont grow just to support my own habit. i also have 3 friends and my gf who all prosper off my growing. between the 4 of them they cover all my growing costs (for the most part) so i dont mind sharing the wealth. works great for me and i still get enough to where i can pretty much smoke without worrying about running out.

i haven't been dry in 3+ years now haha. :)

but the n00bs: read, read, and read some more. i read forums for about 9mos on growing before ever planting a bean and i started with some bagseed (which is indeed the way to go...dont pay for beans unless you know what you're doing or it'll be a huge waste)
Dear 100 pages ago, here's a post. Ty.


Well-Known Member
kevin why are you changing words of what i post
last night i noticed someone added to what i posted on a thread you where on and thought i had been hacked

dude if i say something that breaks rule delete it but dont speak for me :cuss:
Wth that's complete trash. What kind of a self centered full of him self person would even do that??


Well-Known Member
lol. when questions like that, start to bother you, stop answering them.

by now, you should have tought perhaps hundreds allready how to answer them. (even if you just answered one post, perhaps dozen read it or more)

you are advanced, why are you answering beginner questions?

intermediate growers answer beginners, advanced growers answer them.

constantly doing the same stupid thing, long gone out of interest, is an immense joykiller.

so dont do it.


Well-Known Member
i personally just look at questions and ignore them if they arent interesting or within my knowledge to answer.

i just answer beginner questions, if i see no one is answering and its been awhile and im bored :)
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