H2O2 Question


Well-Known Member
How much are you using? I've heard it increases oxygen in the water -> good for roots. And i only just started using it (1 watering session @ 3ml / gallon). Can't tell the results yet and my plants are much smaller.

I am interested in this as well.


Well-Known Member
i may be wrong so dont hold me to this.
3% contains a chemical that isnt good for your plants.

Go with a 35% solution


Well-Known Member
I have a bottle of 3% h2O2. That is 3% hydrogen peroxide, 97% purified water. So there aren't any other chemicals in it. It's just diluted hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide spontaneously decomposes to H2O + O. Meaning, it is highly oxidizing!

In higher concentrations it is used as a bleaching agent, but it is used for antiseptic purposes at low concentrations (such as 3%). So, you don't want to use too much, because that shit will kill your plants. But you still want enough to provide that extra oxygen for your plants' roots.

Now we must experiment to find a general range that is beneficial.


Well-Known Member
I had some green algae forming in one of my bubblers this morning. I poured in a couple of tble spoons of peroxide, and tonite the algae are dead. I usually add a bit when I change the water, always seems beneficial to me.


Well-Known Member
i've been doing a soil grow and i've been doing 30ml per gallon and they seem to like it. it doesn't hurt, i also believe it helps with overwatering or not enough drainage cause it adds oxygen to the water like an air pump in a hydro keeps the roots from drowning by keeping the water super oxygenated.


Well-Known Member
i have a pool test kit and you check the ph of water so i checked my faucets in my house and they all had a 7.7 ph
i put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in there and it dropped to a 6.3 ph
..so if anything h2o2 is good not bad!


Well-Known Member
H2O2 might change the pH. That could be your prob. Did u pH your water after adding h2o2?
i havent added any H2O2 to the rez i was woundering if that stuff killed mold and i found out 35% H2O2 does kill mold. the reason the leaves are brown an mangled is because for a while my plants were growing like crazy i had my light 3-5 inches away from the colas of the plant and when i come home from work they would be touching the bulbs and burning them.. i LST them an have fixed the problem. but all around plants arent growing up much more the flowers are just fatting in up... still no smell from them and there 2 different strains thats my new concern. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i heard organic ferts and h2o2 dont mix, it might kill the good micro organisms or w/e. but works great with chem nutes! no personal experience but read it from a expert!


Active Member
I just started using H202 a couple of weeks ago. From information I have gotten, the OTC 3% does have additives that they apparently don't need to tell us about. That's true for both some foods and drugs. Good ol' FDA, not. For stabilization or some crap. . The 35% tech version also has stuff in it. Only the 35% food grade is truly just H202 diluted. Or so some in-depth info on-line said. But the strong stuff can burn you and needs to be carefully further diluted with gloves on.

I need to use some medically so will switch to the food grade as soon as my order arrives. However, my plants have loved having the ordinary OTC 3% H202 and it pulled them out of a yellow-leaf funk after transplanting within 24 hours (where other stuff didn't appear to help as much). I don't think it's a miracle, but using judicious amounts would appear to be helpful from oxygenation. Will be interested in hearing other comments on this.


Well-Known Member
i dont worry about the heat signatures from my 400w hps!!! who cares, its not that much power anyways. nice looking buds, maybe try a 400w hps next time and compare yields! that would be kool to see. if your content with flouros then cool, keep growing bro.:peace:


Well-Known Member
heat signature an power are 2 different things
ohh ya? ive read in here that they cant "see" grow lights. they can see if a room is alot hotter than others. i dont think you should worry about a 400W hps, i dont!!!! maybe im wrong. whatever works for you my friend!:peace: