I have to agree your plan is a bit out there but it is in good spirit, it is like an acid trip heh, your right about that 2012 there will be an astrological phenomenon and I forgot this was referred to as the age of Aquarius, what this means, if anything, is speculation. I do find it very interesting, such a significant event must have some effect. The stars, the sun, and the moon..all have effect on us and its often overlooked these days. In ancient times astrology was an important part of culture and religion and I think they might of been on to something, even perhaps that they knew something we don't know, but I think the more plausible explanation is psychological, I don't mean that in a negative context. A galactic alignment will take place for the first time in over 25,000 years so it is indeed a significant astrological date, perhaps psychologically it will be different, perhaps natural disasters might occur as some predict, all I know is im kicking back with some beers and shooting off fireworks like its the forth of July on that night.
Ok you went there so I think an appropriate movie for this - DMT THE SPIRIT MOLECULE -
I think astrology is tied to our brains, whats interesting is when you think back to tribal peoples traditions of going to a cave to have a vision, the vision is caused by sensory deprivation, on the walls of the caves they drew often astrological and very primal images. this and other 'coincidences' lead me to speculate that there is a greater connection to our brain and the rest of the world (the universe even)...
Well anyway thats a fun discussion but its a bit off topic, much respect however, lets move past that and step back through the looking glass to what is really happening today, the information revolution, the economic crisis, the liberty movement spreading across the globe.
Good Ol' Wolf Blitzer decided to bring up this topic again last night with his sellout buddies....On this segment they called "Is Obama Ignoring Poverty in the U.S?
Disclaimer: I am not insinuating that cnn is reality, they are so out of touch from reality and disconnected from the people is appalling, but that this is a real issue..