I found God...


Well-Known Member
Take full dose of acid, half blotters are very annoying, it gives all the tension and body load of a full dose, without the full release.


Active Member
Had to delete my report (I think someone outside of RIU may be looking for it). If you want to read it then please PM me.


Active Member
The brain is unreliable and has only a tenuous grasp on reality. Some people experience very compelling hallucinations even without drugs. 'Inner personal experiences' have little connection with reality. It's just a state of mind, like dreaming.

What is the difference between the man who sees God who tells him to spread a message of hope and the person who is visited by an alien being who tells him that when the comet comes he must bring his followers into the next world by drinking koolaid laced with cyanide or yet another who finds the spirit of Napoleon living in his apple tree?

Feelings are important but they are not necessarily facts about the world outside your head.


Active Member
The brain is unreliable and has only a tenuous grasp on reality. Some people experience very compelling hallucinations even without drugs. 'Inner personal experiences' have little connection with reality. It's just a state of mind, like dreaming.

What is the difference between the man who sees God who tells him to spread a message of hope and the person who is visited by an alien being who tells him that when the comet comes he must bring his followers into the next world by drinking koolaid laced with cyanide or yet another who finds the spirit of Napoleon living in his apple tree?

Feelings are important but they are not necessarily facts about the world outside your head.

This cannot be disproved nor can it be proven. The one thing that science has proved though is that there is indeed a major connectedness at the particle level. Quantum entanglement etc.

So what are "the facts" outside your head? Facts as observed by whom? Do we have a standardardised hunan being somewhere who sees the "facts" as they really are that we can using as a measuring stick to compare own own individual "delusions"? Of course we don't.

If I hold my view of the universe, God (I see God as the mechanism of the universe and not some sort of 3rd person entity) to be true then who is to tell me otherwise.

Who is to say that the real truth is same for each individual anyway? If you support the multiple universe theory then the truth could be different in each one?


Active Member
Hmmm.... are you saying that whatever I think is real is real?

I am not sure what 'visions' have to do with Quantum Mechanics. QM is often invoked as some kind of magic that proves the existence of more magic.

All perception has some error in it (yes it's a fundamental idea in QM) and all perception is distorted to some extent. This does not mean it has no connection with reality, it means it's somewhat unreliable. If I measure something with a ruler, no matter how careful I am, there will be some error. If I am careful I can keep this error as small as possible and arrive at a useful but not perfect measurement. To increase my confidence in the measurement I might have someone else check it. (This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of reality, it doesnt matter who makes the measurement.) But if I am careless or hallucinating and read 1' instead of 2' this is useless. Sure I can stubbornly insist that 2' is my reality and just as valid as the guy who measured 1' but the door won't fit on the cabinet.


Active Member
Hmmm.... are you saying that whatever I think is real is real?

I am not sure what 'visions' have to do with Quantum Mechanics. QM is often invoked as some kind of magic that proves the existence of more magic.

All perception has some error in it (yes it's a fundamental idea in QM) and all perception is distorted to some extent. This does not mean it has no connection with reality, it means it's somewhat unreliable. If I measure something with a ruler, no matter how careful I am, there will be some error. If I am careful I can keep this error as small as possible and arrive at a useful but not perfect measurement. To increase my confidence in the measurement I might have someone else check it. (This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of reality, it doesnt matter who makes the measurement.) But if I am careless or hallucinating and read 1' instead of 2' this is useless. Sure I can stubbornly insist that 2' is my reality and just as valid as the guy who measured 1' but the door won't fit on the cabinet.

In a way yes. Ultimately everything boils down to QM. Our brain directly causes us to experience visions and our ego. This is down to chemical reactions within the matter that makes up the human brain. They control everything related to the firing of or our neural synapses, which neurones fires and in what order. How the chemical reactions occur is subsequently dependant on what is going down at the quantum level which is non-determinate.

My belief is that there is a strong linkage at the QM to the rest of the universe and it is this that connects our consciousness to it. Psychedelics effectively take us down an level such that we get to make sense of this interacting with the rest of the universe.

Truth? It's been proven we all see colour differently in normal day to day life. So yeah my red isn't yours. How far does this extend?



Active Member
In a way yes. Ultimately everything boils down to QM. Our brain directly causes us to experience visions and our ego. This is down to chemical reactions within the matter that makes up the human brain. They control everything related to the firing of or our neural synapses, which neurones fires and in what order. How the chemical reactions occur is subsequently dependant on what is going down at the quantum level which is non-determinate.

My belief is that there is a strong linkage at the QM to the rest of the universe and it is this that connects our consciousness to it. Psychedelics effectively take us down an level such that we get to make sense of this interacting with the rest of the universe.

Truth? It's been proven we all see colour differently in normal day to day life. So yeah my red isn't yours. How far does this extend?

So how do I square my belief that the cabinet door is 2' wide with the fact that it won't fit?


Active Member
When I was a youngster in school when I was told someone was color blind, in which two colors were switched in their perception and I thought about how we all perceive colors. We're told that a certain wavelength that is represented in our perception no matter what hue it is making in our perceptions who can say when a picture is associated with the color "blue" what exact wavelength(?) color each individual person is perceiving. Sorry for the honey oil high ramble and sentence structure, if anyone understands and can elaborate, that'd be fantastic. I've got to read that article!