Lets Make A Lil Cab


Well-Known Member
Im running the same exact HPS but im also running 2 80w CFLs 5000k spectrum and without the 11,000 of blue lums it was stretching too much in flower so i added them and no more stretch and i mean i noticed a difference in only a few days of taking them out so i put them right back in and she stopped stretching for the moon. HPS gives you more stretch no matter how close you have it "HPS only 3-5 inches" my 80w are 1-3 inches away from vegetation i know im not hating on the 150w mine is banging it out also noticed the plant need blue spec to get the lushesh green leafs like the HPS build growth and the blue spec build meat to the leaf either way you need dual spectrum in that box the more spectrum's the better.


Well-Known Member
I will get them in one way or the other my man ,

It wont be now , but when i get some extra cash to spare then i will do more ,

I need to get one of those strips that has like 10 or 12 outlets on it lol ,

But i will keep it all updated as it goes


Well-Known Member
Just ideas my man i have tons of em to share with yeah buddy but if i ever do outdoor you better help me fucker;-) Pm me later brother ima go work out in the veggie garden


Well-Known Member
Just ideas my man i have tons of em to share with yeah buddy but if i ever do outdoor you better help me fucker;-) Pm me later brother ima go work out in the veggie garden
Ok my man

And i just got a good idea from the pm , much thanks

I just need some extra cash first to make my plan come to action lol

I have 2 of those plug in adapters but i need to get more



Well-Known Member
Just remeber with those cfls you MUST keep air flow over them or they get fn hot as hell but with good flow man you can have the plants touching them;-) Just dont cheap out on your bulbs ive noticed the cheaper the cfl the hotter the ballast seems to run like the more expensive ones stay cooler top to bottom but the cheaper ones the glass stays cool but the ballast still is hot but cooler then without air for sure. just make sure to leave a gap or notch for a ziptie if your going to run top to bottom and use the y slipters so you can attach zipties to where there will be dual bulbs if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Im not going to do both duel bulbs and cfl`s ,

it will just be one or the other ,

Im still kinda of leaning towards the duel bulbs though , just simpler for me in the long run ,

But we will see how it turns out


Well-Known Member
no man im saying using the y spilter to run 2 cfls per outlet not sure what your talking about. If you run two per outlet you will need to support them and a ziptie around the strip then in around the middle of the y spliter works damn good to ancher the clfs from moving a single bit that and epoxy but it need to be able to handle high temps and just look for something fire asfe or some shit like that you find it walmart is the shit that and home depot;-) If you need me to link ya to some pics i will sometimes its easier for me to just show yea ahhaah i cant explain anything worth shit sometimes.


Well-Known Member
no man im saying using the y spilter to run 2 cfls per outlet not sure what your talking about. If you run two per outlet you will need to support them and a ziptie around the strip then in around the middle of the y spliter works damn good to ancher the clfs from moving a single bit that and epoxy but it need to be able to handle high temps and just look for something fire asfe or some shit like that you find it walmart is the shit that and home depot;-) If you need me to link ya to some pics i will sometimes its easier for me to just show yea ahhaah i cant explain anything worth shit sometimes.
Yea sometimes i do better with pics i can be a dunce lol :dunce:

But i have something planned but its gonna be easier to post pics as im doing it then for me to type all the thoughts that go the my A.D.H.D head of mine lol


Well-Known Member
Yea for sure

the cfl`s would be hitting up against my reflector if they were on back

I was just being silly , i now have a buzz going on ..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah buddy a buzz is always nice:-) Just before you do anything take all the plants out and play with diffrent ideas till you figure out whats gonna run best i beat my head to death thinking up diffrent setups before i acually built not im just adding the fine touches next grow will be even better and the cab more elaborate just build as money comes in or as you complete ideas dont just jump in and start drilling and cutting hahahaha sometimes i get ahead of myself and wish i would have just waited and chilled on the idea then ran with it instead of going by the seat of my pants and ending up with money wasted and unused items you could how ever run one were you said just use it to veg em and take it out when the plants get to tall and then run CFL on the sides and HPS for the top lighting thats kinda what i do i run cfl then take out my top strip and replace with hps and still run CFL on the sides.


Well-Known Member
Sup Kev ,

Things are good for the most part my man ,

Im just having some light leak issues ,

Their some leak on the sides that im gonna easily gonna take care of with black duck tape

But the main light leak is in the front , since the doors open the way they do light leaks in the center , at top and sides of door ,

Its really not a big deal for me i pretty much already know what im gonna do to fix it , it just have to get my lazy ass up and do it lol



Well-Known Member
Magnetic tape my man that way you can simply pull magnetic strips off when needed. How where you thinking about going around this?


Well-Known Member
Magnetic tape my man that way you can simply pull magnetic strips off when needed. How where you thinking about going around this?
Im gonna use some of the extra diamond sheets i have for it

Im gonna run a strip down the inside of the left door since that is the one that closes first , i will have about 1" out like a flap so when i shut the other door it will go up against it , that will solve the center split ,

And the diamond sheet fits perfectly in the gap up top , so im gonna run a strip across the top also

I just need to get it done instead of putting it off lol


Well-Known Member
Iv decided not to use cfl`s on the side of the cab , im gonna use tubes

I will be going out in just a little bit to get them

I know some of you would use the cfl`s , but im going with what is gonna be best for me

As of now i honestly dont think i even need them right now , my plants are thriving under the hps

I dont want to make my cab more complicated for me to work with or even have to worry about shit that might pop up that i cant even think of right now

And me using tubes is just the best thing for me to do if im gonna add lights

But stay tuned cuz in the end you will see , just watch , ;-)


Well-Known Member
24 inch single T5 high outputs from HTG supply would be sweet when i have more money im throwing in a set of them in my box less heat and more light coverage.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from getting the light fixtures and bulbs and a new strip

I have some things to take care of with my woman this evening , then i will install and post pics

Or i might wait till tomorrow cuz my lights cut off at 7