Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Women are automatically attractive to me, its just natural instinct.
Men remind me of myself, and I am not attracted to myself sexually.
Then to explore the ramifications of your logic, it is not a choice for straight people, it is automatic, but it is a choice for gay people. This would mean that those who have a choice always choose the same sex? I find that hard to believe. It seems much more logical and reflective of reality to assume gay people's sexual desire is also a result of natural instinct, unless you think your situation is unique. Your conclusions do not seem to be based in any sort of reasonable observation. Your belief tells you it's wrong and should be stopped, but you can not give any meaningful reason for this belief other than scripture. You think it's wrong because you were told, and you can not give even the slightest justification for why without incorporating fantasy and misrepresentation of reality. This is how you are required to view the world to coincide with your beliefs. It warps your reality and poisons your good will to your fellow man. It causes you to preach intolerance and exclusion over things which don't effect you in the slightest, and all in the name of God.


Well-Known Member then, what is it that science is trying to do? study the 'god-particle' at all??
OMG it's just a particle that was present at the big bang, not a particle OF god.... please don't wilfully construe the truth.

It's moniker for the Higgs Boson... the particle that gives everything mass...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...please do not assume I am creating a truth. If science could, it would. Man has never ceased it's arrogance toward creation.

I know what it means, thanks.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member can only be transformed, never destroyed. Omniscient, omnipresent...etc, etc, etc. Science searches for something with no beginning or end. Something that has always just 'been' - making the case for chasing one's own tail?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...we created the nukes, and all else that can destroy 'us'. the energy that was there in the first place will always be there - long after our own ignorance has eradicated us.


Well-Known Member can only be transformed, never destroyed. Omniscient, omnipresent...etc, etc, etc. Science searches for something with no beginning or end. Something that has always just 'been' - making the case for chasing one's own tail?
Energy isn't omniscient. It has no consciousness, so how can it know everything? Why are you personifying inanimate objects?


Well-Known Member can only be transformed, never destroyed. Omniscient, omnipresent...etc, etc, etc. Science searches for something with no beginning or end. Something that has always just 'been' - making the case for chasing one's own tail?
I don't remember the laws of thermodynamics using words like omniscient. Science is a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. The careful part would ensure one is not chasing ones tail.


Well-Known Member, matter and energy has consciousness.
You talk with lightning and fire do you? Sounds credible...

There is literally zero proof that consciousness can exist outside of the brain..... it's possible it can, but there's no evidence thus far to suggest otherwise.


Ursus marijanus
You talk with lightning and fire do you? Sounds credible...

There is literally zero proof that consciousness can exist outside of the brain..... it's possible it can, but there's no evidence thus far to suggest otherwise.
I have gained the impression that eye's entire m.o. is to advance thoroughly unscientific arguments ... while co-opting the vocabulary of science. This can generate the spurious impression of reasoned discourse.

btw Ahoy from a neighboring 'stan!
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
I have gained the impression that eye's entire m.o. is to advance thoroughly unscientific arguments ... while co-opting the vocabulary of science. This can generate the spurious impression of reasoned discourse.

btw Ahoy from a neighboring 'stan!
cheers 'neer
Always nice to meet another critical minded person! :D

Basically, what you're saying is he's to this conversation, as Deepak Chopra is to Quantum Mechanics... lol


Ursus marijanus
Always nice to meet another critical minded person! :D

Basically, what you're saying is he's to this conversation, as Deepak Chopra is to Quantum Mechanics... lol
I will admit I don't know much about Deepak Chopra. I would greatly like to be more generous toward eye, but I'm a bit peeved about his spurn of my requests to provide information. So I will restrict myself to saying things that I can defend, such as my abiding impression that he has come to the game with ball and mitt but won't agree on ground rules.

:) That stated, there is something to be said for bringing a skeet gun to a Frisbee championship ...
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
I always liked Epicurus's Riddle;

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?


Well-Known Member
There's a debate on youtube between Sam Harris, and Deepak Chopra where Deepak keeps talking about QM and vibrations incorrectly, so Dr. Leonard Mlodinow stands up and puts him in his place.... That being said; Deepak is very humble while getting schooled....
