Prove to you There's a God?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I'm saying that God is 'no-thing' and we are 'things'. No one can argue that we are not physical beings. If you're scientific then you know that the 'anti' to everything exists. This is the same principle.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...if there is a physicality which is observable, then it follows that there would be a non-physicality which is not observable.


Well-Known Member
...but you're looking at God as a person if you put it like that beef.
Not a person, but an actual thing....

If it can make changes in the physical world, it has to manifest itself in some way - if it's manifesting itself in the physical world, it has to be testable.


Well-Known Member
Heisenberg, sorry, I missed your post about being 'angry over nothing'...

Here's the deal from my perspective. Any time a person has to argue a point it is adding something to nothing. In psychological terms this would be 'aggregates' pasted to archetypes. I've found in my travels that a lot of so-called atheists are angry about their belief, or, non-belief.

Personally, I think we should all be able to learn from each other instead of having to hammer points in like spikes into a hand.

To me, God is this 'no-thing' - but a 'thing' at the same time. God is an acceptance of different modes of living.
What god is to you is your prerogative, but the sense of god you are describing is not the god that an atheist rejects. Some atheists arrive at the position out of anger and rebellion, others are pushed to anger by discrimination and having to live in a world where dogmatic certainty in god causes us hardship and at times outright oppression. In any case, it is not wrong to express my beliefs or criticisms of others beliefs. The goal of debate is to find common ground and to progress past dispute in search of higher ground, argument comes about when people don't observe standards of debate and logic, which causes everyone to waste time chasing their tale, in which case having feet nailed to the floor may be desirable.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I'll go back to a post I made in another thread. Has science produced DNA yet from nothing? I don't mean cloning either. I mean, from scratch.


Well-Known Member
...I'll go back to a post I made in another thread. Has science produced DNA yet from nothing? I don't mean cloning either. I mean, from scratch.
No, but many of the original complex proteins that were the first building blocks of life have been replicated in labs....

Keep in mind it took an entire planet of swirling gasses and liquids billions of years to make a single living organism.... how fast, in your opinion, should science be completing this endeavour?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Heisenberg, I agree that we are searching for common ground. I do not agree that running circles is bad. A straight line becomes a circle in time, it is inevitable.


Well-Known Member
So for you it takes effort to find women attractive? The only way you like females is to have low self esteem and try really hard? Someone who is not willing to put in that effort turns to men, because there is no effort involved there? Which means in your mind, finding men attractive is easy, and finding women attractive is difficult?
Women are automatically attractive to me, its just natural instinct.
Men remind me of myself, and I am not attracted to myself sexually.

Define what is in bold.

Whats underlined: What I ment is that I know alot of homos with bad experiences with women, which makes them homo(making them lazy to not try to find attractive qaulitys in women)...

In my mind men aren't attractive, in my mind they are disgusting. I think about myself and how many times I have to wash my hands, and use hand sanatizer and it fucking disgusts me when I use someone elses computer or laptop. I have to wash my hands before I stick my hands in my pocket or Ill need to disinfect my lighters, cellphone, id, ect.

I have to use alcohol on a paper towel on my xbox360 controllers and keyboard and mouse before and after I have any friends over otherwise Ill freak out when I want to smoke pot or eat.


Well-Known Member
Heisenberg, I agree that we are searching for common ground. I do not agree that running circles is bad. A straight line becomes a circle in time, it is inevitable.
Has religion produced DNA yet from nothing? I don't mean a story in an old book, I mean proof that religion, or god created DNA....


Ursus marijanus
...neer, we are the mystery and the mysteries combined. I don't mean that 'hand is quicker' sht we read about... Maybe I can put it like this... My personal feeling about myth is that it is a reflection of the same being. We are a part of that being. We are hermes, we are adriadne, etc...
I believe I used the wrong term earlier. I said deniability while trying to remember about falsifiability.

eye exaggerate, I am having trouble with your responses to me. I see them as imprecise to the point of being without discussible content. That frustrates my desire to learn, not merely whether i agree with some of your bolder claims, but if I can even reduce them to a claim that can be tested, verified, falsified. Ya can't wrestle with gelatin.
cheers 'neer

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member and science are one to me. I feel unified...that's enough for me to believe in God. That's enough for me to believe that I am a fraction of God.

Any artists here?


Well-Known Member
Men are automatically attractive to gay men, it's just natural instinct.
No, you are attacted to sin not the man. Men naturally want to be wicked.
You then think that you have a better friend because they seem chiller until you realize that they're creepy as shit.