Forum Moderators

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RIU Bulldog
765 members and 52,000 posts. =) Thats where we talked about you sampling some acid remember? =)
Yeah I'm just teasin...jeez! How many sites you wanna mod you greedy bastard! J/k
I still haven't tried acid. Sometimes I think about that convo and I'm like "I wonder if he'd remember me...?" lol


Well-Known Member
I know you guys shared somthing very special in that conversation!lol!

Why do people wana be MoD's anyway, not like it pays or anything, is this some kind a reputation thing or somthing? Having to MoD would totally bum me out and not somthing i think id ever look forward to! Peace


Well-Known Member

How dose this guy come in here and cause so many arguments???

Please Potroast explain to me the process where by this guy can argue back at everything, surely the trolls need to stay away but i dont see how this guy is any better than them!

I thought we were gona bash this arguing on the head but it seems like i could just walk in here as a new member and start swearing and being abusive with the only exscuse being that others were swearing and abusive to me first.

I dont see how any of these posts are still here neither the trolls and apparent Proffessor not warned to pack it in. If the proffessor cant deal with critism which he himself seems to build up with other members then he should hit the road and go annoy another site.

I didnt think the answer was to let him carry on posting, he even wants to have a word with you about the site!lmfao!!! Fdd wasn't perfect but he would deal with this no problems and i think we all appreciated him for having the balls to stamp this kind of thing out.

I'm as nice as can be on here but this guys just messing with my chi in a big way. Peace


Active Member
I think I'd make a good addition to your moderators because I have no the sense that I'm always on here reading up on everyone's posts. No, I don't post much but, I do read almost every single new post. I am full of cannabis growing experience by making many mistakes first-hand. I would really help out the first-time growers because I have been in there shoes and I have lots of patience with people. I have bought many many seeds from The Attitude Seed bank which has allowed me to see how different strains grow and can help those that are trying to grow them. Like I said before I have no life and I'm always reading up on new posts so I would keep the spamming to a minimum. I would greatly appreciate the chance to join your great crusade and be a bigger part of this great community of self-medicated marijuana bliss. Thank You for your time and consideration.


Well-Known Member
I've helped a lot of people since I've been here, I'd like to apply to be the Music moderator (just hip-hop though, I know a lot about rap music and audio formats, bit rates etc. :P)


Sector 5 Moderator

How dose this guy come in here and cause so many arguments???

Please Potroast explain to me the process where by this guy can argue back at everything, surely the trolls need to stay away but i dont see how this guy is any better than them!

I thought we were gona bash this arguing on the head but it seems like i could just walk in here as a new member and start swearing and being abusive with the only exscuse being that others were swearing and abusive to me first.

I dont see how any of these posts are still here neither the trolls and apparent Proffessor not warned to pack it in. If the proffessor cant deal with critism which he himself seems to build up with other members then he should hit the road and go annoy another site.

I didnt think the answer was to let him carry on posting, he even wants to have a word with you about the site!lmfao!!! Fdd wasn't perfect but he would deal with this no problems and i think we all appreciated him for having the balls to stamp this kind of thing out.

I'm as nice as can be on here but this guys just messing with my chi in a big way. Peace
Seriously, you had to post that here???? That thread is basically closed. I asked the Professor to move it so I could moderate it in the General section. The man is only defending himself against very vicious and unwarranted attacks. I have already reported and deleted one of the haters posts that stalked him to the General section. Maybe you don't realize who the man is. We are very fortunate to have him. I have seen SOOOOOOO many great growers leave this forum because of stupid, stinking, flaming trolls.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, you had to post that here???? That thread is basically closed. I asked the Professor to move it so I could moderate it in the General section. The man is only defending himself against very vicious and unwarranted attacks. I have already reported and deleted one of the haters posts that stalked him to the General section. Maybe you don't realize who the man is. We are very fortunate to have him. I have seen SOOOOOOO many great growers leave this forum because of stupid, stinking, flaming trolls.
You cant warrant him arguing back and i dont care for it either and yes i posted it here.

Who cares who he is if he cant get along like the rest of us!

Unfortunate there are haters but to argue back just as bad as them well i dont think thats right either, being nice is what counts potpimp, i could pull pages where the prof has flamed his temper swearing and calling others out, dosent matter who started it no one has the right to talk like that.

Defend your friend all you want but if he just stopped arguing back he wouldnt have the problem in the first place, playground behaviour!

I stand for people being nice, peace love and harmony, you can't take sides with that either you are or you aren't, simple and the way it should be, and if the threads dead lets close it then?? Peace


New Member
hey potpimp not trying to troll him but i for one will say he has some good info and a lot of BS you may think that he is some kind of guru cause he may or maynot of had some seminar on growing for instance my family has owned a botanic garden for well over 50 yrs my mother could school him on all aspects of everything trust me on that but when i guy states he can make 11 pounds in what 40 Sq feet grow area 2000 watts cmon dude :)) even a green grower could see BS is it possible NO its not


Well-Known Member
hey potpimp not trying to troll him but i for one will say he has some good info and a lot of BS you may think that he is some kind of guru cause he may or maynot of had some seminar on growing for instance my family has owned a botanic garden for well over 50 yrs my mother could school him on all aspects of everything trust me on that but when i guy states he can make 11 pounds in what 40 Sq feet grow area 2000 watts cmon dude :)) even a green grower could see BS is it possible NO its not
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