Do You Carry A Weapon?


Well-Known Member
ya all the time. their called my fists. and id like to ram them into your stomach! lol. and i always carry a blade, but what self respecting white person doesnt?!


Well-Known Member
i dont carry it, stick to the suburbs and ya wont need to bring it with you everywhere, unless you trying to busta cap on a playa


Well-Known Member
i live in a major city that is violent ..i do not carry a gun or own one..i am a felon and that would be more charges


Well-Known Member
I always carry a weapon on me, even since highschool days walking around if it wasn't a knife of somekind we would just put a bigass rock in our back pockets while walking around.


Well-Known Member
im lucky to live in a state with good and cool gun laws... sometimes, but most of the time... you never know when someone is having a shitty day

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't carry a weapon on my person but i have several things in my car to protect myself with. i have an aluminum bat, a 10 inch long giant bolt that weighs over a pound, and also an air horn, all in the front seat within reach. in case anyone doesn't get the air horn you would be amazed at it's ability to stun someone when honked point blank. it also is an effective expression of road rage ;-)


Well-Known Member
I have a CW permit and I do carry most of the time when I'm out, especially if I'm going somewhere I'm not familiar with. I hope and pray that I never have to use it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to be trapped in the back of a restaurant or where ever I may be and some fool decides to shoot the place up and threatens my life.

Bottom line is, If I am in fear of my life and I feel like there is no way out, I will not hesitate to use deadly force to protect myself or the ones I love.