

Active Member
after using the paper towel method, the seeds have cracked open with a root coming out. I than planted it into rockwool cubes. How is the watering done? do i need a humidity dome? how far do i need to keep t5? its 4 foot bulbs...please help!!


Active Member
after using the paper towel method, the seeds have cracked open with a root coming out. I than planted it into rockwool cubes. How is the watering done? do i need a humidity dome? how far do i need to keep t5? its 4 foot bulbs...please help!!
Water from the bottom, IOW let the cubes soak it up. Only do this when the cubes are really light, and almost dry. Those roots need fresh air, not just fresh water. I also don't like giving the rockwool as much as it can hold until the seedling is well established. The roots like it moist not soaked.

A humidity dome would help until the plants have sprouted but as long as the rockwool doesn't dry completely out or isn't water logged you should be fine without it.

You don't really have to use the lights until it sprouts. My rule is a fist distance from seedlings and no less than a flat hands distance once they have their 2nd pair of 5 finger leaves.


Active Member
Water from the bottom, IOW let the cubes soak it up. Only do this when the cubes are really light, and almost dry. Those roots need fresh air, not just fresh water. I also don't like giving the rockwool as much as it can hold until the seedling is well established. The roots like it moist not soaked.

A humidity dome would help until the plants have sprouted but as long as the rockwool doesn't dry completely out or isn't water logged you should be fine without it.

You don't really have to use the lights until it sprouts. My rule is a fist distance from seedlings and no less than a flat hands distance once they have their 2nd pair of 5 finger leaves.
sprouted meaning pop up from the rockwool? or sprouted when in the paper towel.


Active Member
if your not hydro than don't even mess with rookwool for seeds. if you transplant them into dirt they're the shits for support, the roots are quite speratic, shooting long shoots instead of uniform. use peat pots or straight into a 6" pot.


Active Member
if your not hydro than don't even mess with rookwool for seeds. if you transplant them into dirt they're the shits for support, the roots are quite speratic, shooting long shoots instead of uniform. use peat pots or straight into a 6" pot.
I agree with GB. But since you've already put the seeds in the rockwool I wouldn't try to change it this time. :-)


Active Member
I agree with GB. But since you've already put the seeds in the rockwool I wouldn't try to change it this time. :-)
I already put them in rockwool once the root started popping from the seed. I placed them into the hole with the root going down the rockwool and simply closed the hole by squeezing in the rockwool hole. Than i placed them in a tray w a humidity dome with a t5 light over it(about 6-8 inches above the cubes. Is this ok?


Active Member
Yes thats fine i put my 4 foot t5 right over the dome i usualy alternate my bulbs one red one white they seem to really like this. One they sprout past the cube i will usually crack the dome about a half inch. A few days of that then i take the dome off keep them moist but not to much were u have water sitting on the bottom of the trey. Once roots are comeing out of the bottom of the cubes transplant into bigger cubes or soil
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Active Member
So having it in a dome, and a light over is ok, even though they haven't sprouted out the cubes yet? ( the roots have popped from the seeds already, so i placed them in the rockwool hole and covered the hole)


Active Member
Dome and Spray bottle rest is HISTORY......

:joint: Jayy's

So im good with the way i have it? dome, t5 lights on, rockwool cubes with holes covered waiting for it to pop out the hole? the roots have already popped from the seed but not from the cube yet so it looks like i have nothing in the cubes im good right?


New Member
Yes the dome and light and moist condition will help the seedling to pop up and develop roots!
Have fun!
+ rep if i helped! hahaha JK


Active Member
Yes the dome and light and moist condition will help the seedling to pop up and develop roots!
Have fun!
+ rep if i helped! hahaha JK
cool thanks, how should i run the water, people were telling me to check daily and keep the rockwool moist by spraying with ph water. I also have superthrive, when do i use this bad boy?


Active Member
I got a funny fealing your root is going to pop out before the top. When planting a sprouted seed in dirt 'the root goes "up", not down. The root does a 180 and heads back down and the top pops out. If the root pops first, plant it that way the top is inside somewhere.


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watsupbud : clean out your inbox, its full. Shot me a pm when you due because I cant reply to any of your pm's