Chances of survival? Leaf burn


Hey everyone, I have two plants right now, one is 2 weeks and the other is 2.5 weeks old. I just started with nutrients and diluted down to half strength. I thought I was being careful about shaking the watering can before each watering to mix the nutrients...but as I got to the bottom of the canister I experienced some leaf burn. I flushed with pure water and have been using just water for the past couple of days and trimmed off the dead/dying tissue. I'm just curious as to chances of survival for the plants and if they may experience adverse effects from this down the road. I'm sure the 2.5 week old will pull through, but the smaller plant is iffy. The strain I have is orange kush, they are outdoors (Hawaii), i organic potting soil and I am using Fox Farm supplements. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Well-Known Member
which fox farm supplements, and a plant that small really doesnt need very much dude, if anything.
at that age + size, nitrogen is your friend, everything else is risky


I've been using Grow Big (6-4-4) and Big Bloom. I cycled it in at half concentration after the 4th set of nodes were in and there were 5 leaves. I guess next time I'll hold off longer. Any idea on the survival chances?


From what i can tell there is 100% chance of survival. adjust the lights and fertilize accordingly depending on what defiency they're experiencing.


and i wouldnt introduce anything even nitrogen within the first 2-3weeks all the way up to a month. but thats just me.


New Member
You have the potential to pull them baby's through!
Now dont mess around and treat them like its GOLD!

:joint: Jayy's


Well-Known Member
haha yea survival rate: 100% dude. its a weed that likes to groooooow. very resilient plants. just be cool with it, dont overwater, dont over fert. thats usually the cause on the first grow