But carbon dating isn't exact, nor does anyone who understands it claim that it is. Carbon dating is an approximation. A very accurate approximation.
Scientists don't interpret carbon dating, they analyze the available data, then make an approximate conclusion based on that data.
....and for the record, carbon dating is only one of many ways to demonstrate the approximate age of fossils/the earth etc. All these methods use information, as opposed to conjecture and "interpretation". Science HAS proven it's point. The earth is billions of years old. Plus, even if we didn't have a way of measuring the approximate age of things via things like carbon dating, would that prove the existence of god? Science does not provide all the answers, but that's the beauty of science: it's allowed to be wrong. It's allowed to not have the answers. That in no way demonstrates the accuracy of the bible. Now we're getting into the "God of the gaps" argument, and that would be a complete derail of the thread.