Marijuana + Catnip = OMG

I have still yet to experiment with eating marijuana, I think ill take some of my bud and look for some sort of cooking recipes for cookies or brownies :D
lol ok, well then we hydro growers will continue to get our "dank rock hard nuggets of crystal goodness that doesn't taste like shit"



you'll switch one day....I was just like you.

Doesn't taste the same. Soil has a distinct flavor that hydro cannot match

Im not dissing hydro in any manner. I started out with hydro but switched to organic once my old dealer started getting all organic herb. I could taste the difference and the smoke was much more clean but twice as thick as the hydro he used to get
I'm interested in organic hydro but that will be a while from now. Ill never switch completely....
I don't care how right you think you are, you are wrong.

So you have hallucinated from cannabis is what you are saying?
look man
I am willing to accept i am wrong if i am proved to be so. I have no problem being wrong because the one who proves me wrong will have taught me something i didn't know before. So being wrong isn't a big deal... if i AM wrong, which i havn't been thus far excluding your opinion. And anyone else who thinks i'm wrong
So you have hallucinated from cannabis is what you are saying?
look man
I am willing to accept i am wrong if i am proved to be so. I have no problem being wrong because the one who proves me wrong will have taught me something i didn't know before. So being wrong isn't a big deal... if i AM wrong, which i havn't been thus far excluding your opinion. And anyone else who thinks i'm wrong read up.
So you have hallucinated from cannabis is what you are saying?
look man
I am willing to accept i am wrong if i am proved to be so. I have no problem being wrong because the one who proves me wrong will have taught me something i didn't know before. So being wrong isn't a big deal... if i AM wrong, which i havn't been thus far excluding your opinion. And anyone else who thinks i'm wrong
dude go back and read other posts, people agree with me again? SHIT UR STUPID lol
eating marijuana baked goods can be pretty psychadelic i've heard at high doses

I have heard edibles can be psychedelic
my buddy chris ate 7 medical brownies and said he freaked out and started trippin balls. I havn't personally seen or experienced this but honestly im good with one or 2 eddies. Atleast the ones i make! speaking of, ive got some zucchini bud bread in the fridge im gonna grub on...mmmmm
the change of mind state that occurs when you smoke marijuana is due to THC and it's hallucinogenic ability.. You don't have to see actual figures to hallucinate..
dude go back and read other posts, people agree with me again? SHIT UR STUPID lol
I don't care what that government regulated site says! The government has been against pot since the 1920s, of course they will classify it as a "mild hallucinogen"..because they never smoked the shit and want to give it a bads name! Anyone who smokes herb can tell you its not a hallucinogen, i agree eating it can be psychedelic but not to the point of hallucinating. Anyone who has tripped can agree
If you believe everything you read than i'm sorry but SHIT UR STUPID!

for fuck sakes school books aren't even factual to an extent.
the change of mind state that occurs when you smoke marijuana is due to THC and it's hallucinogenic ability.. You don't have to see actual figures to hallucinate..

"Hallucinations, strictly speaking, are perceptions that have no basis in reality, but that appear entirely realistic."

ya kinda like that.
in case you didnt know...


a combining form meaning “resembling,” “having some, but not all of the features of,” used in the formation of compound words: quasi-definition; quasi-monopoly; quasi-official; quasi-scientific.
I wouldn't call marijuana hallucinogenic. I've taken my fair share of acid and after you do that, weed will never come close to making you hallucinate. The only people who say weed makes you see shit are people who have never actually hallucinated.
I wouldn't call marijuana hallucinogenic. I've taken my fair share of acid and after you do that, weed will never come close to making you hallucinate. The only people who say weed makes you see shit are people who have never actually hallucinated.
OR smoked weed
I don't care what that government regulated site says! The government has been against pot since the 1920s, of course they will classify it as a "mild hallucinogen"..because they never smoked the shit and want to give it a bads name! Anyone who smokes herb can tell you its not a hallucinogen, i agree eating it can be psychedelic but not to the point of hallucinating. Anyone who has tripped can agree
If you believe everything you read than i'm sorry but SHIT UR STUPID!

for fuck sakes school books aren't even factual to an extent.

Here ya go, lol

Psychedelics are a subclass of Hallucinogens. Along with Dissociatives and Deliriants. Marijuana is, I agree, not properly fitted in Hallucinogen, or any class of drug. But it is closest fit in Hallucinogen.