Tell Me The Scams You Have Known drug Dealers to do


Well-Known Member
Bonnaroo is the greatest music festival in the U.S.A .
wow are you serious the first bonorroo was dope but ever since its gone down hill i havent gone to the last one even though its like 45 mins away if you didnt go to the first one then you really missed out


Active Member
i remeber some dealer spraying his shit with Raid.... it was bomb tho, shit got you all stoned and couch-lockedd. Until some1 got sick and died.


Well-Known Member
some ppl steam weed to make it heavier,add ground up fibre glass and theyll even add sand,,,that shit was happening alot over here in the uk,,,,


Well-Known Member
Knew a dealer who used to dip his stuff in whiskey to make it heavier, smelled foul and smoked horribly, most of it was leaves and shit never bought off him again but the lads did when they got desperate..

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
That musta been one hell of a napkin.
HAHAHAHAHA Ohhh my god i'm trippin still from last night and that made me fall of my chair. My stomach kinda hurts from laughing all night. But I sure hope that napkin was dipped in some acid for the troubles, it is cheap enough.
But I have gotten some chronic when I went to school in DeKalb at Northern Illinois University that looked like some beasters but I was fiendin so I bought it. Went to the dorm, put it in the grinder.......the grinder wouldnt turn. I took the bud out and the motherfucker somehow wrapped the nugs around screws and nails for weight. Then my friends came back from the cafe and said the just picked up some chronic that smelled dank.......turned out to be flowers, some random ass flowers from outside. It was a rough start. But it took me and my roomate 3 months staying there to learn that there was a guy ON OUR FLOOR who had a constant supply of Island Sweet Skunk.......Aint that a bitch. Right under our noses


Well-Known Member
The worst scam :

Get your boys into the narcs : raid the oppostion, then resell it back to his clients.

Then do it again.


Well-Known Member
I've only gotten ripped once as i always deal with friends.One time though i bought off this dude i barely knew and it was obvious he used something to make the weed heavier.


Well-Known Member
Lets see... Sugar water makes it look crystaly and heavy.. orange peel in the bag tell the kids its orange kush and its heavy.. putting stems in the bag. windex I've heard.. pretty much any kind of fruit to give the bud moisture. mixing in herbal smoke with bud as a lookalike. Hair spray to make it sticky. throwing in grinded leaves as shake..

My friend got a sack with pine needles in it once... ha.

worst I ever got was a damp sack with a huge 1gram stem in the middle you couldn't see due to the arrangement of the buds

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA Ohhh my god i'm trippin still from last night and that made me fall of my chair. My stomach kinda hurts from laughing all night. But I sure hope that napkin was dipped in some acid for the troubles, it is cheap enough.
But I have gotten some chronic when I went to school in DeKalb at Northern Illinois University that looked like some beasters but I was fiendin so I bought it. Went to the dorm, put it in the grinder.......the grinder wouldnt turn. I took the bud out and the motherfucker somehow wrapped the nugs around screws and nails for weight. Then my friends came back from the cafe and said the just picked up some chronic that smelled dank.......turned out to be flowers, some random ass flowers from outside. It was a rough start. But it took me and my roomate 3 months staying there to learn that there was a guy ON OUR FLOOR who had a constant supply of Island Sweet Skunk.......Aint that a bitch. Right under our noses

I wouldn't deal with that, theres a line to how much disgust i can take.

If you going to be so greedy, so shady, as to put nails and screws into your bud, i would come back and put a gun in your mouth and tell you of how sad of person you are.


Active Member
i've heard of people spraying there buds with spite of 7up soda pop to make the bud look like it has alot of THC the bud is very sticky and taste fruity witch simulates everything you want in bud and in the end leaves you very disapointed.


Well-Known Member
never been scammed i was , lucky to find bomb weed on my very second try yay me lol
(but in all seriousness the high was so heavy it worked on me not with me it was like i had died and was lookin at myself sweating my ass off while being hit by waves of pleasure
but the sugar water to add weight and lookalike trychomes i've heard of