serious feed back only!

LOL They never get a say in if they want to be born, so as much as I'd like to agree with that, I can't. As to everything else, I already said earlier that there isn't a great choice in it. Death is fucked. Foster is hell. Living with parents that didn't want you, is the most fucked part....
In my mom's own words, "I've resented him since the day he was born." †LOL† Bitch was a cunt, to be sure. With that said, my birth is the one single thing I thanked her for. Will be the last, too.
So op did you talk to you idiot brother yet?
Did you bring up abortion?
Just remember what's done is done. Does he have a job?

Lol if op WAS (not saying he is) a troll, he would be a pretty damn good one just for this thread, lol.
Very few people here have obviously been in the situation...

What would knocking him out achieve? It's done now, it's past the time for "stern chats" and he needs support now. He's probably more scared then he's ever been and doesn't need his family giving him shit when he needs them most.

Loads of big men on here with ZERO life experience obviously.
I doodled stoner Toads and half eaten 1Up mushrooms all over the whiteboard in class and my teacher loved it ^^ Hephaestus, I carry your legacy with me wherever I go <3
well, my brother just told my mom.....she aint hes gonna be off to help his girl tell her mom. were just tryin to get him threw highschool. crazy world...
no child or baby is born pre set to do criminal acts or be sucessful it up to the up bringing and the morals that are instilled in the child and even that dosent gurantee you anything at all
if you say so.. but wouldn't life as a successful person be better than a criminal....
no child or baby is born pre set to do criminal acts or be sucessful it up to the up bringing and the morals that are instilled in the child and even that dosent gurantee you anything at all

Yeah,my parents told me not to smoke pot! Lol.

Either way OP,he NEEDS to finish school for the child's sake. College/University would be great too if as a family you can help him out to that extent. Talking from experience ;)
I know some college profs that would disagree with you. What makes you think we are any different than any animal. If you can breed it out of dogs you can eliminate in humans too. The problem is it is not right to do so.

Edit: I was not inferring that anyone is set to be a criminal.
no child or baby is born pre set to do criminal acts or be sucessful it up to the up bringing and the morals that are instilled in the child and even that dosent gurantee you anything at all
My badd srry and them college prof are very far in between that belive that for anybody to say that life factors dont have any concequence to an individuals steps he or she takes in life is insane
i know some college profs that would disagree with you. What makes you think we are any different than any animal. If you can breed it out of dogs you can eliminate in humans too. The problem is it is not right to do so.

Edit: I was not inferring that anyone is set to be a criminal.
The differnce between us and animals is our brains and our understanding of the world around us sets us very far apart the day animals start reading writing etc with exception to primates ill agree that us and animals are the same
i know some college profs that would disagree with you. What makes you think we are any different than any animal. If you can breed it out of dogs you can eliminate in humans too. The problem is it is not right to do so.

Edit: I was not inferring that anyone is set to be a criminal.